Backstories & Info -Sherwin Faye

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Sherwin Faye 

-13 years old

-Male, Gay

-How many siblings: 3

Catherine "Cathy" Faye [21] *alive

Bobby Faye [16] *alive

Melanie "Melly" Faye [6] *alive

-Mother: Vivian Faye [44] *alive

-Father: Mason Faye [46] *dead

Pass-time (Talents and Hobbies): Music (Triangle, Piano, Singing), Art (Traditional Painting, Drawing and Sketching), Good at Math, Likes to do poetry as a pass-time

Likes: LGBTQIA+ Memes, Art, Music, Literature, Math, Video Games (HC: That he gets aggressive in video games)

Dislikes: Bullies, Yo mom /j, Blood, Needles, Gore, Thomas and Arthur (those two side hoes in the film)


Jonathan Levi Perez (Boyfriend) 

:They get into conflict sometimes but it's never super serious and they make up in the end, they cannot live without each other let me tell you that, Jonathan loves PDA but tones it down for Sherwin. 

Catherine Faye (Older Sister)

:They're not really close but they're on good terms and they take turns babysitting Bobby and Melanie lmao, Cathy was 8 when Sherwin was born and was very excited and took care of him a lot until she moved out, their bond kinda broke but it's not that bad. 

Bobby Faye (Older Brother)

:Bobby pretends to not care but he does and is actually pretty protective of Sherwin and Melanie but doesn't know how to take care of himself cause he smokes weed and gets a new girlfriend every week or so

Melanie Faye (Younger Sister)

:They are closest since Cathy only visits ever so often, Bobby is always out doing either girls or drugs, and their mom is overworking herself since she's a single parent with four fuckong kids (minus Cathy, she can take care of herself)

Iris Rory Lilura Perez (Best Friend, Potential Sibling-In-Law)

:Lily likes to bother Sherwin a lot, they exchange love advice when needed cause Lily is somehow and expert at romance despite being a single and Sherwin gets it from experience. They play Genshin and sing/listen to music together.

Arthur Max Perez (Enemy, Potential Brother-In-Law)

:They exchange dirty looks sometimes but nothing ever gets violent cause despite how much Arthur hates Sherwin, or Sherwin hates Arthur they can't really hurt each other because they both care about Jonathan. (Arthur probably hates Sherwin for dating his twin brother idk) (also imma call Arthur "side hoe #3" on certain occasions just bc its funny)

Vivian Faye (Mother)

:They are pretty close, Sherwin takes care of her because she just overworks herself that much and won't stop and Sherwin is just concerned.

Mason Faye (Father)

:he's dead btw, uhh but he died when Sherwin was like 7 and they were very close like the loved to play and Mason dedicated his life to Sherwin, and whenever Sherwin needed something he would ask him. Basically Sherwin is a daddy's boy. You could probably tell how devastated Sherwin was when he found out he died. If he was alive he would be supportive bc he just loves his baby that much. also do u ever just make a father figure you never had and wished he was real? no reason, just asking. 

Mary Perez (Potential Mother-In-Law)


David Perez (Potential Father-In-Law)

:David declares Sherwin as one of the men in family and takes him, Jon and Arthur on trips for men he calls it, its sweet of him to welcome Sherwin to the family like that :)

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