Chapter Fifteen

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Alexis' POV:

Damn. My head hurts. 🤕Where the hell am I? Is it a hospital? No, no, no. My chest feels heavy,
It's burning.

"Open your eyes...."👀
"Don't hurry"
"Very slow"
I can hear different voices from different directions. 😟 I can't see anything. It's dark. I'm scared. Where am I ? 😶
And BAM..!!!!!!! All the light from the world just enters and BURN. I'm gonna die. What the heck?
"Turn down the light you filthy animals."
I don't know why I feel really arrogant. Gawd! The lights go off, thankfully.
A spotlight is switched on which is right on top of me. A guy dressed in black comes near me out of nowhere.What exactly is going on?😯
He places a canvas in front of me. 😒
He slowly dramatically removes the cloth covering the masterpiece I suppose. God! Why so dramatic?. I'll die of curiosity. 😑
I'm feel really ACTIVE.
My brain feels amazing. I want to run a marathon. 😃
OH EM GEEE......
I literally start laughing looking at the "ART" 😂😂😂
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(That's the art)
"Don't you dare laugh at our Goddess" - A random voice from my left side
"Goddess? Are you kidding me?" - Me
"Shut up! You can get cursed again." - The guy who bought the canvas
"I sketch better than this... Wait a minute what do you mean by get cursed again.." - Me

"Lexi.. Lexi.. Are you alright?" Josh asks me worriedly.😰
"Umm... Where are we..?" I ask. I'm feeling so weak. Did I give birth?? Because that's EXACLTY how I'm feeling right now.😷
"We're in the hospital"
"Whaat..?? Wwhhyy??"
"Just a second. The doctors calling me"
I must nod. Why is he so adorable? 😣Why is he so caring ? Why? Why Josh? Your name gives me thrills. Your voices makes me weak. I want you in the worst way but I don't wanna hurt you. Aaahh!!! Why am I not normal? Why?
And what was my dream all about... Was it even a dream, felt more like a nightmare. 😲 The canvas. Shit! So funnily weird. *shivers*
"Hey! You feeling cold." Josh asks.
Should I tell him about my dream..?? He'll probably think I'm such a maniac, and laugh at my dream... And hate my forever. 😢
"No, I'm fine."
"Comes let's get out of here."
"Thank god."
He gives me a hand... Should I take it ? Or should I not?
"Give me your hand. You're still weak."
I'd have liked like such an idiot. Gosh! Someone kill me. 💀
I give him my hand, he helps me get up. He intertwines our hands leads us towards the door.
I'm feeling crazy. 😳
"Are you hungry?" Josh asks me. Am I hungry??
"I don't know. It's like I wanna eat, but at the same time I don't wanna eat." I say innocently. 😂 I'm feeling high.
"Whaat??" Josh says and bursts out laughing, and what do I do there... Just stare at him. No way! I join too. We both laugh for a good 10 mins. 😂
"Let's get some pizza. Shall we Miss.Lexi." Josh says flirtatiously.
"Sure Mi amor."
Dayum. Is he blushing ? 😳
Shit! JOSH IS BLUSHING. So cute 😳
We stop in front of a cute place, "Pizza Mania". 😃
"I'm going maniac for Josh and Pizzas." I say cheekily.
Josh laughs and says, "And I feel cheesy whenever you're around." 🙈
"Awww. Joshy-boshey makes me double cheesy." I say with a wink.😉
We enter the place and dayum, the aroma reminds me of my childhood. 😍
"Hello beautiful people. Welcome to Pizza Mania. I'm your waitress for the day. My name is Laura. Here are your menus, ring the bell if you need me around."
"Thank you." We say it together and exchange smiles🙃.
"Soooo Lexxi, I'm down for a double cheese pepperoni..." Before he finishes I say, "I wanna have triple cheese fun with cherry tomatoes." quickly.
"Woah! Woah! Calm down my queen." Josh says shockingly 🙈
"I'm sorry...." Was I rude ? Oh god! I hope I wasn't.
"Omg! Don't be, I was just kidding." Josh says trying to calm me.
I get up from my seat head outside and start doing somersaults.
"Lexi? Are you alright ?" - Josh
"Let's get out of here." - Josh
"Whaat....." - Josh
"Give me a painkiller. Anyone. Please hurry." - Me.

I finished my 11th somersault and I see Josh heading towards me. He hands me the pain killer with a bottle of water. This calms me down. Aahh!! My head! 🙇🏻

"Kids! Move away from the way." Says an old uncle who is leading a walk-a-thon marathon thingy for old people.
A old woman stops by and asks me if she could borrow some water. I hand her the bottle and grannies, being grannies hold my hand and say thank you.
I should be the one thanking you granny. (T_T)
Damn Alexi, back it again with the regret touches.
"Wow! This water makes me feel young." Says the granny and jogs away.
"Haha! Funny Gran! Are you alright? Because I'm a bit confused." Says Josh in a confused tone.
"Mmhmm.. Yeah! I'm tired. Can we go back?" I say in a questioning tone.
"Yeh sure! We'll pick up some food through the McD drive through. Is that cool with you LeXXII..??" Josh says stressing the XI in my name 😝🙈🙈 I can't help but blush. I just nod, because I'm too tired to talk.
I still wonder how Josh is being so sweet to me. I embarrassed him so much.. LIKE SO MUCH. Who the hell does somersaults in the middle of the road out of nowhere.. I really need to contact Dr. Sarah. I hope she helps me. It's been ages since she's checked on me. Hope she is doing alright. I'll email her later, I urgently need to fix an appointment with her.

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