Chapter 3

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My next semester is when the drama really started.
Let me backtrack a bit. My life wasn't a complete let down actually. During elementary school, I also had some good times with the true ones. Emmanuel and I have never fought since then and are still fast friends till date. Cheryl and I don't talk as much as before but she's a very big part of the reason I sometimes miss elementary school. Oma, Tess and I still talk once in a while. Let me tell you now, the main purpose of this story is for you to learn from my mistakes, which is why the good times are cut short. I'm not saying they aren't important, they are, that's why I want to keep most of those memories to myself. Having everyone know about them might ruin it for me. I don't know. I'm not willing to risk it.

Let's get back to the story shall we?

I thought I had seen it all in the first semester, oh I was so wrong. I got back to school and decided to try to keep to myself. That's always been a problem for me. Some might say I'm too friendly. I'm not going to hide the fact that I talk a lot and find it hard to keep my own secrets. I do talk a lot and it became a slight problem. When I say slight I mean...(googles all the synonyms of enormous)...problems.

Just a week into the new semester and I heard a boy liked me. His name is Ethan. Ethan Undertone. I never really paid attention to him in school because I was always hanging out with my fake and real friends or going about my business. Jeremiah was the one who told me about him. I went to his class and saw him. Guess the first word that came to my mind.


He was the most adorable thing I'd ever seen. A bit on the chubby side but perfect otherwise. He had a pretty boy look. And I heard he was pretty smart. I went up to him and said hi. He responded with a smile. I smiled back and then walked away. Later that day, I was in the basketball court when I saw him coming there. I stopped what I was doing and waited. He came in with a smile and I smiled back. He introduced himself and I said I already knew his name and we laughed. We sat on the bleachers and talked for almost an hour. It was so much fun. His favorite color was orange too. He was also sad about one direction. He also had two sisters. We had so much in common, it seemed like a setup. I guess I'll never know if it was. It was soon time to go back to the dorms. Some of the seniors (the ones who didn't like me) saw us and cooed at us like we were babies. I guess we were. They told us to give each other a 'goodbye hug.' We complied to avoid complications in the dorms.

I skipped up the stairs and was so happy because it seemed like I had finally found a friend who didn't have some sort of evil agenda against me. We became really close friends and after a few weeks, he admitted he liked me. I said I did too and he asked me out.

I said no.

I couldn't. I was too young. I explained it to him and said we could just like each other without dating. Besides, I didn't want us getting in any trouble with the school authorities or our parents. He said he understood and things were good.

Honestly I don't really remember what the girls in the dorms did to me that semester besides calling me a liar. Yeah. That's me. 'Sapphire McLiarPants.' Nice to meet you. One things I hate is when people are so misinformed, they try to make sense of things their own way. You see, because of my parents' occupations, I got access to a lot of weird things. I got to get to know about a lot of things most kids hadn't seen before. Like I said earlier, I'm a blabber mouth, so I told the girls everything about my trips and adventures thinking it would make them think I was cool and like me more. Boy was I wrong. The only thing I succeeded in doing was making them hate me more. They said I was a liar and couldn't even lie properly. I thought when I responded with, "The fact that you've never heard about something doesn't mean it's untrue," it would shut them up.

It didn't.

They really were just immature and foolish. I guess I was too but they were taking it to the next level. Let's look at it this way. This boy has never been outside his village before and isn't allowed to watch movies or anything like that so he thinks the world is made up of his village alone. Some stranger comes to tell him there are other places. Do you think he'd believe? I guess not. So maybe I could see where they were coming from. Maybe I actually shouldn't blame them even thought I spent the next 365 days repeatedly saying: I'm not a liar.

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