Third Wheel

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Just Lily being a third wheel, its a small price to pay for hanging out with the couple a lot

But basically, we are further exploring Lily (and a new character 😳) in this oneshot, not interested? Yeah I thought so. 


Jonathan placed a kiss on Sherwin's cheek, they giggled as they ate their lunch together. With.. Another person. Who isn't too happy about being a third wheel. 

"Uhh.. Okay? Maybe not in front of my salad??" Lily said, shoving a hash brown into his mouth. "You don't even like salads, Lily." Jonathan stated. "I'm just saying," Lily started in between chews, "Try and save your PDA until I get a partner." "No." Jonathan responded. "Whatever."

The couple continued their sweet actions until they saw a particular student walk by just to smile and wave at Lily. To which Lily blushed and waved back. After the student was far enough, Jon teased, "Oooh~, Lilura's got a crush?" 

"Shut up, dude." Lily looked a bit panicked and looked at the students direction to see if they heard. "Awww, really?" Sherwin smiled. "..I mean, yes, but she's waaaay out of my league. I mean, look at her!" Lily exclaimed, subtly pointing at said student. It was quite rare to see Lily getting this visibly unconfident. Like, sure she got unconfident all the time but she never showed that. 

The student they were whispering all about was Mia Rose Greenfields, She was popular, kind and beautiful with her straight, shoulder-length black hair that faded into a pinkish lavender, she was of average height, she had a gorgeous face with her rosy cheeks and freckles that looked like they were all carefully placed by God himself in specific places that just made her look all-around adorable, not to mention her circular glasses. She was also very intelligent and friends with everyone. It would be no surprise, many students would want to be with her. 

"Don't say that! You're a great person!" Jonathan encouraged. "Thanks, bro. But, how do you think I could ask her out in a way that could leave her in awe?" This was so out of Lily's character, see, he never had a problem with flirting, or getting anyone she wanted. But Mia is different. She made Lily feel some type of way that just changed her perspective of things, she made Lily want to be perfect for her. 

"Well, I personally don't think it has to be absolutely extravagant. I'm sure the only thing that would matter for Mia is how much love you put into it." Sherwin said, leaning closer to his boyfriend. Jonathan nodded in agreement. "I love her a lot.." Lily mumbled, looking down with a smile. Those words were audible enough for the couple to hear though. 

Sherwin put a hand on his chest and smiled as if he were Lily's mom. "That's so sweet!" 

The trio continued to have lunch and talk about stuff until it was time to go to class. But before the trio could actually leave the cafeteria, Someone exclaimed, "Wait!" as they were running towards the group. They turned around to find it was Mia, shouldn't she be in class right now? She does have a streak for punctuality after all. "O-oh.. What is it?" Lily asked, a blush rising once again on their face. She gave Lily a neatly folded note and ran to class. "Oh.. Well.." Lily unfolded the card, Sherwin and Jonathan were on each side of Lily's shoulder so that they could read the contents of it. 


Hey Lily,

You seem pretty cool and I wanna hangout, so meet me after school outside if you wanna?

-Mia :)


Lily reread the card word per word with wide eyes and an impossibly redder face. Sherwin was visibly more excited than Lily seemed and Jonathan was simply happy his sister was getting somewhere. Sherwin seemed like he was gonna explode so to calm him down a bit, Jonathan placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. 

--(Time Skip to after school)

Once the trio walked out of their respective classes, Lily looked like he was in his best mood, for obvious reasons. "So.. Are you gonna have your date now or??" Sherwin asked. "Oh hush! It's not a date, Mia clearly said it was a hangout!" Lily responded, looking embarrassed. That was when they turned to Jonathan's direction, "Hey Jon, could you help me with, I dunno.. Looking decent?" Lily asked. She had Black unkept hair and a less than perfect face, especially with his Dark Brown eyes which they call basic. "You can count on me." Jonathan smiled. "Thanks, man."
Lily said. "It's nothing. Now first of all, put this on." Jonathan gave her some folded clothes in a plastic bag. "Uhh.. Okay?" Lily took the bag and went to the restroom to change. 

--(After changing)

"How do I look?"

Lily walked out with a cardigan that had the typical pattern of a sweater vest, a brown bag, some black pants and light pink shoes.

Lily walked out with a cardigan that had the typical pattern of a sweater vest, a brown bag, some black pants and light pink shoes

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Jon and Sherwin gave a thumbs up, "Good, now come here, I need to do you hair." Jonathan gestured to come closer. In which, Lily complied. 

Jonathan's own smooth and perfect hair spoke for him, saying that he's an expert at hair styling. So he worked his magic and Lily's impossibly messy hair turned into something appealing to say the least. It was only at about chin-length so Jonathan had limited styles. He simple combed her hair to look more kept and soon Lily looked like she had a chin-length bob cut. Which, she did but it wasn't very obvious with her hair that seemed messier than Sherwin's. Jonathan gave his sibling a mirror and when they checked himself out, he looked pretty amazed. "Wow, Jon. You really know my style." "Of course, I AM your brother after all." Lily gave Jon his mirror back, "I don't have any makeup on me so I hope this'll do." Jonathan said. "Oh! No need for makeup. I like being comfortable, thank you." Lily commented. (Important note that makeup isn't a bad thing, It's just Lily's personal preference and if makeup makes you feel good then go for it!) Jonathan and Sherwin laughed. "Okay but really, I have to go now, Thanks again!" Lily said running to the school's front gate, waving at the couple.

The couple looked at each other, both with confidence in Lily and love for each other. 



First of all, this is the longest chapter I've ever written in this book. Second of all I would like to thank you guys for the reads and for getting me in #2 in IAHB and other ratings I am also proud of. This wasn't the best oneshot for it wasn't Sherwithan focused but I wanted to make a oneshot further exploring Lily, Jonathan's younger sibling and Sherwin's best friend. 

Oh and Incase you were wondering, the hangout went well and Lily's love for Mia may be reciprocated some time in the future ;)

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