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Chan on his Monday morning was walking towards a local breakfast/lunch café to pick up some drinks for his friends. He and his friend were apart of a group called Straykids. A K-Pop group. The group had already debuted however it had taken them a little while to capture the interest of many people's hearts all around the world, they would get there they just had to keep working hard. Chan was the leader of this group and had thought about getting them some coffees or smoothies for the long day thy had ahead. The café was only a short walk from the JYP building, so Chan (being at the studio all night) thought it would be good to stretch his legs and get some drinks for his members. Considering it was quite early he had hoped the café would be quiet, and he was right.


I opened the door to café, a small bell signalling the I was entering the shop. I didn't look at my surrounding and just made my way up the counter where an older woman was waiting. I already knew what each of the member would want, so I placed my order and paid with a tap of my card. "That will be one moment love," The women smiled. I gave her a slight bow and waited off to the side. My eyes drifted around the café a small stage for anyone who waned to sing, or play guitar, nice window seats, comfortable booths for people who wanted to stay tucked away. I noticed a girl, who looked around my age, she was sitting in booth, I couldn't get a full view of her face as she was wearing a black mask that hid her features. She had lovely H/L H/C that was left down. I noticed she was writing in black A5 journal. Her pen stroked across the lined journal.

I stood there for a while wondering what she was writing about. Her thoughts, feelings, a story, a song. Curiosity getting the better of me I walked over and asked. "Hi," I smiled. The girl looked up her piercing E/C met my brown ones.

The girl mumbled a quite "Hello,".

"What are you writing?" Chan asked. The girl's mouth ready to respond.

"Chan, your order is ready," The same women from the counter said holding a tray of drinks. I gave the girl a smile.

"It shall be left as a mystery,". Chan turned around and grabbed his drinks thanking the workers. He opened the door giving the girl sitting at the booth – who was looking at him as well- a smile, the bell signalling his departure.


Seeing the boy stand in front of the booth I was in, had lighten up by day, just by his aroura. His smile had made my heart melt. His name was Chan, who I soon found out by the woman at counter saying his name. He was intrigued in what I was writing. Being a very introverted person, I wasn't going to tell him, but at the same time, his smile made me want to tell him every little detail of my life.

"Y/n," someone called my name causing me to look up. The owner of the café. I had known her for a very long time, she was a very good friend of my mother's when she lived here. I smiled at the women standing where Chan was moments ago. This woman is Mrs. Choi. "Here is your breakfast, for your very long day ahead of you I hope, "Mrs Choi smiled, handing me a small brown bag and coffee. "How's your art coming along?" She asked.

"Slowly, snail pace, "I replied taking the food with a smile. Mrs Choi gave me a smile and walked back to the café front desk. I closed my small black journal of secrets and head out the door waving to Mrs. Choi with a smile, her waving back at me known I'd be back for lunch. I walked out of the café and made my way to a set of stairs connected to the cafés side. Above the small café was a little attic like setting. It is where I spent most of my days.


Y/n walked up the stairs and unlocked the door, she walked in kicked the door shut, turned the air con on, not it was hot. The sound of the old air con tended to make Y/n focus on her work. A semi-large window letting a good amount of light in. A small single bed in the corner of the room, a small wardrobe of clothes. The rest of the room filled with completed, half completed or completely empty sketch pads, and canvas. All assortments of paints scattered around. Y/n's house. Well room. Mrs. Choi allowed Y/n to stay there for free considering Y/n's rough past and Mrs. Choi close relationship with Y/n's mother. To Mrs. Choi Y/n was like the daughter she never had, only having teenage boys.

Y/n sat down on her small bed with a sigh. She looked at the small black journal beside her. Unlick her other books this on was not for art. It was for all her secrets. Her dark secret of her past. Her feeling that she was told to wrote down by her therapist back in California. 


I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter. I can't say they will get any longer than this, they may do but who knowns.  Have a fantastic day/night. 

California - Bang Chan x FEM Reader ON HOLDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя