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Like every other day, I found myself waking up to my stupid alarm. Today -like most days- I didn't want to get up but then the simple reminder of the boy in the café allowed me to spring to my feet, get changed and walk downstairs to the café. I opened the door seeing Mrs Choi tie her apron around her back.

"Morning love," She greeted.

I smiled, "Morning Mrs Choi, how are you this morning,".

"I'm great, how are you?" She asked.

"As good I can possible be," I gave a half hearted smiled.

"I'll bring you your order over when it's ready," Mrs. Choi smiled. I walked over to the booth I always found myself in. I didn't bring my black journal today, knowing Chan would be coming today. Instead, I brought a sketch pad, recently I haven't been inspired by anything, not that I usually ever was, I would just let my hand take control and it would draw. I found myself drawing a face, or the outline of a face. Around five minutes had passed, and the sound of the bell rang. My eyes darted up to see a familiar face.

He looked around locking eyes with mine, flashing me his famous smiled with his dimples. He strolled up to the counter to place his order to Mrs. Choi. Once finished he walked over to me in the booth. Instead, today however, he didn't sit across from me rather next to me. "Good morning my lovely friend," He smiled.

"Morning," I smiled.

"So, I was thinking about our conversation yesterday and it got me thinking, now feel free to punch me if this comes across stupid, but why not call your dad," Chan said. "I know it sounds stupid "

"No, it doesn't," I cut Chan off. "I tried for days upon end, but he never answered, and then I just stopped, I figured if he wanted to talk, he'd call me, but nothing not even a text message," I sighed.

"If he did answer, what would you say?" Chan asked.

"To be honest I don't even know," I let out a slight chuckle "I don't think there are good words left anyway," I said. "But I did come to the relation last night,".

"Of," Chan said.

"You know so much about me, and I don't know anything about you, if this is friendship is to continue, I think I should get to know you a little better,".

"You do make a good point," Chan stated. "Well, I'm a group called Stray Kids, we have debuted but aren't that popular yet, but with a lot of hard work I'm sure we can get there, I apart of a smaller group called 3racha we rap and produce songs for the group and that's pretty much my life," Chan said.

"I need to hear you rap or sing sometime," I said smiling, Chan smiling as well looking at me. I noticed deep purple bags under his eyes. "When was the last time you got a proper night sleep," I sighed.

"To be honest with you I couldn't even tell you," Chan said.

"Why can't you sleep, I know that sound silly," I said.

"No don't worry, and pretty much I start something and can't finish it until its done and by the time I do finish or start its like four or five in the morning and there's no point in going back to the dorm when I need to be at the studio," Chan said.

"If your dorms to far away you could always come here, I work upstairs so you could always knock," I smiled I don't really know why I said that it just came out.

"Why thank you," Chan smiled.

"What time do you have to be at your studio?" I questioned.

Chan looked at his phone, "Not for another thirty minutes,"

"Would you like to take a nap I can wake you up," Chan just hummed in response, laying his head on shoulder his eyes drifting shut. I found myself studying his face futures for a full twenty minutes, that couldn't be healthy, but I enjoyed looking at his face. Mrs. Choi has placed Chans drink down a while ago, when it was time for Chan to go, I lightly shock his shoulder earning a groan from the male. I smiled. Chan soon collected his things, "I'll see you tomorrow," Chan smiled.

"I'll be here waiting," I said. "And Chan,"

"Yeah," he said turning around.

"Get some sleep tonight,"

Chan made a salute jester and walked out the door. 


this feels rushed and I don't honestly know what is happening lol. still enjoy. I also don't know if I want to start another book as well or finish this first then start or write both at the same time. 

California - Bang Chan x FEM Reader ON HOLDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin