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Throughout the rest of his day and night Chan couldn't get the girl he had met at the out of his head. He was so intrigued by what she was writing, he didn't even know her name but somehow the way her pen stroked across the lined paper drew him in. He wanted to know what she was writing, even it was the most completely boring or random thing in the universe he wants to know.

It was the following day; Chan again had spent all night at the studio and deicide to go back to the café to get some breakfast and maybe see the girl again. He kept convincing himself that wasn't the main reason, but he also knew it was the main reason.


I made my way down the similar path I walked yesterday and saw the café. Upon entering, unlike the previous day of not checking my surroundings for people, it was the first thing I did. My eyes spotted the only other customer, sitting in the same booth as yesterday. The same journal. Her y/c/h hair now held back with a clip, shorter strands of hair failing to be secured in the grip of the clip, falling in front of her face. I noticed she still wore the same mask as yesterday. I made my way up to counter, the same lady taking my order, I smiled at her before averting my eyes back to the girl.

The lady picking up on my actions leaned in and whispered, "Go and talk to her,". I looked back at the women, giving he a confused look. She only continued to smile at me "She couldn't stop looking at you yesterday," The women said. I chuckled upon tapping my card and tucking it back into my wallet. I then began to walk over to the same girl.


I dragged my pen across the lines of journal, writing all my thoughts flow out. "Maybe today you'll tell me what you're writing about," A voice spoke from in front of the booth I was in. The voice I won't admit I wanted to hear. I tore my eyes away from the page and looked at the man before me.

"Why are you so interested in what I'm writing Chan?" I asked, removing my mask.

"You seem so passionate about what your writing," Chan smiled, sliding into the booth seat in front of me, facing me. "Are you writing music? a story?" Chan questioned.

"I wouldn't say passionate and no and no," I answered.

"So, what are you writing," Chan smiled. God his smiled.

"Your very persistent has anyone every told you that," I chuckled.

"Once or twice," Chan laughed.

"So, you want to know what I'm writing but you don't even know my name," I said.

"Okay so tell me your name," Chan said.

I didn't respond. Not planning on telling him my name. I mean don't get me wrong of course I wanted to but sharing any element of myself means we get closer – then the past comes out and I don't think I'm ready share that with anyone then the people that already know. And there all dead.

Out of the corner of my I saw Mrs. Choi walking towards the booth Chan, and I were in. "Here you are Y/n," she said smiling handing me a coffee and brown bag. I mentally cursed myself and Mrs. Choi in my head, before smiling at the women.

"Thanks Mrs. Choi," I said as she turned and walked away.

"Pretty name," Chan smirked across from me. I playfully rolled eyes. "So, want to tell me what your writing," Chan continued. I looked up to Chan and shock my head. "Why not," Chan pouted.

"You already found out my name today, come back tomorrow and you might find out," I smiled pulling up my mask, signaling the conversation was finished.

Chan chuckled, "You just want to see me again,".

I smiled under my mask. Suddenly Mrs. Choi back with Chan's order. "I'll see you tomorrow pretty name," Chan smiled. He slid out the booth and made his way to the door glancing back locking eyes with me for a second then turning his attention the ringing phone in his pocket.


Hi beautiful people, enjoy this second chapter, sorry it's short, most of the chapters will be short (sorry about that) this is also not edited or revised, because I'm kinda sorta lazy atm. 

- lils


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