Part 1.5

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(lmao help)

Andrea's pov           

"Get the crates moving!" :I shouted, I wouldn't let my soldiers slack off. The only reason why I'm so strict because i got news the enemies are coming, quick. No one can be lazy now, just keep...moving.

"Darling, you don't have to be so intense," : someone said with a calm voice. I can tell them to do when the time come. My husband, Alexander, telling me to calm down like always. 

I replied: "No, you know the enemies are coming! How can you be so calm?!"

"Nothing will happened if we panic, so why waste your energy on that?" Alex calming exclaimed.

It's just the feeling of panicking ever since I was young. I guess it's because of a cat being run over by a vehicle. 

"Alright..." I replied, "I'll calm down." I walked away as fast as I said that. 

Third person view   

Andrea walked towards a billet, she stood near the front door and leaned against the wall. She stayed there for the awhile, thinking about her parents. They aren't safe here, not on this place.

All she can do is think and worried since she can't just bring her parents to a place like that. After all, they are old and can't survive in a barren wasteland.

"This isn't what I wanted for them." She thought to herself.


Georgia, USA


Kane was waiting for transports. While he's standing there, a young Japanese girl rushed toward him.

"KANE!" She called out.

"Yes, Jia. I got the ticket." Kane replied. "It's your fault that you're late."

"It's not my problem that the food was served late AND cold." Jia Kyong told him.

The both of them were at the bus station after hours of school, and a bad brunch. They finally were able to go back home and see their parents.

The bus arrived in a nick of time. They got on and continue to gossip about their branch earlier.

(30 Minutes later)

Ah, yes. They got down the bus, and have to walk another few blocks to their house.

"Hey, Jia."

"Yes, Brother?"

"Do you want something from a store I use to see?"

"Sure, I haven't been to one since forever."

They went in a gift shop nearby. The ringing sound of the bell as they opened the door caught attention of the person in the front desk.

"Welcome!" That person said. "You're here for a gift for you're girlfriend?"

Both of them were confused. They looked at each other and started laughing.

"No, sir. We're siblings." Jia replied.
"Adopted ones to be precise."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Must have mistaken." The person said embarrassingly.

A small chuckle from Kane as he continue to ask what Jia wanted as a gift.

Jia takes a look around the store and sees a pendant necklace. "I want that"

Kane took a look and he said with a unimpressed face: " You know that's fake, right? If you want one we can go to the jewellery store."

"No, I want this." Jia replied.

Kane hesitated at first but then bought it for her. It's cheap so he can afford.

Out of the store, Jia thanked Kane for buying the necklace for her. He is happy when she is.

"The world won't separate us!" Jia suddenly shouted.

Kane looked at her and smiled, : "The world won't separate us."

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