part 7 (train rush 1)

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"OK, so we are actually going to attack a train. Like LITERALLY?!" Danner called Boris out.

"Didn't you say you want to proof that you're useful to stay here." Boris replied with a unamused tone. "What is even your point being here?"

Danner just stared at Boris with silence. Anya felt bad for Danner, knowing he just lost the person that meant to him the most.

Anya asked Boris if she could talk to Danner next door. Boris sighed as he nodded to Anya. Anya turned around and dragged Danner to the room next door.

As Danner stood infront of Anya, she took a deep breath and asked: "Are you trying to get acceptance?"

Danner looked at Anya, shock but expected, all he did was shrugged at her. "Maybe." He replied, but he knows that acceptances is the last thing he needs after losing his mother. Anya glared at him, waiting for a full answer. Nothing muttered from Danner's mouth, so Anya just walked back to the previous room.

Boris saw Anya walked out of the room, he looked at Anya with her looking at him and Boris knew what she said like they can read each other minds.

Andrea and Kane were preparing for the attack. Andrea wanted to stir a conversationwith Kane, so she said: "Hey, American. How did you get here?"

Kane spook up a little before replying:" Oh..uh, I was saved by one of their people and was brought here..."

"Really?" Andrea spoked. "That's awfully kind of them."

"Yea, I mean, I do trust them when they first saw me." Kane replied.

"Wait.." Andrea paused as she said that, "The Americans are in Europe now?"

Kane was confused as she said that, "Yea, Ma'am. It's complicated."

Andrea was thinking about her husband and the plan so much that she forgot it's 1943. "Oh dear, I left at the wrong time..."

Kane came to comfort her and asked: "what do you mean?"

Before she could answer, Boris came in and called the two back to the meeting room.

"OK, I've seen where they are going, I've check the location and timing. They would be arriving here." Boris said as he pointed on the map with railways tracks. "That's where we will wait to pick up the prisoners."

"You three." Boris exclaimed. "You guys will hijack the train and turn it to this route." Boris added, "as soon as you see a lamp-post with this white flag, you immediately stop the train there and we'll do the rest."

Andrea, Danner and Kane are going to hijack a train to save prisoners?
"Yes, sir." That's all they could say.

Andrea was hyped about this mission, she never been into this kind of action before. Kane's feeling were conflicted, but he agrees. Danner on the other hand, had problems. Yes, he is a skilled soldier, formerly. Now, his health is deteriorating slowly.

Kane can see the pain in Danner's eyes, he just stood there waiting for the perfect time to ask him what's wrong.

But he never got the chance, Danner just walked out of the shack as soon as Kane came over to him.
(Night, 9:27pm. 1943)

It's cold and dark. The trio are hiding in a bush covered with grass. Andrea hyped for dome action with Danner pulling her down while Kane watches the time ticked away.

"3 more minutes left." Kane told Danner.

"OK, look cheveux blond. You need to stop telling me that every minute." Danner yelled softly at Kane.

Kane just shy away and continue to look at his watch. "1 more minute~"

"Juste fermer."

The clock hits 9:30.

(~Crow sound~)

"dov'è quel treno?!" Andrea yelled softly.

"Wait, Andrea. Don't get too hyped, it can blow our cover." Danner reassure her.

In the distances, they can see a light along the rail tracks. The sound of the train speeding towards them. Its slow but very unsteady. One wrong move and it can get them caught.

The train third storage passed them, they hold on the handle on the side of the train and pulled each other up one by one.

"Alright, we need to be stealthy. Don't alert the guards, if they do make a sound, comatose them or kill them." Danner told the two.

Kane ad Andrea were surprised by his brutality. They nodded and splited up.

The three founded themselves on one of the 7 containers. They see and hear if there are sounds or sight prisoners while also staying out of the guards sight.

After awhile of snooping, all of them agree is the last container on the train, it was blue and has small cell windows and has the most guards around it.

"We are going to detached that container the moment we see the lamp post." Danner instructed the two.

"Andrea, you do the guarding while me and Kane inspect the detachment." Danner told Andrea, she agreed immediately and stood guard while hiding out of sight too.

Kane and Danner slowly crawled to the last train and see more than 30 people in the container, men, women and children.

The moment Danner silently unscrew the detachment, the sound of a gunshot frightened him. He turned around to see a guard standing behind them.

"Eindringlinge!" The young soldier shouted. Kane immediately stepped up and kicked the soldier down the train.

"Merde, we're caught! Quick! Call Andrea back and hold me back!" Danner yelled as Kane ran to Andrea.

Andrea is busy fending off a few guards. Kane picked up a screwdriver and threw it to one of the guard's eyes. He yelled in pain as Andrea pulled the screwdriver out of his eye and stabs the rest.

"Quick, we need to get back to Danner now!" Kane yelled.

(Action, need action)

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