Promise Me

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After potions Lily wanted to get a chance to talk to Severus.. by the end of the day and classes were over Severus went to go write in his diary by Lily's tree. 

"Fancy seeing you here.." Lily said running and hugging Severus for what seemed like three solid minutes. "I worry about you Sev..." Lily said still in Severus's grasp. "I'm afraid of what you would do without me.. what you would do to yourself." Sev held her close. Closer than ever as he than pulled away and looked into her beautiful green eyes. Her eyes were his favorite thing about her.

"Promise me... that you'll never hurt yourself again."


"No.. promise me.. that no matter whatever happens to me you'll always keep yourself safe. Promise me you'll never do anything to harm yourself or to put yourself in danger... promise.."

A tear came to Severus's eyes... for moment..he really wanted to tell Lily what James had done.. but he couldn't. He couldn't bare to see her hurt any longer. A tear fell from Sev cheek as Lily wiped it away with her thumb.

"Promise me..."

Severus whispered.. as Lily hugged him as tight as she possibly could. She stood on her tiptoes and placed a gentle kiss on Severus's pale lips. Severus took a step back still touching lips with the girl of his dreams.. he kissed her back wrapping his hands around the girls waist. Sev's heart was beating a mile a minute.. he could feel a warm feeling in his stomach giving him butterfly's... he was finally kissing the girl of his dreams.

Lily broke there kiss with tears streaming down her face and hugged the Slytherin boy for what seemed like 30 minutes or so... his arms just felt like home to her. He made her

Severus took out his wand and made a vintage radio appear... playing on that radio was a sweet slow dance love song.

"I can't say I'm any good at dancing.. with all those classes for getting ready for the yull ball but..." Severus held out his hand allowing Lily to take it.

"You are one beautiful man Severus.. please never change... for nobody." Lily said excepting his hand and dancing with the tall boy.. they danced for at least 45 minutes or so as Lily begin to laugh. "You know, you are far better than James at dancing" Lily smiled

"You think?" Severus laughed gazing in the eyes of the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts.

"He always gets oddly sexual with it.." Lily laughed "with you.. I just feel like I'm flying." She smiled as she pressed her head into Severus chest. Severus kissed her on the head and eventually the night came to and end. A night.. Severus will never forget.

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