Part 1

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(let's know a little more about who is Konrad, lmao)

In Paris, France 1940


A man in his 40s, Konrad, is waiting for his morning coffee, reading the latest newspaper. His mother, Monika was preparing their breakfast.

"Dear, here is your coffee" , said Monika.

"Thanks, Mutter" ,Konrad replies.

He took the cup from his mother's hand and continue to read the newspaper. "Is anything going on in Europe now?", Monika asked. Konrad looked at his mother with a unamused face and said: "How did you not know what's going on right now?". 

"I think it's better if we stay in Paris for now, you do not want to be captured.": Monika replied with a smile. Konrad wasn't surprised by the fact his mother smile during a situation like this.       "You think it's funny?" Konrad started to speak up. "Our relatives are out there and you are laughing here?!"

"No" Monika replied with a small twitch. She turned around and walk back to the kitchen, as she was walking her smiling face turned worried because she knew she has left one important person behind. Monika felt dizzy for the moment, she took out a box of medicine for the pain.


Konrad was busy waiting for something, he stared at the window like a kid. Monika was out so he has nothing to do most of the time. He went to his part time job, an mechanic at a garage shop. He walk to work down in the streets of Paris. He stood near the bakery store that sold his favourite chocolate bun. He noticed people looking and glaring at him in every direction, it made him felt like at outcasts among the Parisians.

He made it to the garage shop at 13:45p.m. (that's 1:45p.m. if you don't know). He started to work on broken cars and bicycles for a few hours. He only got this part-time job because he failed to find a full-time job after founding out about this Family tree.

At 15:20p.m. (3:20p.m.), Konrad sat on the closest bench near the garage and ate his lunch. He watched the children went in and out of a candy store near his mechanic shop, he noticed that the candy store was always full of buying customer. After thinking for awhile, he decided to go to the candy store.

*cling* The sound of the door opening. "Bonjour!" said the candy store owner, "What do you want to buy here?" Konrad looked around the candy store to find the candy he wanted. A small section of the store caught his eyes, a chocolate bar. He paid for the chocolate and left the store.

18:39p.m. (6:39p.m.)

Konrad walked home after his part-time job. He took out the chocolate bar he kept in his pocket, his frown turned to a smile after looking at the chocolate bar. It reminded him of the cousin, Adrian. Soon after his stood halfway to his journey home, a group of delinquents snatch the chocolate bar out of his hand. As much as Konrad wanted to chase those kids, he just stood there and watch as those delinquents ran away.

Other people looked at him confused. "why didn't you want to chase them? They stole it from you." a women nearby him asked. All Konrad did was smiled to her, shrugs his shoulder and then walked away. 

He made it back home, his mother waiting for him at the dining table. As soon as he sat, his mother started asking :"How was your day?" Just like what she said everyday. Konrad looked at her and answered her: "It's fine" But the two of them knew nothing was fine, they just sat there quietly ate their meal.

(A/N)*this story now is just the beginning, so I'll make the next chapter a small merge* 

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