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Request from one of my friends 

Slight Ms Marvel Spoilers 

Interviewer: "Welcome back today we are here with the wonderful Brie Larson who plays carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Thank you for joining us Brie"

Brie: "thank you for having me. even though it's online, it's great to be here"

Interviewer: "So you now have your third solo film, The Marvels. Congratulations"

Brie: "thank you"

Interviewer: "how does it feel to reprise your role after 3 years?"

Brie: "it feels great honestly. I love doing different kinds of films but I love doing films for Marvel. I love learning the story I am helping create as well as learning fight choreography and seeing the costumes"

Interviewer: "What has been your favorite look that you have worn throughout your time in the MCU"

Brie: "I have to say the classic captain marvel suit but with the have shaved, half long hair I had in Journey Through the Universe"

Interview: "I love it as well. I also love your disguised outfit when you first arrived on earth in the first Captain Marvel movie"

Brie: "I love that look as well. I was actually able to keep the outfit. I have the hat right here"

She holds up the SHIELD hat

Brie: "has to be the most comfortable costume I've ever worn"

She laughs

As Brie continues her interview, crying starts to rise in the background

Brie: "I am so sorry. My wife is out of town and the babysitter still hasn't arrived. I need to check on him if you don't mind"

Interviewer: "no, of course not"

Brie gets up from her office chair and walks to the nursery

In the crib, her son Ivan is wailing

Brie: "shh shh. It's okay bubs, it's okay"

She picks up Ivan and bounces him up and down while grabbing his bottle

Brie places the bottle near Ivan's mouth and Ivan grabs it, pulling it close to him, drinking the milk inside

Brie: "I have to go back to work. Will you be quiet if I bring you?"

Ivan smiles and giggles 

Brie: "let's go"

She kisses Ivan's forehead and walks back into her office, shielding Ivan's face from teh camera

Brie: "I'm sorry this is really unprofessional but like it said before Kim is out of town and for some reason, the babysitter hasn't arrived yet"

Interviewer: "hey, it's all cool. I'm a dad, I understand"

Brie smiles and continues bouncing Ivan below frame as he eats

They continue the interview just like before 

Interviewer: "if you don't mind me asking, could I ask you a few questions about you and your wife Kim"

Brie: "go ahead"

Interviewer: "So you and your wife met while on the set of Captain Marvel: Journey Through the Universe, correct?"

Brie: "yes, Kim and I met on the set of Captain Marvel: Journey Through the Universe. She was-is, sorry. She plays the character Kasey Ember aka Shock Wave who was the villain of the movie. We would always be shooting scenes together so we had a lot of downtime together. We would often talk and we got to know each other really well"

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