Chapter Six

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Sam kept asking Garth the same questions over and over. It was no surprise Garth was going to get annoyed with Sam. He sighed and repeated everything he said. Even though Sam was worried about his brother, if Dean wasn't saved before the ritual, then that meant not only was Sam a goner, but Dean wouldn't know what was going on or why he did it. Now here Sam was having to figure out how to save his brother before he became a sacrifice or worse, a chew toy for the tribrid's.

"Garth, there's got to be something we could do," Sam said. "If there's a possibility to turn my brother back to human, then tell me please," he continued. "I don't want to lose my brother, especially not to tribrid's," he kept going. "Is there some sort of cure? Like the vampire cure or werewolf cure?" Garth remained silent for a little and all Sam could hear in the background was a lot of opening and closing books, even flipping pages was also heard. "Garth?"

"Got it!" Garth exclaimed into the phone. "There is a potential cure, but I don't know if it'll work,"

"What is it?" Sam asked, desperate to save his brother.

"Well, first you need the blood of an alpha," Garth explained. "But that's going to be hard unless you figure out who the alpha is," he continued. "Next, you need liquid sage and yellow wolfsbane. You combine these ingredients together and it'll create the antidote," he kept going. "But Dean must not go through with the ritual since it requires him to kill someone. If he kills someone, then it'll be too late, and Dean would remain a tribrid for the rest of his life,"

"Where can I find the liquid sage and wolfsbane?" Sam questioned. "It's not like those things are lying around,"

"There is one place I could think of," Garth said. "Try a local witchcraft store, there's one in every state, and Sam, whatever you do, let neither of the tribrid's attack you or bite you, one bite and you will change, now get to work you have to do this before seven the next morning, good luck,"

"Wait!" Sam yelled.

"What now?" Garth questioned.

"How do I administer it?" Sam asked.

"It can be administered by an injection or by the victim drinking it," Garth answered. "Now stop talking to me and start working!" he hung up before Sam could ask anymore questions.

"Thanks for your help, Garth," Sam said to the phone, even though the line was already cut. Now that Sam knew what to do about the cure, he wrote everything he needed down and walked out of the motel in search of the two ingredients to create the cure. However, he wasn't sure about how he could find the alpha. The only other option would have been for Sam to follow Dean or for him to force the answers out. Dean Winchester felt he was physically controlling his body, but he wasn't mentally there, it was like something completely took him over. The only thing that kept him from doing anything reckless or killing an innocent person was his love for his brother. After his attack on his brother, he could still feel the silver on his arm. It was a never ending burning sensation that spread throughout his arm. After he jumped out the window, he wasn't sure where he was going, only that he felt he needed to be somewhere else. Not with his brother, but with a pack. Dean roamed the streets back to his human form racking his brain, trying to figure out what happened. However, as he thought back to everything that had happened, Dean heard a strange voice in his head. He tried everything to get his brain to stop thinking so fast, but the voice sounded nothing like his.

"Dean Winchester, it's lovely to have you in my pack," the voice said. "Of course, it's a little hard considering you aren't here yet,"

"Who are you and what do you want?" Dean questioned.

"Me? Oh, nothing really, except I need you to come and meet me at the old run-down mill," the voice answered. "I know you've got questions, especially about your transformation. All you've got to do is come here and I will explain everything."

"How do I know I can trust you?" Dean warned. "Whoever you are, you'll need to do better than that,"

"Oh come now, don't start acting like that," it said cooly. "If you want answers, then come to the mill or else I will hurt every single person in this town,"

"Asshole," Dean growled.

"The choice is yours, Dean Winchester," With that said, the voice cut the connection, forcing Dean to snap out of it. He wasn't sure who that person was, but if they were going to threaten him, then he needed to stop this person or else things would spiral out of control. Everyone in the town would be in danger. Determined to figure out who was behind his transformation and to understand what was going on, Dean took off toward the nearest run-down mill. When he arrived, he saw that there were people standing outside the entrance. Dean walked over to the entrance, but before he could enter, the two people guarding the entrance stopped him. Dean rolled his eyes and demanded to be let through, but the two guards had something else in mine.

"Sorry, sir, but we can't let you through," the first guard said. "Alpha's orders,"

"I don't give a damn what your alpha says," Dean responded. "I was told to come here, by your alpha himself, now dumbasses. If you don't mind, I would like to get through." The guards looked at each other. Their senses had heightened and they could smell that Dean was one of them. Without arguing, he allowed Dean to step through. Dean huffed and walked into the old mill, though the minute he arrived at the center of the room, he saw a familiar face staring out the window.

"Glad you came to your senses, Dean," said the man.

"Cut the chitchat. Who are you?" Dean asked rudely.

"My, how rude of me. I was hoping you would remember who I was," he responded, and turned around to reveal his identity. "It's good seeing you again Dean,"

"Gordon?!" Dean exclaimed. 

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