Chapter One

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Sam and Dean were investigating a string of strange disappearances in Kentucky which had a disturbing pattern. Day in and day out, the two found women had been vanishing, or some returned dead with strange teeth marks on their neck. They knew it wasn't a vampire, since a vampire would only bite their victim's neck and suck them dry. This was a whole new weird even for them. The victims had been coming back with not just teeth marks but torn to shreds like some sort of wild animal had attacked each victim.

"Could this case get any weirder?" Dean complained. They were running out of ideas on which supernatural creature they were hunting. Sam was busy sitting at his laptop and doing his best to figure out what they were dealing with, but continued to hit roadblocks.

"I think we need to go back to check on that corpse, man," Sam responded. "We must have missed something," he continued. "There's no way that this was a vampire's doing. They never tear their victims apart, they only drain them dry,"

"Then let's get going," Dean responded as he walked over to their closet and pulled out their suits. "Even though I hate these things, we can't get in dressed in our civilian clothes,"

"Yeah, let's get to this," Sam responded. The brothers quickly got dressed and walked out of their motel room to go to the hospital and investigate the corpse that was recently discovered. While Sam and Dean were heading to the hospital, Robin stood nearby and watched the impala pull out of the parking lot. There was a gentle breeze as her red hair blew with the wind, as she watched the impala drive off her mate approached her, snapping her from her thoughts.

"Are you really just going to stand here and watch those hunters drive off?" her mate said.

"I don't see you doing anything," Robin responded. "Besides, we wouldn't be in this situation if you hadn't fucked up."

"You know what it's like," her mate answered. "We need to eat,"

"Yes, but don't you think that tearing someone limb from limb and drinking their blood was a little excessive?" asked Robin.

"Says the woman who removed someone's pituitary gland," her mate responded.

"Max," Robin complained. "I get we can survive on either, but why bring attention to ourselves?"

"Have you forgotten what our boss told us?" Max questioned. "We were meant to lead the Winchesters here, then try to lure Dean into a trap,"

"I will get to that," Robin responded. "Don't get your fangs in a twist," she continued. "Look, they're heading to the hospital now. I'm going to head there and try to trick Dean," she kept going. "Tell our boss that I won't let Dean get inside my head and he will have whom he wants."

"Fine," Max responded and transformed into a golden retriever before taking off back to their hideout. Robin sighed, seeing that she had no choice but to talk to Dean again, although he had saved her sorry ass once. She took off toward the hospital in order to find Dean. Meanwhile, back at the hospital, Sam and Dean were talking with a staff member. The staff member brought the brothers to the morgue, where he pulled open the door for the most recent victim.

"Becky white," the staff member said. "At least what we could make out of her,"

"Sir," Sam said. "If I remember correctly, you said that she was bitten and torn to shreds?"

"Yes," responded the staff member. "But that's not all. With a little more examination of the corpse, we found that part of their brain had been taken out." Sam and Dean narrowed their eyes, wondering what the staff member had meant. To prove it, the man opened the body bag and turned the girl's head around. He pointed out that their pituitary gland was snagged, and the cause of death was that it had sucked them dry. "Agents, if you can explain this, I'd be glad, but as it stands, the sheriff's department is flabbergasted by what they've seen." He continued. "All they could think about was a serial killer, but they aren't sure of their motives,"

"Thank you sir," Dean said. "We'll take it from here," the staff member nodded and left the room at the same time Sam and Dean turned to look at each other. "What the hell? I thought we were dealing with a vampire or Werewolf, now a kitsune?"

"Dean, this is the first for me too," Sam responded.

"So what? Now we have a werewolf, vampire, and kitsune working together?" Dean questioned. "Last I checked, those three creatures never mix,"

"Well, there are some lore that say they can become a tribrid but that is rare," Sam said. The brothers pushed the body back into the small storage area and closed the door. Whatever was going on, they needed to find out or else someone could become the next victim. Sam and Dean walked out of the hospital and were making their way to the nearest café when out of the corner of his eye, Dean had seen someone he wasn't expecting to see in a long time since he and his brother had stopped a haunting from going wrong.

"Sammy, I'll meet you at the café. There's something I need to do," Dean said. Sam looked at his brother, confused, but shrugged it off as nothing more than his brother being his typical horny self. Sam nodded at his brother and walked to the nearest café. Once Sam was out of sight, Dean walked across the street as the girl he assumed must have been Robin was walking along the sidewalk. Dean kept his distance, hoping that he didn't confuse a girl with Robin. After all, she was his first love and sadly his first kiss. He sped up and tapped the girl on her shoulder. The girl turned to come face to face with Dean.

"Robin?" Dean said in shock.

"Hey Dean," Robin said. "Long time no chat,"

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