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Chan made his way down the street to a familiar café he learned to love – not just because of the food and drinks but the girl that awaited him in the booth. Chan for the few days that he has known has had fallen in love with not just her face features but the aurora she let off. Chan patted himself on the back for growing the balls to go and talk to her that day – if he hadn't, he wouldn't have met someone who he considers a friend and someone he thinks he is helping in a small way.

Chan was a little earlier than usual, unlike most nights, last night he went back to the dorm with his members, waving as he walked past the café seeing Mrs Choi cleaning the countertops at night. He remembered looking up and seeing a light on above the small 'attic-like structure above the café. He remembered that Y/n lived up there. He had wondered what she did.

"Fancy seeing you here," a voice pulled Chan out of his mini daydream. It was Y/n – she was standing above a flight of stairs locking what Chan assumed to be her home.

"I didn't know you came here," Chan joked.

"I tend not to anymore, there this rando that likes to sit in my booth," Y/n played along.

"Rando – wow," Chan laughed as he waited for Y/n down at the bottom of the set of stairs. Smiled to himself when he saw how the girl almost bunny hopped down the steps. Y/n this morning was wearing the famous smile Chan loved. "You look happy this morning,".

"Yeah, I get to see my favorite person," Y/n smiled, Chan smiling in return.


"Mrs Choi," Y/n quickly cut Chan off leaving his face in a pout. Y/n chuckled. "I'm kidding, I get to see my two favorite people, Mrs Choi and You,"

"That's what I thought," Chan huffed, opening the café door for Y/n.

"Morning Kids," Mrs Choi greeted.

"Morning Mrs Choi," Both Y/n and Chan said.

"I'll bring over your orders when they're finished,".

Y/n and Chan walked over to the booth they found themselves in. "Did you sleep well last night?" Y/n asked, pulling out one of her black sketchbooks.

"I did, did you?"

"Ehh- I didn't really get sleep last night, I was busy trying to think," Y/n responded.

"First of all, don't tell me to sleep more when you didn't and what were you thinking about," Chan asked.

You. "Art, I was trying to think of a new art piece but couldn't," Y/n said.

"You should show me some of your artworks, I'd love to see them," Chan smiled.

"Only if you let me listen to you sing," Y/n snickered.

"Deal," Chan said. "Oh by the way- I wanted to give you something," Chan said pulling something out of his pocket. A piece of paper. He handed Y/n the piece of paper, their fingers brushing together slightly. Y/n took the paper and read a series of digits. "It's just my number, you don't need to keep it, just thought you might want it I guess,".

"Thanks, I'll keep it so when you become famous, I can make major bank, I'm joking by the way,' Y/n said when she saw Chan's face drop. Y/n and Chan talked for a little while longer when silence came over the booth. "Chan," Y/n suddenly said. He hummed in response. "Why do you keep coming back?" Y/n questioned.

Chan chuckled at the question. "Because of you. I feel complete around you and safe I guess, there's a light in your eyes,"

Y/n smiled. "Would you like to come around tonight, you can look at my art," Y/n said, Chan stayed quiet, "You don't have to if you don't want to, you can just say no I understand if you're busy-"

"I'll be there," 


I"M SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER TO GET UP. I've been busy with year 12. 


Hope you enjoy 

- lil


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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