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I sat waiting for the sound of the café bell to ring. I hate to admit it to myself, but I just couldn't wait to see Chan, however I also desperately wished he wouldn't show up because in turn I would have to tell him something. His eyes, smile, and aura just made me want to tell him everything, and truth be told if he keeps showing up every day like he has for the past three days I probably will end up telling him everything. I finished writing down some words that my hand without me even really taking notice was writing my head snapped up at the sound of the bell. Chan. I watched him saunter his way over to Mrs, Choi. I noticed he didn't even make it halfway to the counter when Mrs. Choi read out his order. Chan smiled turned on his heels walking over to the booth, we have somehow taken ownership of the past few days. Mrs. Choi also has a tendency to memories orders, of her favorite costumers, Chan now being one.

"Good morning, Y/n, how is my caterpillar doing this fine morning," Chan smiled. I simply glanced at the man, feeling my eyebrows scrunch together at the nickname he has given me.

"Caterpillar? "I questioned.

"Yeah, you're like a caterpillar, cocooned away from the world with your mysterious secrets," he said running his pointer and middle finger in a running like motion up my arm.

"So, if I'm a so-called caterpillar that would make you a fly," I responded. It was now Chan's turn to screw up his eyebrows, "You know because you won't stop bugging me," I gave sarcastic smile. The corners of Chan's lips lifting.

"Touché," He smiled. "So, what am I going to find out about you today,".

"Hopefully, not much," I gave a half-hearted smiled. I noticed Chan's smiled also drop. "Sorry, I- it's just I don't think you should get roped into my past, it's way to... much and I wouldn't want to damage a soul like yours," I smiled. Chans faced softened at my words.

"Well, you might think that, but I'm genuinely curious, and I could perhaps help you, I mean I'm not therapist, but I think I can do better then a journal," Chan said. "You mentioned yesterday that your journal was the only piece of home you had left what do you mean by that?" Chan questioned.

Was I really going to tell him? I haven't even known Chan for the long (3 days to be precise) but I almost feel safe telling him.

"Well...umm I didn't grow up here, my mother did my she met a foreign exchange student in high school and well they fell in love, but he had to leave to go back to America, but after a while that met again and then after they both graduated, they got married, then moved in together in a small cottage with a sea view in California, then they had me. I had a great childhood for the most part but when I turned ten my parents would get into major arguments, it was mainly verbale, but it did get physical, and they were by far the worst. This continued for years and only got progressively worse, my dad would come home high and drunk, throw bottle at my mum, and don't get me wrong my dad was bad but my mum was just as worse, tried to stab him a few times my dad was drunk, but my mum was nuts. Then on my eighteenth birthday I woke up my dad's car gone, and my mother, lifeless on the couch. My dad didn't come back that day, and hasn't since," Once I finished my sentence, I looked over at Chan his eyes scanning from side to side. I could tell he was trying to process all the information I had just told him.

Chan's eyes then locked with mine. His hand coming up to whip my check. I hadn't even realised tears were rolling down my face. I lifted my arm, the black material of my hoddie catching the salty water droplets, socking them in.

"Sorry I- I didn't mean to drop all of that on you," I said, now feeling slightly embarrassed.

"Hey, don't you dare apologies you have nothing to be sorry for," Chan said. Mrs. Choi came up to the booth handing Chan his drink, she smiled and walked away.


As Mrs. Choi walked away Chan saw Y/n's face drop even ore than it had been after she had told her story. Chan's phone then pinged signally he got a message. Chan took one look at his phone screen and gave a short sigh, he needed to get to the studio. Chan grabbed Y/n's hands in one of his causing her to look up at him. "I'll see you tomorrow okay," Chan gave Y/n a smile, she returned a smaller one when he slid out of the booth.

As Chan walked out of the café, he realized he didn't pay Mrs. Choi, he didn't go up to the register to order, because she called it out to him and he didn't pay her when she handed him the drink either. Chan was about to turn around when he noticed a message writing on his cup. 'You are getting her to smile, this and many more drinks are on the house, - Mrs. Choi'. Chan smiled to himself making it way to the office.


I hope you all enjoy it. I also have thought about turning the movie 'Prisoners,' into a Stray Kids AU book, because I watched the movie today and totally imaged Minho as the main character, anyway something I might do idk yet. Have a great day :)

- lils


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