Chapter 5

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This is probably a good time to describe myself properly.
Note: None of these descriptions are lies in any way and anyone who knows me now can confirm them without hesitation.

I'm 5'5. I have natural, curly black hair. Or maybe I should say dark brown. I'm black, in case you didn't realize already. I have two large birthmarks on my cheekbones that I got from the equipment used to pull my head out from my mother's womb. Their faded though so not that obvious. I have a small waist and hips that only show when I wear some dresses or sweats with a crop top. I have cylindrical fingers and really long nails. I am well endowed in...certain areas. I have really pretty feet but I wear socks all the time. My favorite clothes to wear are large track pants or sweats with either a sports bra or a large sweatshirt. I have eyes like a cat's. I'm not really sure if it's related to cats but the ends of my eyes are kinda pulled. My eyebrows look like they've been trimmed halfway but they're not horrible. I have extremely straight legs that also make me uncomfortable because I think girls with bow-ish legs are more attractive. I love playing video games and watching horror movies. I love reading novels and dancing. I love reading webtoons and watching anime sometimes. For me, if you don't watch horror movies, you're boring. Wow that's 265 words just to describe myself. We'll then, now you'll probably take from that that I may be somewhat of an attractive person. At least, body wise.

So you see why I was so confused when after the Christmas break, Diamond and Ethan were dating.

I kid you not, till this day I feel betrayed in the worst way possible. Literally the day before school started, he sent me an "I love you" message. Maybe I read too much into it?

What kind of demon spawn leaves somebody for another one the next day? I was so appalled at his behavior but I couldn't even be angry. And do you know the worst part, I heard it from someone else. I mean, fine, we weren't dating but he said he understood. We were meant to be endgame. I guess not. Well, Diamond did have a bigger butt than I did so I guess from his perspective, he went from grass to grace.

I tried not to let it bother me. I'm sure I don't even have to tell you that I cried.

I went up to Ethan a few days after and said, "If you're happy, then I am too." Then I walked away because I was about to cry again. As I'm typing this, it's just hitting me how much I actually liked this boy. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe it was my fault. I should have focused on him and not my own problems. He's more important than my mental health. I'm not even being sarcastic at all. This is exactly what I was thinking. I've said it before. All good things come to an end.

This was exactly when I became friends with a 12th grade boy. Most of his mates also didn't like him so I saw this as a bonding thing. His name was Francis. He and I started talking, I don't even remember exactly how but it happened. We became friends immediately. We would talk about almost everything. I felt safe. I felt like someone finally understands me.

But then, say it with me: ALL GOOD THINGS CONE TO AN END.

A teacher at my school called my mother and told her I was in a red and black cult and she needed to pray for me. He also said he caught me behind the pool with Francis and we were doing 'things.' He said he saw us on the security cameras kissing in the school auditorium. I had never even had a boyfriend. At this time. I was twelve so it didn't even make any sense whatsoever. I hadn't kissed a boy before. He was just my friend. Why couldn't anyone understand that. Well my mum obviously didn't believe that nonsense so she came to school to ask the man if he was alright upstairs. He gave his "explanation" but it still wasn't making any sense. My mum made sure he stopped saying nonsense about me and told him to never pull a stunt like that again in his life.

He didn't even plan his attack properly. When asked to produce the camera footage, his tongue left the chat.

I thought that was the end of it, folks. I should probably stop hoping for better things because they never come.

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