Backstories & Info -Jonathan Levi Perez

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Jonathan Levi Perez                        

-13-14 years old 

-Male, Gay

-How many siblings: 2

Arthur Max Perez [13-14] *alive

Iris Rory Lilura Perez [12] *alive

-Mother: Mary Perez [39]

-Father: David Perez [44]

Pass-Time (Talents and Hobbies): Sports (He likes all of them but he literally cannot swim if his life depended on it *yes this is inspired, i forgot where i got it from but whatever, comment if you find anyone with the same hc ill credit them unless it isn't theirs* also he can't skateboard, this is also inspired *you know the drill*), Dancing, Music (Guitar *one of the many reasons why he's such a heartthrob*), He likes to draw sometimes actually but he doesn't consider it a talent, He may consider making music in the future, Reading

Likes: Music, Sports, Arcade games, Cool hoverboards, Literature, Fruit

Dislikes: Bullies, deez nuts /j (you can tell im running out of ideas), Bad hair days, Social events (despite being perfect and all he does not enjoy socializing *that excludes Sherwin and his family*)


Sherwin Faye (Boyfriend)

:They get into conflict sometimes but it's never super serious and they make up in the end, they cannot live without each other let me tell you that, Jonathan loves PDA but tones it down for Sherwin.

Arthur Max Perez (Twin)

:Arthur was born first btw, they fight quite often but despite that they still love each other and they wouldn't replace each other with anyone.

Iris Rory Lilura Perez (Younger Sibling)

:They are actually inseparable oh my god, They have near nothing in common (since Lily is not perfect at all in other peoples' eyes but Jonathan is) but that never got in the way of their siblinghood. 

Mary Perez (Mother)

:Mary likes to spoil her children, Jonathan no different. She loves Jonathan very much and likes to smother him with motherly kisses and hugs whenever she gets the chance.

David Perez (Father)

:I smell a role model !!!!!!, David also likes to spoil his children, He's a fun father and protective of his family, Seriously, he would do anything for them. Jonathan looks up to him for his protectiveness and wishes one day he could be the kind of man he is. 

That Blonde side hoe i mean, Thomas Johnson (Frenemy, Ex-Boyfriend)

:It's canon they're exes look it up, No more romantic attraction between the two not one bit, They're current relationship? Ehh it's complicated, It's no secret Sherwin dislikes this guy cause of how mean he is and so does he but they hang out sometimes dunno how.

Catherine Faye (Acquaintance, Potential Sister-In-Law)

:He literally knows nothing about her other than she's Sherwin's older sister, but whenever she comes home they interact respectfully and quite formally. 

Bobby Faye (Acquaintance, Potential Brother-In-Law)

:Jonathan doesn't think he poses a threat he just finds him a little scary and Bobby doesn't really talk to him or even make an effort to bond (rude). 

Melanie Faye (Friend, Potential Sister-In-Law)

:Melanie sometimes reminds Jonathan of Little Lily so he treats Melanie like his own little sister (so cute). They play whenever Jonathan comes to visit haha.

Vivian Faye (Potential Mother-In-Law)

:Jonathan genuinely wants to take care of her since it's quite obvious she needs it but Vivian always resists and claims she can take care of herself (of course, she says this in a respectful way).

Mason Faye (Like, if he were alive I would put "Potential Father-In-Law" but he's not alive so)

:If he were alive he would like Jonathan after a while of assuming he's an f-boy. That's literally it. The whole relationship.

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