Chapter Seven

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"So glad that you recognize me, Dean," Gordon said. "Though finding you was harder than finding a mate,"

"What do you want, you son of a bitch?" Dean questioned.

"Careful what you say to an alpha Dean," Gordon responded. "Besides, don't you think you should be more grateful?"

"Grateful?! How the hell did you fucking turn me into a damn tribrid?!" Dean exclaimed. Gordon laughed seeing that Dean would not give up that easily, but to him, it was more fun to break a new member.

"Let's just say I had some help," Gordon explained. "Now then, you know you can trust me, right? After all, you've trusted me before."

"You asshole, I will never trust you!" Dean yelled. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to leave," Dean attempted to walk away. However, the minute he stepped toward the door, Robin entered the old mill, causing Dean to stop in his tracks. It surprised him to find out Robin was a tribrid as well. Dean felt so stupid, so used. Now here he was, stuck between Gordon and his ex-girlfriend. "Robin?"

"Hi Dean," Robin said. "Why the shocked expression, Dean?" she continued. "Were you not expecting me to cause all of this?"

"But..How did.." Dean started. Robin laughed and crossed her arms over her chest.

"There's this thing that tribrid's can do. We can compel our victims to do what we want," she explained. "Hell, they don't even realize that we're doing it and when we look into their eyes, we can get them to do anything that we want." She kept going. "Don't worry, you'll learn yourself, eventually."

"You son of a b.." Dean was about to finish when Gordon snapped his fingers.

"Silence!" he yelled. "Before you can join the pack Dean, kill the one closest to you," Dean thought about what he was talking about for a few minutes until realization hit. "That's right, you've got to kill your brother,"

"Forget it!" Dean yelled, turning toward Gordon. "I will not kill Sam, I'll kill you!" Dean attempted to attack Gordon, but Ryan and Robin grabbed Dean by the arms. Dean struggled to break free but found he could not break free. Robin and her mate were way stronger than he was. "You son of a bitch, I'll rip you limb from limb!"

"Not while I have the chance to say something," Gordon responded and walked toward Dean until eventually he was in front of Dean. Dean struggled more, while Ryan and Robin forced Dean onto his knees. Gordon stood over Dean and growled, allowing his eyes to turn into foxlike irises. Dean stopped struggling and paused, like he was listening to everything that Gordon was saying. "Now then, Dean, are you going to argue with me? Or are you going to do what I say?"

"What would you like me to do, sir?" Dean said while Ryan and Robin let go of his arms. Dean looked up. Immediately, his eyes turned into foxlike irises as his teeth had sharpened into canines.

"To officially be a part of the pack, I need you to kill your brother," Gordon explained. "Don't hesitate, then you will be part of this and our numbers will have grown."

"Yes sir," Dean said as if he was being controlled. He got up from the ground and nodded his head before leaving the old mill.

"Are you sure he can do this?" Ryan asked.

"I'm sure, but maybe monitor him, Ryan," Gordon said. "Robin, you stay here with me."

"Yes sir," Robin responded. Ryan walked out of the old mill but followed Dean closely to make sure that he fucked nothing up. At the motel, Sam was busy putting the cure together when he heard someone walking outside. Carefully, Sam walked over to the window and looked out, only to see that his brother was making his way back to the motel. Sam searched the room until his eyes landed on the silver chains lying in a bag by his bed. Quickly thinking, Sam grabbed the chains and backed against the wall, waiting for Dean to come through. Dean pushed the window open and climbed in, searching for his brother. Sam remained completely still while Dean was walking to the table. When Dean looked at the bowl, he saw Sam was making a cure. He stepped away from the table, only to have the sense that someone was standing behind him. Pretending that he wasn't paying attention, Dean backed away toward Sam as Sam jumped forward, attempting to wrap the silver chains around his brother. However, that didn't go like he planned, since Dean's reflexes were faster than normal. Dean jumped to the side and grabbed his brother by the arm before sending him into a table.

"Really, Sammy?" Dean said. "You thought those chains would help you?" Sam groaned as he forced himself onto his feet before turning and noticing that Dean wasn't acting like himself. "I mean come on, I thought I taught you better than that,"

"This is not you Dean," Sam said. "Whoever is controlling you needs to be put down like a dog," Dean rolled his eyes, not really surprised that Sam was trying to sound tough.

"I noticed you were trying to come up with a cure for this curse," Dean said. "Actually, I should call it more of a gift than anything," he continued. "After all, you never really got the thought about how I would feel about this," he kept going. "Well, it will not happen. You don't have the last ingredient."

"I don't need the last ingredient to get you back, Dean," Sam said. "I could take the blood from you," Dean laughed, taunting his brother as he walked around the motel room.

"You could, but you won't," Dean answered. "Because you know you need the blood of the alpha to make this work. If you don't, then you won't have your brother back," he continued. "Did you not think that I don't want to turn back?"

"My brother would never say something like that," Sam answered, and attacked his brother with a silver dagger. He would not kill Dean he just needed enough time to find the alpha.

"Of course you would think that way," Dean said and disarmed his brother. The dagger clattered to the floor. "Every thing you're going to try, Sammy, will not work," Dean kicked his brother in the stomach, sending him to the floor. Dean's nails extending into claws, making Sam realize that the kitsune part of him was coming out. Thinking quickly, Sam grabbed his gun and shot his brother with a tracking bullet. The bullet hit Dean in the arm, causing him to cry out in pain. Knowing that he had no choice, Dean left the motel through the window and took off. Sam stopped at the window and watched his brother take off into the nearby wilderness. Knowing that his brother would lead him to the alpha, Sam grabbed everything he needed and raced out of the motel room to track Dean. 

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