Chapter Twelve

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Alexis's POV :
Darn! He is so cute 😳 !!!!! I think I like him .... No-no-no I can't like him, I should stay away from these people, I know in the end I'm gonna hurt all of them. Fate always wants me to be a loner, first my parents, then Chase and my Gran 😣. Can't I be loved ? Why does God have to take all the loved ones 😭? I know something will happen to Josh but I'm scared if someone takes him away from me 😟 I could feel the cold chills brush across me.... Such a cool weather. 😊
I want him to be mine but I'll hurt him. I'm exhausted with all these thoughts and my body pain doesn't help either. Sitting for 2 hours makes me feel numb. And now I need a HUG !!! Okay! my mission is to get a hug. 😆 at least I hope so 😅
"Hey are you alright?" Chris asks me with a concerned look.
"Sorry I just zoned out. I was kinda tired" I reply with a smile.
"Yeah car rides are tiring at times" He says agreeing to my comment.
We look at Ryan & Josh who are having a cat-fight. All of us bursted out laughing and tried to stop those retards. This guy is so crazy, looking at Josh just makes me forget about everything. His smile, his eyes, his cheeks, the way he blushes, the way he gets furious about small things makes him so unique. He just makes me feel so complete. I feel safe with him, nothing to worry about, just him and only him. He catches me staring at him and smirks and walks closer to me.
He came closer and closer, just when we were inches apart he pressed his warm hands against my cheek came closer to me looked deep into my eyes and connected his lips to mine.
"Let's head inside, you seem tired." Josh says in a worried tone. I nod. Shit ! Shit ! Shit !!!! I was dreaming !! Holy shit ! I didn't kiss him in real 😭 what the hell ??? 😒
We head inside and the temperature inside in the house is soo cold ... Aaahh!!! Awesome temperature for cuddling 😍.
"So according to the game rules, team Ryan lost the game and team Josh is the winner" -Chris
We all start howling and screaming except for Bree, 😅 what's wrong with her. She is always so weird 😐 chuck it.
"Fine, we'll get to work guys." Ryan says agreeing to the rules. Team Ryan heads to the kitchen and start planning, while we guys decide to head to our rooms,change into comfy clothes then meet downstairs. Josh helps me carry my suitcase and while doing that our hands brushed and damn ☺️☺️ I could feel sparks plus I felt more tired than before 😒. He must have been really tired, driving for 2 hours 😕. My room was in the corner of the first floor and his room was next to mine, next to his room was Chris's continued by Sierra's, Ryan's , Bree's Madison's and the first room was Jake's. Phew ! Such a huge farmhouse 😟 !!!! With all these thoughts as we finished climbing the stairs being the clumsy me, I bumped into Josh's back and which made him fall but Chris caught him and I fell on my butt, "Owww!!!" I cried with pain. Both Chris and Josh looked at me and bursted out laughing. I joined them but then Josh helped me get up. Chris left us as he saw Sierra was having trouble in carrying her suitcase. "I'm sorry for laughing" Josh said but continued laughing again. I pouted at him and said, "it's okay but what's so funny"
"Nothing, you looked really cute" he said teasing me and I giggled while blushing. 😊 He entered my room kept the suitcase on a table and headed outside. Before exiting the room he said, "Get ready and meet us down." "Yeah, I'll be there, and thanks a lot for helping me." I say while heading towards him. "No big deal Lexi. Get freshen up cause you stink." He said while closing his nose indicating that I stink really bad 😛. I playfully slap/hit his arm and his muscles felt of toned and in shape 😍 "Btw, did you know ?! You have a really big nose." I say cheekily. "Wow! You notice so much, trust me when we kiss my nose won't poke you." He said with a grin. Damn! this guy just made blush sooo bad like so bad. Okay, I can't get jacked I have to say something, "We should definitely try that Mr. Josh, but you see I'm currently busy I'll let you know when I'm free then we can try it." I say with a wink and close my door. ☺️☺️ To be honest I want to kiss him so bad, his lips look so juicy and I wonder what his lips would taste like. My first kiss = Josh = Life goals 😍. Clearing all these thoughts I head to the washroom to have a quick shower. OMG ! *screams* this washroom is so huge and is so kewl !!!
