Chapter Four

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At Alexis' House:
Josh's POV :
I was terrified. Had something bad happened to her? I was so worried about her, even though the nurse at school, told it was a mild concussion. But I just couldn't feel alright. Something is wrong happening to her, I can sense it.Whatever may be the reason I need to know and I have to protect her. I was really very tensed about Lexi. Suddenly my phone buzzed removing me from my thoughts. The caller id read "Bree" gah! What does she want??!! She called to inform me that coach Bob wanted me at the field for the captain tryouts. I was hesitant at first but then she told that she would look after Alexis until she came back to her senses. A part of me wanted to stay with Lexi but I knew I couldn't miss the captain tryouts, so I decided to write a letter. Hoping that all my questions would be answered when Alex wakes up. I also left my mobile number, incase she would like to speak to me and stuff..!! Thinking about this I began to blush!!!! 😳 clumsy me 🙈

Bree had reached Alexi's house and was terrified at the condition of the house. It was situated in a deserted lonely place which basically looked like ghosts and witches resided in it. "Yuck" she thought. But then, she was doing it only for JOSH. She entered Alex's room and found her sleeping. She couldn't believe anyone could even sleep so well in this Haunted House. She being jobless started checking out Alexi's room. Something caught her eye, near the bed lamp. It was a letter. She decided to read it, after all it was her pass time...
Josh's letter:
Dear Alex,
I didn't get a chance to talk to you today. My bad. But I'm hoping to talk to you soon. I nearly got a shock when you fainted !!! Please tell me what happened? I can help you. Are you sick? Is anyone troubling you? Please tell me Lexi. If you need any help please call me, 9900114638. Call me if you need anything ( anything at all )
Josh 💙
Bree's POV :
OMG! I cannot believe this. Did I read it properly or am I dreaming?? I slapped myself to assure that it wasn't a dream. No ways Josh cannot like her. That tooo this piece of shit over me...!!! I have been waiting for this moment all my life and now this lil cheapo cannot take it away so easily. I have been behind Josh for almost like 6 years, I'm not gonna let anyone ruin this work of mine. I have to do something... I decided to change the letter.
(Bree's letter)

Why have you been causing so much pain in my life. I get irritated by your presence. Just because I gave your name for the Juliet's role, you decided to faint on me huh? Thank the good Lord that I'm in one piece. You are a pathetic hopeless creature. I hate you !! You get that. Stay away from me.

Bree was quite satisfied after writing the letter. "No one can never ever ruin my plan" said Bree. And left from there.
After an hour or so Alexi slowly regained her conscious. She was shocked finding herself in her own bed. She saw a paper kept near her pillow. She decided to read it. As she was reading each and every word from the letter, tears kept running from her eyes. She couldn't control her feelings. She was so hurt by the letter. She started to develop feelings for Josh but after reading this her heart broke into pieces and she just curled in the bed and slept without eating anything. :'(

The Next Day !!!!!
Josh's POV :
I have been waiting for hours and hours which felt like years !!! My phone started beeping, I hoped it was Lexi. But all my hope went to waste when I was who the caller was, it was none other than the great spoiler Ryan. I didn't bother to pick his call. I had been awake the whole night waiting for her to call but she broke my heart :( As I was caught up in my daydreams, out of the corner of my eye I noticed Lexi entering the building. She looked so beautiful. She was like an Angel sent from my own personal heaven. I knew I was falling way to hard for her. I hoped she would look at me and speak to me. But she just ignored me and walked off. It was like I was getting stabbed. The pain was unbearable. I called out her name... She turned and looked at me. Her eyes were filled with pain and disgust. The pain increased, as her eyes stared into mine.. It felt like I had betrayed her. She was about to cry :'( she just ran from there. I don't know what is going on ....

Alexis' POV :
Why is he showing sympathy towards me ??? Did he forget about the letter ??? That piece of paper. 😖
Who is he to me? He is everything. He is the hope which regained when I thought I wouldn't be able to. After my parents death, it was like my heart had stopped beating. But when I saw him for the first time, my dead heart began beating again. If he hated me, why did he even bother to take me home? Why is he acting so innocent? Like he actually cares ... Suddenly Bree came to me and started with her usual drama. She said,"Oh! I heard, you fainted yesterday. Didn't your mama feed you enough? Was someone a cry baby yesterday who refused to eat meals? Or wait lemme guess your dieting to become skinny and look sexy like me Eh?" I couldn't control anymore, I just ran from there, bursting into tears. Not even bothering to see Josh standing in front of me. He tried stopping me and asking what happened. I just snapped at him saying, "Why the heck do you even care??" He just stood still and stopped trying to stop me. It was as if I had betrayed him and wanted to soothe him but then I cannot forget all the mean words he left for me in the letter. He deserved it. I ran as fast as I could. I put my key in ignition of my truck and drove as far as I could. I saw a black SUV car following me but I didn't bother to stop. Suddenly I stopped at a dead end. I got out from the car and searched for the black SUV, but I couldn't find it. I guess it was my mind playing tricks.

Josh's POV :
My heart bled as I heard those harsh words. Did I do something? Or had someone told her something, had Ryan gone and spoken to her. Maybe that's why he was calling me. I decided to call him. He was pissed at me for not answering the call. I apologised and asked him why he had called me? He told me that the coach had decided to make me the captain of the soccer team. Even though I should be screaming and shouting about my success but my heart seemed to betray my feelings. Alex's innocent face flashed in my mind. I had to get out from here and search for her. I have to talk to her. As I was leaving the building I met Brody. "Hey man! Where you upto?"Brody asked. "Nothing much! Just got some urgent work" I replied. Brody continued, "Hmm but don't you have to meet Bob.. " "What are you serious??" I replied getting tensed. "Josh are you okay?? I mean your the captain. Remember last year after the coach decided the captain, the captain has to meet the coach and plan all the things for the year. Last time Keith got selected and poor him he had a date that day. Lol, he had been trying so hard to go on a date with Sasha and at last when she agreed he couldn't go. Instead he had a date with the coach.. Anyways gotta go mahn ... Tiffany is waiting for me." I bid him a goodbye and headed towards the coach. FML !!
It's gonna be a long day !!!! And if I don't go he'll give the position to someone else. Aaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!God is testing me. Maybe I'll try speaking to Lexi tomorrow.

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