•7• the burrow

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•chapitre 7•
Aurora pov

"Hey, Hon? Pourquoi est-ce que cet homme t'observe comme ça?" I turned to the left, to where my dad was looking.

It's him.

"Je l'ai vue hier soir au club, je pense qu'il me recognize," I answered.

Of course I wasn't going to tell him what actually happened, but since it was just us two for years until I had Leo, I've always told him the truth. We pretty much raised each other.

He looked at me with a 'I don't believe that's the full story' look, then answered, "Ah, I see. Just be careful."

I nodded.

I looked back and saw that everyone was looking at us, confusion written clearly on their faces, except Sirius of course.

Years ago, when my dad just started teaching me French, he told me that everyone in the House of Black had to learn at least one foreign language. So, the two Black brothers chose French.

"Molly, Arthur, you remember my brother Regulus from school?" I looked over to, who I'm guessing are the parents. As soon as my uncle brought up my dad, Molly's smile turned into a scowl for a split second. You wouldn't have realized if you weren't looking closely. Arthur just looked happy to have more guests. "These are his two daughters, Aurora, the oldest, and Leo, the youngest."

While Sirius was talking, Leo had found her way to Lily, being excited to have more females around. I waved and Lily helped Leo wave.

It was silent for a moment before Molly spoke up, "Welcome! Welcome dears! Harry, could you introduce the girls to Ron, Ginny and the twins?"

"For sure Mrs. Weasley."

✯ ✯ ✯

We had all walked upstairs to someone's room, Leo was now on my hip, falling asleep on my shoulder. There were two beds in this room with a bunch of Quidditch posters on the walls. One bed looked hardly used while the other one looked used.

Harry leaned over to whisper in my ear, "This is Ginny's room." I looked at him and winked, knowing that being in here is like torture.

"Here, come and sit! Fred, George, do you mind transfiguring two chairs for our guests?"

Before they could do anything, I just flicked my wrist and the chairs appeared. They all looked at me in surprise, "I've had a lot of time on my hands in the past."

It was silent for a moment, "Was that French we heard downstairs when you were talking to your dad? And where's your accent
from?"George broke the silence.

"Oh ya! All the Blacks have to learn a language and my dad wanted to continue the tradition, even if my grandparents were not right in their minds," I answered," and I guess I have a Canadian accent. I don't hear it though."

✯ ✯ ✯

After that we just started talking about anything and everything. It started getting closer to lunch and closer to Leo's nap time. A few minutes ago, she climbed onto my lap and put her head on my shoulder. Every few seconds Fred would look over at us and then quickly look back to the conversation.

I leaned over to Harry, since he was next to me and whispered that I was bringing Leo to a room to nap. I got out of my seat and made sure Leo was well connected to me then started walking downstairs.

"—idditch game for the kids tomorrow." Was the first thing I heard. I think it was James since he loves that sport. My guess was proven right when I walked into the kitchen.

I walked towards Molly to ask where I could put Leo, but as soon as she saw me, her smile turned into a scowl. I was about to turn around when Arthur noticed me.

"Hey Aurora, how are the kids upstairs? Not too crazy and loud, I hope?" He said.

"They're good, very nice. You and Molly raised them very well. I was just wondering where Leo could take a nap. She was getting tired and now she feels like dead weight." At that everyone laughed.

Once he calmed down he answered, "she could sleep in the twins room. If you go up the stairs, all the way to the top floor, find the room with an F and G on it, just put her down on one of the beds."

"Perfect! Thank you!"

✯ ✯ ✯

I awoke with someone shaking me.

"Wake up princess, lunch is ready for you" I heard. From the nickname that was said, I definitely knew who it was.

I guess I fell asleep when I put my daughter to sleep. I could still feel her in my arms and hear her breathing, so I knew she was still asleep.

I opened my eyes to see the golden eyes that keep appearing.

"I see you chose my bed, darling."

Fred pov
(Time skip to the past)

It had been a good 15 minutes and Aurora was still missing. I had noticed her leaving with the little one right away and I guessed she was putting her to sleep.

The bond between Regulus' daughters looked so close, and Aurora seemed very protective over Leo. I mean, I understand the need to protect like George and I do for Ginny and Ron, but this seemed like more.

After 5 minutes rolled around and Mom called us for lunch we all decided to head down. I was looking around the kitchen thinking that Aurora might have come down after putting Leo to bed instead of returning, but I didn't see her.

Regulus caught me looking for her and came up to me. "She's in your room with Leo, let her sleep. She is tired and if she wakes up, it will most likely wake the young one up." I nodded.

So we ate.

As soon as I was done and had a bit of dessert, I looked to Regulus and he nodded to say that it was okay to go wake them up.

I headed to my room and was definitely surprised with the sight I saw.

Long time no see guys, I'm sorry it took so long but I didn't want to publish a badly written chapter. Thx for waiting so long. Letting you guys know that I have made a tiktok for this story. It's the same username as my wattpad and I will be sharing ideas that come to me. So if you share anything about this story, tag me @moody_bub_ <3

Ps: sorry about the bad grammar

Je t'aime,


Aurora | Fred Weasley x OcWhere stories live. Discover now