You're Safe With Me (AmaNene) (P1)

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(Nene getting stalked by some guy and Amane keeps her hidden somewhere)

One wouldn't normally think that they would be a target for anything, be it a serious crime or just a small robbery of items, yet there is a cruel lottery for being chosen as a target.

Nene was currently at the market for an errand that her mom asked her to do, a simple task of getting a few vegetables for dinner, although she didn't realize how crowded the market could be. She stood near a stall kind of awkwardly, not wanting to get in the way of the other market-goers, but as soon as there was an opening, she skittered like her hamster to go to the other stall.

This was a normal occurrence from time to time, she would get what was needed and then awkwardly wait for an opening before moving on until her shopping was done. Nene noticed she still had a little bit of money left, so she went to one of the pet stores to get something for her hamster, a nice treat for them. As she was looking for the treat that she usually gets every few months, she bumped into someone, falling back slightly but catching herself nonetheless.

"Ah! So sorry! I guess I was so focused on searching that I didn't see you, again- very sorry!"

The person looked at Nene, nodding at the apology yet not saying anything, it was odd but Nene only awkwardly laughed before moving to the next aisle and searching again, getting what she needed before going to the registers to pay for the item. She didn't really think of anything from the other person, it was just the one bump and nothing more.


As time passed, there have been times where Nene would go to the pet store or the market and see the stranger there, she thought nothing of it since they were populated areas for many to go to, and who knows if the person needed something for a specific pet. Yet when the sitings got more frequent and oddly closer to her little apartment, she got a bit worried, but couldn't pin them for doing something wrong.

That is, until they tried to discretely follow her, which wasn't too natural for someone, considering she was 15 and the stranger seemed to be in their 20's. Nene tried to brush it off as something benign like going to the pet store or the market again, like it had been the last week, so she pushed it to the back of her mind to stay calm.

Yet Nene soon realized that the person wasn't going any different way, but blatantly following her, even from across the road. For a moment she thought of accusing the person for following her, or even giving the person a good punch, yet something was telling her to run or hide.

'this isn't the time to fight, I guess, but if I need to run- I can't run to the school or even to my house, I need somewhere safe... ' Nene thought to herself, there weren't many houses, but if she kept calm she knew there was a neighborhood another block from where she was, and she would make it to the neighborhood faster if she took the alleys that were wider. 'Alleys may be bad, but not when you know them... '

As she had one last slight look around, she dashed into an alleyway and swiveled into a small doorway, hearing the curses of the person, listening for footsteps- yet she didn't think about what was behind the door she was hiding near. She thought it was a storage space, but when the door opened and a hand snaked over her mouth to cover the surprised yelp, she tried fighting back, hearing a younger voice than anticipated.

"Hey! Stop that!" The voice hissed as it tried to keep quiet, the hand that was over Nene's mouth shifted slightly while trying to defend himself from the hits. "I'm trying to help you! Stop fighting!" Nene paused, noticing she was in a decent looking room for what was assumed to be a storage spot, but also the factor that there was windows, albeit covered. She was soon let go of the hold the other person had on her, she could recall a faint scent of doughnuts though, which was oddly calming to her. "You would help a random girl? Who are you, some kind of nutsy guy trying to play the hero?"

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