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NO ONE'S P.O.V"Good morning, Y/n," Chan said, sitting down in front of the girl, who flashed him a warm smile.

"Morning Chan, did you sleep last night?" Y/n questioned. Chan gave a sly smile. "I'll take that as a no,".

"If it makes you feel better, I got a solid ten minuet nap on the couch in my studio," Chan said sliding into the booth.

"Well ten minutes is better than none," Y/n said.

"Hey, I was wondering would you like to meet my friends one day, and I could meet yours, you know because where like two peas in pod now," Chan smiled.

"I don't really do friends, you are pretty much my only friend," Y/n sighed.

"Lucky me," Chan said. Y/n scoffed. "If you don't mind me asking, why?"

"People are cruel, and the world still moves without you," Y/n said. "Plus no one really want's to be friends with me,".

"I did," Chan smiled.

"Yeah, but your, you. You care," Y/n said.

"My friends would love you though," Chan smiled.

"Maybe one day," Y/n smiled.

"When ever your ready,"


This one kinda sucks sorry. I'm in year 12 now, my senior year and stuff actually counts now so update will be slow - I will try and update as much as possible. <3 [lil]

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