Lab Partners

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(For the amount of days this has been inactive, I am deeply sorry for those who thought it was going to be constantly updated)

Au: 3rd years/college, Amane Au.

[Time: 8:30am]

[Week 1: Unpacking]

Both Nene and Amane were in college! It took them a while to fret over their test scores and who will be their roommate- but it all settled out once they were in the auditorium of the college. Nene, who luckily had Aoi as her roommate, sat with her and talked about their summer and what they did as a job for a short while, most of it was light chatter. Though they happily caught each other up on the happenings and things about their life, sadly for Nene's end, she was still single and a hopeless romantic, all the while Aoi had finally decided to accept Akane's date request.

On the other hand though... Amane had to deal with his twin brother, Tsukasa, who was still a bit rambunctious, but he had at least toned down on his hyperactivity to seem like a normal enough adult. The two twins were in the left hand side of the auditorium, Tsukasa talking his brother's ear off as Amane tried to focus on something or someone, which either was the lights in the large room or the principal of the college. It wasn't that long of an introduction to being college students, but there was a bit of a stir for things like class presidents or things that highschools usually had, those were dismissed as something that wouldn't be necessary, due to classes being at separate times.

[Time Skip: 5pm]

Both parties had moved to their dorms, though never acknowledged that they were hallway neighbors, let alone having the same type of science class, but they were now focused on settling in. The dorm that was given to them had a decent aspect to it, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, a kitchen, and a small living room. It was like a small apartment, but with a whole debt hanging on one's shoulders after they leave and graduate college.

By the time both parties settled in, it was near 11pm, and they were tired from all the unpacking and moving around, as soon as a head hit the pillow, they were zonked out and happily asleep, dreaming of their future and things that mattered most to them, like stars for Amane and finding someone to love for Nene, which was more prominent in her dreams as hot guys tended to her every need.

[Week 1: Unpacking complete!]

(casually has this be sorta like a video game- ahaha-)

[Week 2: Start of College]

As soon as the week of classes started, Nene started seeing more of the boy that lived in the same hallway, most of the time taking note of which classes he has at different times, though she did get him mixed up with his twin brother, but it sorted itself out once she figured that the other was more reserved and polite in a slightly perverted way... Though it was nice to find out that she had a class with him, even if it was a conglomerate of earth sciences and astronomy stuff, but that's what is needed to be a teacher, or at least a classroom help teacher.

Even if it was the second week, the professor decided to call for lab partners, which was a questionable thing to do, but hey, Nene wasn't going to complain- there was some decent looking guys around. As the professor called names, Nene patiently waited for her name, though seemed a bit shocked to hear she was paired with the boy from her dorm hall. She soon picked up her stuff and moved to sit next to her lab partner, almost pouting at the fact she didn't get a cute guy, she believed her partner wasn't her type.

Hanako x Nene (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now