Chapter 2

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Where I'm from, there's no such thing as middle school. It's six years of high school instead. This chapter starts off in the September of 2016. The beginning of the best and worst years of my life.

I went to a co-educational boarding school that was an hour's drive away from my house. By this time, we had moved out of our bungalow to a flat in a more expensive part of the state.

I remember writing the entrance exam like it was yesterday. I was so excited and scared at the same time when we got there. The school had a pool! I just had to get in. I couldn't afford to fail the exam. After my mum dropped me off, I walked confidently into the school building. All the children writing the exam were welcomed by a funny looking man in a suit who I learned later on was the vice principal. We were led to different classes and took our seats. I saw this girl next to me who I thought was really pretty so I said hi to her. She didn't respond though and looked at me like I had ten heads. I was so embarrassed. I wanted the floor to open up and devour me.

Soon enough, we were given the papers and were allowed to start the exam. I was done soon after and started looking around. I saw this chubby, urine-complexioned boy in front of me, using a dictionary for his English paper. I thought maybe I should inform the teacher but thought better of it. I still remembered what people who "told tales" were called and how they were treated. I wanted this to be a fresh start, even though it meant closing my eyes to wrong doings.

We were allowed to leave the classes after the allotted time and went out to meet our parents. I saw the pretty girl again and decided to try my luck one more time. I said hi again and she actually responded. We started talking and laughing and I learnt her name was Miranda. She was a dark skinned beauty with a fit build. She looked like she worked out. I couldn't wait to go to school with her. Later I went off to find my mum and went home with her. In a few weeks the results were out. Oh my God! I passed! I couldn't believe my eyes and cried proper tears of joy. I was finally going to boarding school and I would be free.

Oh you poor poor naive girl.

The first semester of seventh grade started beautifully. I got assigned to a room with a couple of girls from my class and became 'friends' with them. The first night at school, we talked till it was 3am and we didn't even realize. We quickly went to bed after we checked the time. I was so happy. People actually liked me here.

The next day, we got to school and got all our textbooks for the seventh grade. They were so heavy and different from the ones I used in elementary school. That day I met a lot of people again. People in higher grades and my grade too. I was so excited. After school that day, my 'friends' and I went to the cafeteria to get dinner and as we were walking past this table full of 12th grade boys, one of them said my name. I stopped in my tracks.

What? Me?

I turned around and looked at him. He told me I was pretty and he liked my hair. Then he told me his name was Toby. I didn't know what to make of it. I asked how he knew my name and he said he asked his girlfriend in the dorms. I said thank you for the compliment and walked to my table. My 'friends' all looked at me with their eyes wide open. I just pretended I didn't see them and kept eating my food. They later got tired and gave up.

Fast forward a couple of days, I was probably already 'friends' with everyone in my grade already. There were these three girls, Sammie, Cynthia and Delores. The three of them were like the popular girls kinda and I wanted to be friends with them. It was vain, I know but I was just ten years old. I could barely think for myself. I asked them if I could be friends with them and they flat out said no. It's safe to say I didn't talk a lot for the rest of that day, to anybody.

One day, during English lit, we were role-playing while reading a story and the teacher sent me to the front of the class to read out my part. A boy, Jeremiah, suddenly said "Sapphire has sexy legs." When I tell you I almost dropped my book, I'm not kidding. I pretended not to hear so the teacher wouldn't notice anything. Then his friend, Otis, said it again. I felt kind of self conscious cause it was obvious they were being sarcastic. I asked the teacher if I could use the restroom and she let me. I didn't come back till the class was over.

After a few more weeks, these girls I called my friends seemed to be out to get me. Everyone started being mean to me literally everyday. I was wondering how I went from happy to depressed in a matter of days. What happened? These two girls in particular were the absolute worst, Jen and Jamie. Remember that boy I told you about? Toby? Yeah well they told him lies about me and the whole of twelfth grade thought I was some kind of useless human being or something. I just noticed he started talking to them more and then ignored me altogether. I thought I did something wrong so I asked him and he said nothing, he just didn't like my face anymore. What could I say to that? I'm sorry? I walked away with my tail between my legs.

I'm my room, there was never peace anymore for me. The only person who treated me nicely was Miranda. She and I were best friends. I remember the day I was looking for my earring. There was a power outage and I didn't have a lamp or flashlight. Jen and Jamie were the only ones who had one. I knew what I was about to do would put me in trouble but I did it anyways. I asked Jamie for her flashlight and told her I couldn't find my earring. All I got in response was silence. I took a deep breath and asked again. She said, "So what if you can't find your earring? How's that supposed to be my problem?" I obviously didn't find the earring. Till present day, I find it hard to be comfortable around her. I never found the earring and I'd had it for eight years. My mum got it when I was two and it was real gold. I still think I could have found it if she'd just been nicer. Well, according to Elsa, the past is in the past.

That night I was crying, so Miranda stayed on my bed with me. It was pretty normal since we were besties and did this a lot. She hugged me as we lay down in silence and I almost drifted off to sleep when I felt her grab my private chest area and squeeze. I tried to pry her hand off but she held me down. I didn't want to scream, everyone was asleep. She then put her other hand into my underwear. I slapped her hand and shoved her off the bed. She fell with a dull thud. I looked down to see her. She stood up and begged for me not to tell anyone so I didn't. At least not until now. Why did I always become friends with the wrong people? Or did she think I liked her? I didn't get much sleep that night.

My semester was pretty much the same. Horrible things being done to me. Plans against my future and whatnot. A girl even called my mum a bastard and when I called her mum a bastard too, the entire boarding house wanted to fight me. She said she never said it and everyone believed her. I don't want to put in all the things they did so you don't start to pity me. Pity doesn't change anything. This was just the first three months of high school.

Oh and did I mention they stole my diary and tore it in front of me?

Good day everyone.
Two updates in one day??!!! I know. I'm unbelievable. This is actually because I'm going back for my last semester at said boarding school on Monday.
Yay, right?
If you were wondering, no I didn't bully this poor girl. I'm actually her best friend. ;)
Expect more.

Sparkly duck.

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