Chapter Two

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Dean was still shocked to find that Robin was no longer teaching the kids how to play guitar but instead she was here in California for some reason. While he was glad to see her, he was curious as to why she didn't reach out to him.

"Robin?" Dean questioned. "What are you doing here?"

"I finally found a way to get out of that café that my father wanted me to take over," Robin responded. "What are you doing here? Are you working a case?"

"Well...yeah," Dean answered. "To be honest, we're kind of stumped as to what we are dealing with," he explained. "It's like the thing we're hunting has come up with a new way to attack," he continued. "Hey so, are you busy?"

"Not really I was going to head over to this café," Robin explained. "It's got frappes and even boba tea," she said. "I was going to head there alone, but would you like to come along?" Dean couldn't pass up the opportunity to have another shot with Robin and this time he was determined not to mess it up despite the fact that he and his brother were working on a case.

"Sure," Dean responded. "Let me give my brother a call first," Robin nodded her head as she stepped away to give Dean some space. Dean dialed his brother's number and told him that he was going to hang out with an old friend. Sam was protesting a lot since he wanted to remind his brother that they were supposed to focus on a case not spend time with old friends. Despite the protests, Dean told him not to worry about it and that he would get back to the motel sooner. Without letting his brother finish, he hung up and walked over to Robin. "Now that that's settled, why don't we go to the bar, get know each other again,"

"Of course," Robin said as she led Dean to the nearest bar, the two walked into the bar and ordered a couple drinks. Meanwhile back at the motel, Sam wasn't happy that Dean was not answering the phone. He was also not happy that his brother was hanging out with someone from his past. It was ridiculous, if his father were here he would have told Dean to focus on the job and never to get sidetracked. A few hours later, Sam realized that Dean had been out for a really long time which started to worry him. Sam was about to call his brother when he heard the door to their motel room open to find that Dean was tired and exhausted.

"Dean where the hell have you been?" Sam questioned his brother. "I've been waiting for you for over an hour!"

"Sorry man I told you I was going to spend time with Robin," Dean responded.

"For over an hour?" Sam asked, before Dean could say anything, Sam had noticed bite marks on His brother's neck like someone had bitten him. "Dude what happened to your neck? And why are you acting like your drunk? Tell me you didn't go to the bar,"

"I did Sammy and had a wonderful evening," Dean responded. Sam raised an eyebrow, wondering if his brother was drugged. "So any news on those bodies? Or what we're dealing with?"

"Are you gonna be able to focus?" Sam questioned. Without giving Dean a chance to answer Sam proceeded to explain the situation and what type of breed they were dealing with. "I still think we're dealing with a tribreed, which is a new one for me," he explained. "According to the lore, tribrid's can be any number of supernatural creatures from vampires to even wendigos," he continued. "From the looks of it we're dealing with a tribrid with a vampire, kitsune, and werewolf, which is a new one for me but the problem is it doesn't say anything about..." before Sam could finish he heard his brother snoring. "Killing them."

Sam sighed since Dean passed out. He knew that Dean will have to wake up at some point but for now there was nothing he could really do. The next day, Dean had groaned and started throwing up in the toilet while Sam had just gotten back from his run, upon hearing his brother throwing up, Sam raced to check on him.

"Dean?!" Sam exclaimed "are you alright?"

"Ugh Sammy I feel like crap," Dean complained "what happened to me? I don't remember drinking that much,"

"What happened?" Sam said as Dean stepped out from the bathroom and dried his mouth. "You were acting either drunk or you were drugged after you met up with Robin,"

"I don't remember hooking up with her," Dean answered "I mean I remember talking to her but after that it's all blank,"

"Did you even hear what I said last night?" Sam asked.

"Something about a tribrid?" Dean said uncertain about what his brother was talking about. Sam groaned in annoyance seeing that his brother never actually listened. Sam proceeded to explain what they could be dealing with leaving Dean surprised. "So we're dealing with a vampire, Kitsune, werewolf tribrid? What the hell is going on with this world?!"

"Well whatever it is we have to figure it out," Sam answered. Meanwhile, Robin arrived back at her boss's head quarters since she had started talking with Dean again. She knew that her boss needed one of the Winchester's to make his people stronger. Especially if he planned to continue making his pack bigger to a point where they can spread all over the world like a virus.

"Ah yes, Robin so glad you could finally return," her boss said as he turned in his chair revealing who he was. Gordon smirked evilly since Robin had returned. "What news do you bring me?"

"I have already started affecting Dean Winchester, sir," Robin said. "If I keep going, I'm sure that I will be able to bring him to you by the end of the week,"

"And what of Sam Winchester?" Gordon asked. "Do you have any idea how to deal with him?"

"Oh I know exactly what I'm gonna do with him," Robin responded. "Just sit back and watch,"

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