Yull Ball

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Severus walked into the Great Hall with the great Lucius Malfoy by his side. The two of them looked Regal as ever.. although Severus did feel somewhat self conscious in his new fancy robes. The whole room was dancing to the music that somewhat sounded like screaming mandrakes to Severus. Lucius got distracted almost immediately by a fountain of the Leaky Cauldrons finest butter bear. And than he quickly decided to go help himself.

Severus starred at the ground, fiddling with his fingertips, and shifting on each foot. He was desperately trying to avoid eye contact from anyone.. but he couldn't help but glance up for a split moment only too see the girl of his dreams.

Lily stood at the opposite side of the room. She was wearing a bright red, sparkly, formfitting gown that had a slit on her left leg down to the floor. She was by far the most beautiful lady there... but Severus already knew she was the most beautiful girl at Hogwarts. Suddenly, for a moment. All the people disappeared in Severus's mind.. and it was just him.. and the girl he loved since year one.. Lily Evans.

Severus thought Lily was beautiful in everything... even the time she showed up to potions in pajamas cause she slept through class...

Lily looked up from her glass of butter beer and finally made eye contact with Severus.

Lily spat out her drink on to the ground.. quickly drawing lots of attention towards her. Another Gryffindor muttered something to a Ravenclaw along the lines of "woah, Severus actually looks hot." Lily couldn't Beilieve her eyes. She never saw Severus quite made up like this. The suit enhanced all of his beauty. And His hair was combed and freshly washed and pressed.. he looked so put together and so dashing that he even looked better than all the men there including Gidlore Lockhart, Lucius Malloy... and yes.. even James Potter.

Lily smiled still remaining eye contact with Severus she started to walk towards her best friend with the biggest smile across her lips. Severus loved When she smiled because  it could light up an entire room..

Severus's heart began to pump out of his chest. A small smirky smile grew on his face as well as he started taking small steps towards the beautiful red head.

Suddenly, out of nowhere...James walked infront of Lily not even noticing she was on her way to walk up to Severus. James kissed Lily on cheek. "May I have this dance?" James asked smiling and holding out his hand towards the beautiful girl in red. A solid second went by and Lily didn't answer James... all she could do was stare at Severus.

"What? What is it?" James said turning around and focusing his eyes on what Lily was fascinated by. "Ha, Snivelous finally borrowed some of his boyfriend's clothes and washed his hair for a change" James laughed as Sirius overheard the conversation and laughed out load spitting out his butter beer on to Lupins maroon suit.

You could see the fire in Lily's green eyes as she pulled James close by the collar. "If you say one more thing about him. You will be dancing alone tonight James Potter." Lily said with a sassy hint in her voice. She smiled and walked her way towards the Slytherin boy. "Meow." Sirius laughed as James punched him in the stomach.

Lily finally made her way up to Severus. She hugged him as tight as ever... and wrapped her arms around his neck and started to dance with her life long best friend."You look... beautiful.." Severus whispered in Lily's ear. The red head blushed and smiled looking up into the eyes of the Slytherin boy. "I look beautiful?! You.. are by far the most handsome guy here" Lily blushed looking into Severus's Dark and mysterious eyes.

"Even more handsome than Potter?" Severus thought in his head.

James stood from a distance squeezing his fists and sweating viciously. Sirius stood by James's shoulder chugging another cup of butter bear this was probably his third or fourth cup by now. "I told him not to lay a finger on her." James hissed not taking his gaze off the two best friends smiling in each-others gaze. "Should we have a go out at him?" Sirius whispered with laugh.  All of a sudden James had a big smirk on across his face and adrenaline rushed through his body. "I have a plan."

"Oh lillllllly" Sirius yelled walking towards the red head. "Come see what Moony and Wormtail are doing." Sirius smiled taking Lily's hand and leading her to the opposite side of the room once more. "Oh- ok.. bye Sev! I'll talk to you later!" Lily said while being rushed away by Sirius Black.

Severus sighed, hoping that won't be the last he saw of Lily for the night... but the night must go on.

Always ~ A Snily Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang