Chapter 69 || Mission

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'Brrring! Brrring'!

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'Brrring! Brrring'!

It was six in the morning when Rudra woke up to the blaring of the alarm. Sighing, he stretched his arm out and offed the alarm. "You're up so early"?

Ruthira was getting ready for work when he had woken up. "Yeah, remember the new trafficking assignment? We are going there".

"Oh, but why do you think they will do something illegal in daylight"? Ruthira shrugged, "honestly it can happen anytime not nessassarily at night. And it looks like a normal housing".

Rudra nodded and got out of the bed. "Stay safe, okay"? Ruthira nodded hugging him. "I'm leaving now, Madavh's picking me up". "Okay, give me a call before switching off your phone".

She agreed and left the house. Rudra stared at the door and sighed. He didn't want her to be involved in such risky situations but that was her job. He can't just order her to not do something just because he didn't want her to.

Running his fingers through his hair, he went to get ready for work.


"We've got to stop here. Any further might be suspicious". Madavh stopped the van. "Okay", Ruthira said, looking around through the window.

"It does seem like a normal place", Tara was amused. "That's why they dare to do this illegal things", Rashid added. "Okay Madavh, ready"? "Yes Aaru, come".

Madavh and Ruthira got down from the van and checked if they had taken their cameras in their bag. Giving each other a nod, they walked towards the motel.

"It looks sketchy but at the same time it doesn't", Ruthira stated after looking at the entrance of the motel. "I know right". Both of them entered and immediately saw a lady sitting behind a table on the left.

"Yes", she questioned on seeing the both of them. "We need a room", Madavh answered. The woman looked at them suspiciously while taking out the log book, "how do y'all know about this place"?

"We were just walking around and came across this place", Madavh gave a sheepish smile. "Are you both married"? Both Madavh and Ruthira denied before signing the log book.

"We usually don't give out room like that. But you both seem to be impatient that's why I'm allocating one". Ruthira looked down with a fake shyness making the lady smirk.

"Come Priya, let's go", Madavh wrapped his arms around Ruthira's shoulder after taking the key from the lady. "Oh, this is where it looks gross", she scrunched her nose while scanning the green fungus on the corridors.

Madavh opened the door and led Ruthira in. She looked around the room checking for any hidden camera. "Aaru camera". Ruthira took out the camera from her bag and handed it to him.

They went out of the room with their respective camera, checking if anyone was along the corridor. Hearing some shuffling sound, both glued themselves against the wall of the L shaped corridor.

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