Chapter 6

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Another new class.

New people. Like Brittany and Ava. Lovely people.

Ninth grade. The class where everyone expects us to be serious just because we're writing exams. Clowns.

How's Evan? Oh he's great actually. I mean apart from the fact that he's ignoring me.

Let me backtrack a bit. I decided to give him a chance since Coby was happily married to that slu— girl.

Evan and I talked a lot over the summer break. We even FaceTimed when I was in the show— room. The showroom. Did you think I was gonna say shower? You nasty minded animal.

He turned out to be a really nice guy. We ended up having a "thing". I guess you could call it dating but not exactly.

Although it seems that nice guy was nowhere to be found once we got back to school. I would call out to him whenever he was walking by and he would totally ignore me. Completely. So I stopped calling out because most of my classmates started noticing. Passion told me to just call it quits with him but I thought it was way too early for that.

I later found out the reason he was ignoring me was that he told his 'friends' that I was 'chasing' him.


Chasing a fellow.


But of course they're his friends and they believed everything he said.

One day, after school, I decided to talk to him about it. I asked him why he was ignoring me in school and he said he didn't know. He didn't know the reason he forced his head to stay stagnant while I called out to him.

Yeah. Okay.

I told him he should better find out the reason because it's starting to piss me off. Then he hit me with the, "I'm older than you," card. I told him it didn't matter. Because now we're in something that can be classified as a relationship so age shouldn't even come into conversations except we're talking about birthdays.

He didn't respond.

I stood up to leave and then he grabbed my wrist. He said he wanted to tell me something. What he told me still has me irritated to this day. He said Coby actually wanted to go for me but he (Evan) told him not to because he 'liked me first.' So I could have been with Coby all this while if not for him.

I said it was fine.

It wasn't fine.

I went to my room to get my 'diary' and wrote about how he was an ugly grader gnome who was shorter than a tree stump. I meant it at the time. Of course my anger cooled down after some time and it started to seem sweet kinda.

A few days later, all the ninth grader went on this trip to an island for two weeks. It was a form of military training. It was really really interesting and it brought us together. More people started to like and understand me here. We'll except Denise obviously. I was starting to think she had daddy issues or a mental problem. If not, I really hoped my great grandfather didn't offend hers.

I became really close to this boy, Travis. He was tall and lanky, kinda like my older brother. He stopped talking to me after a while though. Apparently he thought I was leading him on or something. I never got the chance to apologize. I think I'm too clingy and it makes people see more into what I'm doing. I might just be being friendly but it might not seem that way.

Moving on, when we got back to school after the trip, I found out the worst thing. The tenth grade girls had broken into my things. I locked my stuff up in a box and the broke the padlock. They stole my diary and showed Evan everything I wrote in it.

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