Part 3 (run away from home)

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"The pistol? We had one. I never understand why my mom kept it there." Danner thought. He took the gun, but then the soldiers are about the bust through the door, he immediately jumped out of the window.

"Halt, gleich da!" He heard. He ran faster as he heard the yell, faster than a bullet train. As he sprinted towards the forest beside his house, a gun shot ringed passed his left ear. He collapsed, grabbing and covering his ears. He felt a pull from his shoulder. Dragged off the ground and he tried to fight back, and only can see two men yelling something, but he can't hear.

After a brief amount of fighting, one of the soldier knock him out with the back of his rifle.

(A few moments later)

Danner opened his eyes. He can see a wooden roof. He tried to stand up, but his back hurts. He sees blood and bandages around him. He tried to reach for whatever he can find near him, his hand hitted a flower vase near him. A loud crash of glass breaking has alerted a woman to come in the room.

Danner saw her and she was shocked by the fact that he is awake. Both of them looked at each other until the woman broke the silences.

"So you are awake, are you OK?" She asked Danner.

"Uh oui." Danner replied.

The woman was confused for awhile and assumed he said yes. She spoke up again:" I am Anya"

"I found you in the forest near the Polish-Ukrainian borders." She continued.

"Wait, What?!" Danner replied with shock.

It turns out that he was brought to Warsaw as a test subject (that was after the Nono Germans invaded Poland), but the prisoners manages to escape and the testing ground, most of them flee to Kyiv. The rest are history.

Denner was shocked this happened and he doesn't remember a thing. She found him unconscious near the forest where she collect woods. Anya treats Danner with respect even though she doesn't know him alot.

Danner told her about what happened at Paris. Anya was horrified from hearing that. She told him :"They're powerful in speed, but they won't beat us in power."

After awhile of talking with each other, a man barged in and pulled Anya away from Danner. "WHO ARE YOU?!" He asked Danner.

"Anya, how many times I told you not to help random people. You can't just trust them."

"I can help whoever and whatever I want, Boris! You can't tell me what to do."

After some arguments, Boris surrendered. "Fine." He exclaimed, "You win."

Danner sat there watching it. Boris glared at him and asked for his name. Danner told him and he promised not to harm them or anyone close to them. Boris is more concerned about his sister and Danner being a spy.

For now, Danner is in the clear.

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