Chapter 7

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Where did all the peace go? Oh my goodness.

Let's start slow okay? Basically, Ava and I became best friends in the 10th grade. Delores and Evan broke up.


Skip all the way to 12th grade.

This year started off with Ava and I being placed in the same room so we were both extremely excited. We got to the dorm and started telling each other everything that happened the previous summer. This was basically how every term started even though Ava and I talked on the phone every single day.

I liked this boy called Sean and things were going great.

We had elections for prefectship that term and Ava wanted to be the head girl. I campaigned for her but she didn't end up getting it. I felt so bad for her because she put a lot of effort into it. I wanted to be the dorm head and I got the position, luckily.

So right about now, everything seems rosy. Well, it was rosy. Until later in the term.

There was this new boy at our school. His name was Onel. Onel was funny as heck so it didn't take long at all for us to become friends. We would talk and laugh all the time.

It got to the point where I wa spending more time with Onel than I was with Sean. I noticed and tried to stop talking to Onel a little cause it was affecting Sean. I tried but Onel was always coming up to me and I don't know how to tell people I call my friends to leave me alone. This one time I posted a meme on my Instagram story that said "I've got plans to steal another man's girl. I'll come in as her bestie." It was funny so I posted it.

Sean got really mad and said I would be too if he was the one who posted it. I was really confused because memes aren't always supposed to relate to your life are they? I just posted it because it was funny. Well one thing led to another and Sean and I stopped talking because of multiple arguments. I would talk it over with girls in the dorm and they would tell me he was the one in the wrong and I should just forget about him. I thought they were my friends and wouldn't lie to me so I listened.

Onel and I became really close and one day he used this weird analogy to tell me he liked me. That was the thing about him. He was so weird and funny. I laughed and pretended not to know what he was talking about and he started acting like a baby so I laughed even harder. At the end of the day, he promised to tell me what he was talking about the next day.

He did.

I didn't answer at first and only smiled, but a few weeks later I told him I liked him too.

Things were great until ANOTHER new boy came to the school. His name was Jonah. He was in the 10th grade but he was the same age as the 12th graders. I found it weird so I asked about it. He told me about this skin disease he had that was so bad he had to stay out of school for two years. I felt his pain kinda because I have a skin disease too and I know the emotional pain I feel. So I related it to the pain he must have been feeling.

I mean, who wants to be in a class with people two years younger than them?

So I became his friend just so he wouldn't be lonely and stuff and then before the mid term pre-Easter break, I gave him my number. I think he texted me like two or three days into the break, I can't really remember. A few days after this, I started getting texts from random girls asking me why I was a horrible person.

To say I was confused, would be an understatement.

I asked them what the fuss was about and they said Jonah currently had a girlfriend and that I was helping him cheat on her.

I- what?

On further investigation, I found out that he was with this girl called Jaime. Classic right? Jaime and Jonah. I asked around for her number and when I finally got it, I texted her asking what the problem was. She said he just broke up with her because he said he liked me. I thought he saw me as his friend up until that moment. I was so confused.  I explained to her that I had no idea and even if I did, I didn't like him so it wouldn't mean anything. I told her I didn't know about her at all as he never spoke about her. All in all, I made her understand the situation.

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