You Won't Like the Movie

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Janet is laying on the couch in the living room

She was watching one of her favorite movies Scott Pilgrim VS The World

Scott: "I think I'll make it a decaf today

Julie: "Scott Pilgrim!"

Scott: "What did you do with my sister?"

Stacey: "sorry, I had to go"

Julie: So what can I [Bleep] get you?

Scott: "Is there anywhere you don't work?"

Julie; "they're called jobs. Something a [Bleep] like you wouldn't know anything about"

Remi, Janet's Australian shepherd gets up and runs towards the front door

She hears the front door unlock

Carol: "hey Remi"

She sets her stuff down and pets the dog

Scott: "So I can just get my coffee over here?"

Ramona: "sorry that got a little crazy last night"

Scott: "Yeah, you kind of disappeared"

Ramona: "yeah I do that"

Carol walks over to the couch

Carol: "hey babe"

She kisses Janet's cheek from behind

Janet: "babe, you're back! How was the mission?"

Carol hops over the couch and sits next to her girlfriend

Carol: "long boring, nothing different"

Janet chuckles

Ramona: "I totally understand if you don't want to hang out anymore"

Scot: "no, no, I want to hang. You know the whole evil ex-boyfriend thing"

Carol: "What are you watching?"

Janet: "This movie I really like. It's kind of cringe though"

Ramona: "exes"

Carol: "what's it called?"

Scott: "no biggie"

Janet: "it's called s-"

Janet then realizes something

She reaches for the remote and turns the tv off

Carol: What was that for?"

Janet: "It's really dumb and you won't like it. It's also kind of boring"

Carol: "babe let me see the remote"

Janet shakes her head

Carol: "come on"

Janet: "nope"

Carol wrestles Janet for the remote and turns the tv on

Carol turns her attention to the movie

Janet: "Baby, why don't we run it off and do something else. You don't want to watch this. Trust me"

Carol: "Oh come on, it can't be that bad"

Scott: "I know it's early, but I don't think anything can get in the way of how I...Shit! It's my ex"

A blonde woman walks onto the screen

Janet: "fuck"

she mutters to herself when she sees the blonde on screen

Ramona: "the big one?"

Scott: "mhm... envy"

Carol: "What the hell. Why does she look exactly like me?"

Janet: "you're just seeing stuff baby"

Ramona; "I'm gonna- excuse me"

Envy: "your hair is getting shaggy"

Scott: "yeah"

envy: "So, that's Ramona?"

Scott: "yeah"

Envy: "okay, I'm jealous"

Carol: "don't lie to me, what's going on!"

Janet sighs

Janet: "I guess I need to tell you"

Carol: "tell me what"

Janet: "I'm not from here"

Carol: "what do you mean?"

Janet: "I'm from a different reality, a reality where you don't exist or where Natasha doesn't exist, no one in this world exists"

Carol: "What are you talking about?"

Janet: "I come from a reality where you are nothing but a comic book character. A comic book character who got their own movie. Her name is brie Larson"

Janet gestures to the tv

Janet: "she plays you in a movie"

Carol: "I'm not, I'm not following any of this"

Janet sighs and pulls out her phone

Janet; "my phone is connected to both this reality and the reality I'm originally from"

She plays a video and shows it to carol

Brie: "hi I'm brie Larson and I play Captain Marvel aka Carol Danvers"

Gemma: "Hello I'm Gemma Chan and I play Minn-Erva"

Carol continuous to watch the video

Janet: "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this before...I never thought it would come up... I'm sorry"

Carol hugs Janet and kisses her forehead

Carol: "It's okay, I wish you just told me the truth instead of lying to me"

She kisses Janet again

Carol: "you really screwed up watching that movie"

Janet laughs

Janet: "yeah I did but I can't resist it, it's my favorite movie"

Carol: "why don't we watch it from the beginning, from what I've seen so far, it looks funny"

Janet: "it is a great movie. just a heads up, Steve is in it"

carol: "what?"

Janet: "not actually, just the actor who plays his in my reality"

carol: "Oh, okay"


Ramona: "This is actually really good garlic bread"

Scott: "garlic bread is actually my favorite. I could honestly eat it for every meal or just eat it all the time without stopping"

Ramona: "you'd get fat"

Scott: "no, why would I get fat?"

Ramona: "bread makes you fat"

Scott: "Bread makes you fat?!"

Carol and Janet laugh

Carol: "you honestly enjoy this movie?"

Janet; "yes, yes I do"

Carol: "you're weird"

Janet: "well you're dating this weirdo"

They both laugh and they both kiss

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