•6• hungover

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•chapitre 6•
Aurora pov

I woke up with a pounding headache and a dry throat. I tried to recall last night and how I ended up so drunk, but the last thing I remembered was heading to the dance floor after a drink and the prettiest gold eyes I've ever seen.

I reached around for my phone — with my eyes still closed — to see what time it was but I couldn't find it. I finally opened my eyes and looked under my covers but it wasn't there. So, I got up and decided to get ready then look for it.

As soon as I took a step, I felt something cold and hard under my foot. I looked down and there it was, my phone. I picked it up and saw that it was 9:00 am.

Wow I thought, I'm hungover and still woke up early. Hmm.

I got dressed and as I was cleaning my face from the makeup from last night, I heard little steps pattering upstairs to the room.


I turned towards the door right as little arms reached around my legs.

"Good morning bub! How long have you been up?" I asked my daughter.

"Forever," she answered exasperated.

I gave her a look. "What did I say missy about using that attitude with me?"

She mumbled something incoherent under her breath, "What was that?" I asked

"To not give attitude unless I want to go timeout." She responded.

I nodded. "Okay, let's go downstairs. I will let it go this time"

She smiled with her teeth, gave me a kiss on the cheek and started skipping out of the room.

✯ ✯ ✯

We were all talking in the kitchen when Harry came down for breakfast. We had all finished eating and were just sipping on coffee — an apple juice in Leo's case.

Harry sat down next to me and starting eating, then every once and a while he would look between me and Leo.

It was starting to get in my nerves so I decided to say something.

"Hey, why do you keep looking between me and Leo?" I asked curiously. This gathered the attention of all the adults.

He just looked wide-eyed and became speechless, "um... uh"

"You can say it, I'm pretty sure I know what your thinking but I don't know how you would know."

With that he blurted out, "Your a mom?!"

Everyone went quiet, I nodded and motioned for Leo to come sit on my lap.

"Harry, this is Leo, my daughter that when we are out, you will refer to her as my sister. Got it?" He nodded.

Lily looked at Harry, "Don't be like your father, Harry and refuse to accept the times now."

James let out a fake offenced gasp, "How dare you my Lily-flower? To tell on me to my own son??"

Lily just shook her head, we all laughed.

Harry said, "I'm just shocked that I didn't noticed sooner, you guys look exactly the same now that I really look."

Then we all talked for a bit and played some board games, within Leo's request.

✯ ✯ ✯

"Oh Harry didn't you say that we were invited the the burrow for lunch. It's 12:30 right now," Dad asked Harry.

I completely forgot about that.

We all decided to go get everything together to go to the Weasley's. So, I packed mine and my daughter's stuff; bathing suits, toys and pjs for Leo and some warm clothes for me.

Fred pov

Her ass was grinding on my dick. Her hips moved perfectly with the rhythm of the song. She turned around and looked up at me with her beautiful grey eyes, then leaned in.


Her lips were so soft.

"Fred! Wake up!" I was shaken awake by my younger sister Ginny. "Fred, come on! We have company coming over. Mom said to get changed and come downstairs. They should be here for lunch in about an hour."

I shook my head to rid me of my dream and mumbled a "fuck" when I realized that I had a bit of a problem under the equator...

I looked up at Ginny and told her I'd be down in a few minutes.

✯ ✯ ✯

It took me longer than usual to take care of my problem since I kept thinking about her hips and her eyes. Although, I swear I saw those eyes before, they seemed really familiar.

I should have got her name and number.

Once I was done getting ready and I've sorted out my problem, I went downstairs to eat.

"Hello sleeping beauty! Look who's finally graced us with his presents," my twin, George, said.

"Oh shush George," mom said, "now why are you up so late, and don't lie, I heard you guys come in last night."

I looked towards Ginny and George and shook my head.

"We'll come on, we don't have all day!" My mom scolded us.

"We were at Sirius', Harry invited us to a game night with their guests. The game ended late and we didn't want to bother you, so we snuck in. Sorry," Ginny came out with a quick lie.

"Okay then," Mom said with a pointed look towards me and George, "now up, up, George and Fred. Since you guys took Ginny out so late, you two have the dishes to wash, and no magic. Get it done in 15 minutes."

We nodded our heads and started bringing the dishes to the sink. George looked at me at the corner of his eye and I could tell he wanted to say something. I looked back at him and he took that as the cue to start talking.

"Who was that pretty girl you were dancing with last night, it looked like you guys were comfy," he remarked with a smirk.

"Oh, please don't mention her, I had to take a cold shower this morning because of it." I'm fine telling him this since we are close and he talks about this stuff to me. Especially recently, since he realized that he is no longer straight and fancies Lee, our best friend.

He nodded his head in understanding.

After that, we finished the dishes, pretty much in silence.

✯ ✯ ✯

I was playing Red Redemption when there was a knock at the door.

I'd been playing for an hour after George amd I finished with the dishes. I turned of my pc and took off my headset when Charlie knocked on the door to tell me everyone was downstairs with guests.

So, I went to the main floor and saw the backs of what looked like Sirius' brother, that I had seen in pictures, a tall girl and a little kid. I got into view, when my mother introduced me.

But, as soon as the guests turned around, my eyes locked onto the beautiful grey ones from last night.

Hey guys... how y'all doin....

So. I'm sorry for the time and bad grammar, I'm actually on vacation and I was writing this on the way here and on the beach.  Anyways thanks for all the reads and votes. I really appreciate it. And.... That's it!

Je t'aime,


Aurora | Fred Weasley x OcМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя