9| Neglected

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"Your first obligation as a Parent is not to bring Chaos into your kid's life."


"Welcome, Ms. Cohen, I'm glad to know that you've decided to change your mind. They are all good kids, so you wouldn't have to worry about them." A female officer said, whose name I did not bother to recall, and I nodded my head.

"Have you got the paperwork ready?" I inquired, and she nodded before motioning to a folder on her desk.

"Yes, I have, since you called and demanded to have them ready, but wouldn't you like to meet and get to know a little bit about your siblings first." She asked sceptically, and I shrugged in response.

"We'll have the rest of our lives to get to know each other, I need to get back to London for an important meeting, but I'm sure we'll be able to meet and greet on the way." I said and raised my eyebrow to see if she has anything else to wonder about.

The officer, relying on her rationality for once, nodded her head and pushed the file in front of me, for me to sign and legally accept the guardianship of five children.

Well not me, for Azalea, but whatever.

I took the folder and opened the file, while taking the pen from the pen stand which was sitting on the officer's table.

I effortlessly forged Azalea's signature, which flowed out on the piece of paper from the numerous times I had forged her signatures.

Carden, Azalea and I have memorised each other's signatures by heart, just in case we need to use it.

Azalea's going to be pissed at me though–

Or maybe not,

I honestly have no idea–

Anyways, I signed the papers and told the officer to bring the kids out, because we needed to leave.

She excused herself and left me in the office to get Azalea's siblings.

Azalea, for as long as I can remember, has always wanted a sibling, and in the facility with Evan around was the only time I saw my friend being herself, or even a semblance of the girl with a beam of light in her heart.

She had been always there for Evan, even after she became a complete lost cause.

Evan was the only one who could get Azalea to react after she had become a shell of a lifeless person due to the time she spent in jail, even when she had completely forgotten any emotion.

He was the one, who no matter how bad Azalea got, stood by his sister, even till his last breath.

And it was for this reason only that I wanted the concept of siblings to come back to her life.

I want her to be frustrated, I want her to get sad, I want her to be happy, I want her to laugh, I want her to cry, I want her to feel grateful, I want her to feel loved; all I want is for her to experience emotions other than just anger.

And that's the job those five kids will have to do.

From what I have learned about them, they all have very different personalities from one another, and when you blend different personalities together, with the one who has a very boring and stoic personality; an explosion may occur, and I'm really hoping that they will test Azalea's patience.

The oldest among Hale siblings is Elian Hale, age 17, a typical bad boy who is protective of his younger siblings but gets himself into a lot of troubles and fights. He smokes, drinks and is overall rude to everyone as if they had shitted on his cereal. He's pretty complicated, but then again what kid isn't.

Azalea |18+|Where stories live. Discover now