•1• on our way home

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•chapitre 1•
(Aurora pov)

"Mommy! Mommy!" I heard as I woke up, my eyes still closed. "Mommy get up before I get Pépé to come get you!" I peeped my eyes open to see my beautiful 2 year old daughter named Leo. I got pregnant with her after I had tried to be cool like everyone in school for one night. My dad was very supportive during the process, even though I was and still am young.

Leo screeched as I reached over to pull her up to lay on my stomach. "Sleep for a few more minutes baby, mommy needs her sleep."

"But mommy, we're going to see uncle Si today! And we are going to live in London for the summer! And we are —." My daughter rambled, despite the fact that she didn't know where London was, how far it was from Québec, Canada and what we will be doing. With how clear she talked, you would think that she's at least 5, but my father, Regulus Black, taught her really well while I was in school.

I made sure no one at school knew she was my daughter. If a classmate had to come over, we would pretend she was my sister and that Kreature stayed upstairs. Now you may be asking why I'm going to a muggle school, when I'm a witch. Well, the answer is simple, I do both, just in case I want to take a job in the muggle world. My father teaches me all the wizarding stuff after school and on weekends, while from 8:30-14:15 Monday through Friday I'm at a muggle school going into grade 12 when the summer ends.

"Shh Leo, relax, go ask Pépé if he can help you get changed while I get ready, okay?" I asked her calmly. And so she ran off with her two little legs, making her way to my dad.

Once she was out of my room, I walked to my closet to grab an outfit, a blue crew neck with a white tennis skirt, and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

— time skip —

"Good morning pa, good morning again Leo, you look so cute. Pépé did a good job dressing you today for once." I said with a pointed look towards my dad at the end of my sentence. Today, she wore a black shirt with light washed overall shorts and a black bow in her hair.

"Good morning darling, I made eggs and bacon for breakfast," Dad said with his slight British accent. Since dad was born and raised in London, he still has a bit of an accent. But since he's been here in Canada for 15 years, it's gotten a hint of a Canadian accent.

"Ooouuu, cela sens bon! À quel heure partons-nous?" I asked in French. (Ooouuu, that smells nice! What time are we leaving?)

"In 45 minutes, so go get everything together. Make sure you have Leo's stuff and your own stuff," my father answered with a pointed look back towards me, "how many times do you think we have forgotten your stuff?"

The thing is, I put all my focus onto my daughter when we go for a trip, since she likes to get hyper right before we leave, so for more than a few times, I have forgotten my stuff...

"We don't need to answer that," I drifted off, "anyways who's going to be there?" I asked while I sat on the chair in front of my breakfast.

"Uncle Sirius, Remus, James, Lily and maybe Harry. Sirius said that he had been going to the Weasley's quite often, so he might only be around for a bit. And do you want all of them to know that Leo is yours or is she your sister because only Sirius knows? Though I'm sure Lily and Remus will figure it out in no problem, but, your uncle has been saying that Harry and James are very oblivious, so they will not think anything of it." He responded.

"I'm fine if the adults know, but I don't want Harry or the Weasley's to know yet, I don't know if I can trust them not to judge yet." I said as Leo came to my feet and struggled to get up onto my lap. I lifted her up onto my lap so that her legs were on either side of mine and she was looking at me.

"Okay, that's fine with me, whatever you're comfortable with. Now eat up!" My dad answered.

— time skip —

I was sitting in Leo's playroom, playing with her while we were waiting to leave. She was mumbling all sorts of stuff to her dolls, so as she was talking to me, I though she was talking to her dolls.

"-ommy! Mommy! Mommy!" She started blabbering in my face.

"Oh sorry bub, what would you like?"

"When are we le-le-le..."

"Leaving?" I helped her.

"Ya! When are we leaving with Pépé to go on the trip?" Leo asked.

"In," I looked down at my watch, "10 minutes bub, so we have to get downstairs to wait for Pép." So I picked her up and put her on my hip, grabbed my phone and my wand from the top of the dresser and headed downstairs.

Once we got downstairs, we saw my father with all our bags. "Is everyone ready to go?" Me and my daughter answered with a nod of the head (Leo's going fast enough that it looked like her head would fly right off).

"Okay Leo, before we head out, if I give you a big smile and tap my head, what does that means?" I asked my daughter.

"You are sissy!" She whisper yelled. I gave her a big thumbs up and a kiss on the cheek to let her know that's right.

My father handed me the floo powder bag for some powder before I stepped into the fire place, Leo still on my hip. I do have my apparating license, but my dad and I would rather floo when Leo's with us, since it's easier on her.

"Leo, hold on tight," I told her, "12 Grimould place!" I said as I threw the powder at my feet. As soon as I could snap my fingers, I saw green flames surround me and Leo.


I don't know if this is good... but this is chapter 1, home u like it!!

Je t'aime,

Aurora | Fred Weasley x OcWhere stories live. Discover now