Chapter 1 || Wake up

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"Aaru. Eh eurume, wake up. Aaruthira", a loud voice boomed in a room. "Anni, She won't listen like this. Wait", a second voice said. The owner of the second voice took the jug of water that was on the bedside table and splashed it on the figure lying beneath the bedsheet.
(Buffalo) (Elder brother's wife)

"AMMA", Aaruthira screamed as she woke up fully drenched. As she looked at the two figures standing beside her bed, she could immediately feel the anger building up within her.

"Anni, Araneesh, why? I slept at 4 am. And now why are the both of you torturing me ", whining, she dragged herself to the washroom, leaving the both of them in laughs.

Post her morning duties, she went to the dining table and took a seat beside her younger brother. Right then her father asked her, "Aren't you forgetting something, Aaru"? "Huh", Aaruthira questioned while glancing at her mother who was signaling her to the prayer room. Aaruthira chided herself for forgetting to pray once she woke up.

She took the vermilion and placed it on her forehead above her pottu. With a calm mind, she sat back on her chair waiting for her elder brother to come to the table so that they can start eating together. That was a routine thing as everyone was busy with their work throughout the rest of the day.


Aaruthira reached her workplace 'Every24 News'. "Omg Aaru quick Andrea couldn't make it today. So you have to do the reporting". "What the hell Madavh! Why didn't you message me earlier. I didn't prepare any script, did Andy prepare any", she asked her colleague Madavh.

"No she didn't and chalo quick it's live reporting". "GREAT! What a way to start my day", Aaruthira mumbled to herself as she followed Madavh and the crew to their channel's minivan.
(Let's go)

In about 15 minutes the crew reached the venue of the reporting, The Queen Mall. They started setting up the cameras to start the live telecast while Aaruthira did a last-minute script.

"Aaru, Aashi's on-air".

3 minutes later

"Rolling in 3, 2, action"!

"Good Afternoon, Aashi. Like you said there is a great crowd here to get a glimpse of the newly opened 'Queen Mall'. Though the construction of the mall had been completed months ago, due to some land issues, the opening was kept postponed.

Now, the much-awaited 'Queen Mall' is finally open to the public. Our heartfelt congratulations to them. For Every24 News, with cameraman Madavh Rajput, this is Aaruthira Mohanraj signing off".

After taking a few interviews of the public, the crew had decided to pack up. Aaruthira had her nose stuffed into her iPad as she checked the upcoming news that was going to air.

She was not paying attention to her surrounding as she stubbed her toe onto a rock. "Fuck", she grimaced in pain while taking support by leaning against a car behind her. Just as she was massaging her toe she heard a rude voice,

"Get the fuck away from my car"!

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