3:00 PM

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TW: Mention of Self-Harm

3:00 PM Came around and no Lily to be seen. Severus laid under the tree that they've been laying under since year one.. He opened his eyes and stared  at the clouds... two or so hours have passed and Severus laid there in complete silence. He was reminiscing on his thoughts and action. "I should've asked her when I had the chance" Severus whispered gazing up at the sunset.

Severus waved his wand created a fresh bouquet of flowers. He sighed looking at them.. Lilly's we're her favorite... that's one the reasons why Lily's name fit her so well. Severus closed his eyes as sudden loud shout came from a distance. "Not Again" Severus thought.

"She not coming you know." James yelled walking towards The Slytherin. Severus lifted his head looking over at the boy with the ridiculous glasses. "Is that so?" Severus said standing up and gazing towards Potter.

"She's got other priorities now Snivelous.. like me. So I think it's best you stop coming here and waisting her time. Besides, her and I need a new place to snog since we're no longer welcomed in the room of requirement." Severus could feel his heart beating out of his chest his eyebrows pressed together as rage filled his body

"What's that Snivy...? You didn't know about us being kicked out of room of requirement...? I mean, I thought evreyone knew about us having sex-"
"Shut up! Shut up!" Severus interrupted and ran pointing his wand at James Potter's chin. Fire was in Severus's blood.. and at any moment he could feel himself snap.

"Do it." James hissed. "Do it. You won't." Severus scrunched up his nose in anger "What makes you say I won't. I could curse and hex you to the point you would be on your knees begging for mercy." Severus said pushing his wand more into James's flesh.

"Is that so Snivelous? Well than, I can't wait to go show Lily those freshly cut scars than!" Severus lowered his wand and backed away a couple steps as james started charging towards him. James pushed Severous up against the tree with his wand pointed towards the thin mans chest.  "If you lay a finger on her..in anyway wether that be romantic or playtonic I will find you. Not only me.. Sirius, Remus, and Wormtaill.. do you here me?" James said visousley in Severus faces.

"Ah yes, your little Pack. How Terrifying" Severus hissed back at James

"Diffindo!" James shouted pointing his wand at Severus's wrist. The charm created a big cut going down his arm to his wrist.  Severus cried out in pain dropping to his knees trying to wrap up his cut in his spare robe. Blood stained his brand new dress shirt as he looked up at Potter standing above him.

"Ha, and Lily wouldn't even know that was me. She'd definitely think it was you because your always depressed all the time." James laughed "see you later Snivelous! Have fun going to the Yull Ball with Lucious Malloy!"

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