Yull Ball Proposal

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Severus sat down at the Slytherin table with a diary in his hands. In the diary were notes on potions, hexes, and even curses.. anything you could really imagine. Severus took a lot of time researching magic.. including dark magic which he oddly fancied.

"Writing in that diary still my dear friend." A tall blonde hair boy named Lucious said sitting down at table next to his close friend. "It's not a diary." Severus scoffed putting down his quill and switching his focus towards Lucious.

A few tables down a 6th year Ravenclaw asked a Hufflepuff to the Yull ball evreyone was cheering and clapping as Severus just watched in silence. It was a huge fuss and Severus couldn't seem to understand why everyone was making quite a big deal about it. After all it was just a school dance. Lucious grabbed a small flask from inside his robe and poured it into his cup. It was most likely butter bear. Lucious would constantly sneak huge bottles of it from the Leaky Cauldron after school hours.

"Ah, this Yull Ball nonsense is making me sick. Who wants to go to a shitty school dance with exspensive robes and crappy food a drinks?... No thank you."

"I thought you were going to ask Narcissa?" Severus asked while lucious sipped from his metal cup. "I'm only going because she wants to go. Besides, you gotta do what makes the lady happy." Lucious said with a flirtatious smirk on his face while patting Severus's shoulder. "Right..." Severus whispered closing his diary.

Suddenly, there was a loud distraction again. What could it be this time? And of course it was none other than James Potter. James stepped up on to the large table in great hall and held out his arms. Lily looked rather embarrassed as she kept telling him to get down. "Lily Evans!" James shouted as if all the attention wasn't  already on him. "Will you go to the Yull Ball with me!" James screamed as if the entire school couldn't already hear him.

Lily looked rather unsettled.. she turned and looked at Severus with a bit of sadness and concern in her eyes. Pressured at that moment Lily turned back and looked at James. "...um yeah.. alright" she smiled as James jumped off the table hugged her close. All the other Gryffindor's applauded as Sirius patted James on the back. Severus could feel his heart break as he watched all the other Gryffindor's celebrate.

"Great, the mud blood girls got a date and half us slytherins don't." Lucious said taking a big gulp of butter beer from his cup. Severus officially felt his blood boil. He  pulled out his wand and placed it under the tip luscious's chin. "Don't. Call. Her. That." Severus stood up and stormed out of the great hall. No one seemed to notice him leaving other than Lucious andLily.

Lily got a sad look on her face.. she than  decided to continue the festivities with the other marauders.

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