♡163♡ - Rp Prompt

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Your unfortunate crush

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Your unfortunate crush... anyone else would call you crazy... in fact they do... you're a smart scientist and a great fighter but you've devoted your work all to studying... her... nobody could lie and tell you Cybil wasn't a beauty... but she was also crazy and murderous... perhaps it was what fascinated you. You were interested in her old studies... groundbreaking but abandoned for her goals. And why was she so crazy and how did she achieve so much so young? And her fighting... her styles were brash and unpredictable... you couldn't count one person who fought like her. You wanted so much to meet her... study her in person... and as your luck had it the mission you were on today lead you right to her. You stood before the woman you so wished to know and hesitated before presenting some flowers to her... black water lilies... rare but you heard they were her favorites. Cybil slowly lowered her gun when she noticed your romantic advances... especially in a field of dead friends and foes. She rolled her eyes and looked away "awe a widdle thing wants a date with me because I'm so cool and scawwy.... how cute! I could just... slit your throat..." she stepped over a body and grabbed you by your shirt "this is a joke to you, isn't it?!" You?

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