"Hey is everything alright" Jake screams from outside. "Yeah everything's okay, don't worry" I reply laughing 😆 lol I must have been really loud. I untie my hair, remove my clothes and jump in the shower and turn on the hot water. WOW! I feel up!!!! Every part of my body feels so good. The hot water embracing my body felt so good. My life has changed drastically from the time I met Josh. I still remember our first crash in the cafeteria 😊. I guess I'm falling for him. But does he feel the same about me, does he even like me? He is really playful, flirty and cute with me. Maybe that's how he treats everyone. Yeah, he is the same with Sierra. *sigh* I'm just a normal girl for him. I feel so bad 😔. I turn off the tap, wrap myself with a towel and dry my hair. After I'm done I head to my room. "Joosshhh" I scream loudly, "I'm so sorry, you were taking really long so I decided to come in but you had locked your door, so I took the opportunity of sneaking in from the balcony. And our balconies are connected sooo...." He started rambling and turned around covering his eyes. He is so adorable. I laugh then say, "It's okay, stay here I'll just change then join you" I open my suitcase, grab a set of clothing then head to the washroom. I close the door, change into black sweat pants and long sleeve grey color t-shirt which said "Cuddling is my cardio" cool right. I look at myself, adjust my hair then unlock the door and head towards Josh. He sees my outfit and smirks at me. "Like what you see Mr. Josh" I say with a grin. He gets up from the bed comes close to me like really close and whispers in my ear "Yes! You look amazing Miss. Alexis" this simple sentence sent shivers and bombs to my spine. Curse me..!!!! He retrieves his position looking in my eyes and says,"Let's head downstairs and see what they are going to feed us"
It took me some seconds to come back to REALITY!!!!! This guy, yes this guy right here controls me, his voice just turns me on. I just nod and head downstairs with him. We go down to see Ryan had arranged Pizza's , Pasta and Lemon Cucumber Mozzarella !!!! "Yaaayy!!! The food smells delicious" I scream loudly causing Josh to chuckle and Sierra joins in and screams too.
We all laugh then Ryan says, "Cmon folks let's eat!!!" All of us take our seats, I head to take a seat next to Madison but someone holds my hand, slowly drags me to the other side and that someone was Josh. We both sat between Ryan and Sierra. Opposite to Ryan was Bree, beside her was Jake, Madison and Chris. "The Feast is officially open" I say loudly and all of them start clapping and cheering. We serve each other with pizza and pasta. I tasted the lemon cucumber mozzarella and damn, it was delicious. All of us enjoyed the food with stupid talks of Madison & Bree, lame jokes cracked by me and Sierra, funny incidents of Ryan and Chris, crazy yet cute comments of Josh and Jake. I wish this moment could last forever. My life is becoming better and better. Can I be any more happier? My life seems perfect ☺️ I love you mum, dad and gran, I miss you guys 😘. I see all of them getting up from their seats and head towards the audio room in the basement. "Let's go down Lex" Josh says and walks towards the refrigerator. I too get up, and walk towards Josh. 😁
"Josh" I say calmly. He turns around facing me with a bottle of water, I decrease the distance between us and murmur a small "Thank you" which was loud enough for him to hear and hug him. Okay, tbh I didn't plan to hug him but I eventually did. 😱 Within few seconds I could feel his hands on my waist hugging me me more tight. Damn! 😳 It makes me feel so good. His body smelt for good like lavender. It feel like I was hugging a lavender field 😆. I could feel his uneven breath on my neck, he gets nervous every too. I was trying really hard to breath. I told you this guy controls me. We stayed like that for a few minutes then pulled apart. "May I ask the reason for thanking me?" he asked with curiosity. "First of all idk but I felt like thanking you and second thanks for the hug. I'd been having severe body pain which can be released only by hugs, I know it's weird but that how I roll!" I say with a shy smile. He giggles first then hugs me again saying, "I'm always here to give you hugs, let's call this 'the sexy hug by Josh' what do you say?" I break the hug and start laughing, then say, "Sure whatever you say Joshy-Bosey" We both giggle then head downstairs.
All of them were busy choosing (precisely were having a argument) a movie. We join them and Josh says that we'll watch 'Guardians of the Galaxy' The special feature about the audio room was that there were 6 duet couches ☺️ everyone occupied their places, and I was planning to sit to next when....

Hey guys !!!! So what do you think happens next ?!!!! Where does Alexis sit ?? 😏😏 Hope you guys liked the chapter..!!!! You can follow me on Twitter it's @poojucool and I'd surely follow you back!!!! Have a nice day !!!! 💙
Love ya guys 😘
~ Pooja 😁

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