8 Month Mission

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Amelia: "good morning. How did you sleep?"

Maria: "good, did she wake up at all?"

Amelia: "once but I dealt with it. She just wanted her stuffed animal and then fell back asleep"

Maria: "Are you going to work today?"

Amelia: "just for a couple of hours. Not the full day. Will you be okay?"

Maria: "you did not just ask me that"

Amelia: "what, I can't care for my wife"

Maroa: well this wife happens to be the second in charge of a government agency and which this wife(points to Amelia) works under me"

Amelia chuckles and She kisses Maria

Amelia: "love you"

Maria: "love you too"

They hear crying coming from the room next door

Amelia: "I got it"

Maria: "no I got it. You took care of her in the middle of the night and you need to get ready for work"

Amelia nods and kisses Maria one last time before walking to the bathroom

Maria gets up from the bed and walks out of the room to the room next door. She opens the door and walks over to a crib

Inside the crib is a small little girl, about 3 months old

Maria: "shh, it's okay. It's okay, mamma is here. Shh"

Maria picks up her daughter walks over to the window

Maria: "you're so big now, Anni"

Anni makes baby noises and Maria smiles

Maria kisses Anni's forehead

Anni grabs a part of Maria's shirt and tries sticking it in her mouth

Maria: "no no no, don't do that. You're hungry aren't you"

Maria chuckles

Maria sits in the rocking chair in the room and starts to breastfeed Anni

10 minutes later, Amelia walks into the room

Amelia: "I'm going to head out"

She kisses maria

Amelia: "I'll be home by 1"

Maria; "okay"

Amelia: "bye my little princess"

She kisses Anni's forehead and walks out

Maria: "you finished?"

Maria cleans off some milk from Anni's mouth

She gets up and walks downstairs to the kitchen

An hour later at SHIELD headquarters

Simmons: "so, when is commander Hill getting back from the mission?"

Amelia: "mission, what mission?"

Jemma: "you know the missions that she's on"

Amelia: "Oh right, that one. Sorry I just have a bunch of stuff in my mind. She's doing well. She will be home soon so I'm happy"

Jemma: "she's been gone for  8 months, I can't imagine how you feel

Amelia: "I am beyond ecstatic"

Simmons: "when is Daisy supposed to swing by?"

Amelia: "I'm not sure, sometime before lunch"

Jemma: "so why are you leaving early, you have been leaving early until these past couple of months"

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