•3• exchange of socials

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•chapitre 3•
Aurora pov

Everyone looked around, wondering who was going to break the tension that was created as soon as I put my daughter on the ground. Harry just looked from me to Leo and back to me again, just trying to figure this out.

"Harry, the two girls are my daughters, the eldest is Aurora and this little one," my dad started tickling my daughter's sides, "is Leo."

It always warmed my heart so much when my father treated Leo as if she's actually his daughter. He always helped me with her and when it was hard on me, he would take her out for the day and keep her occupied or when she would do accidental magic, he would clean everything up and help calm her zoomies down.

"Hello," I waved as I made my way to an open seat, coincidentally in between of my father and Remus.

"Hi," he answered awkwardly, "so... how old are you?"

"17, how old are you?" I asked with a raised brow. The adults were just looking between us, obviously sensing the atmosphere.

"I'm 15, and you're the same age as the Weasley twins. Have you ever met them before?" He asked with food in his mouth.

"Unfortunately, I haven't. Should I be scared to?"

"It depends really, they like to prank a lot," he then mumbled to himself, "like certain people I know..."

James and Sirius started laughing while Remus was trying to stifle his laugh. My dad had told me that they were the famous marauders in Hogwarts and still haven't matured. I can clearly see that.

"An old friend of mine liked to prank, so I'm used to it, but she was a muggle, so they weren't that extreme," I said.

"Then I'm sure that the twins will definitely surpass your expectations."

I gave him a nod as I grabbed some food for me and Leo. "Hey bub, do you think you can eat by yourself or do you want me to help you?"

"You!" She whispered in my ear, excitedly. So for the next half-hour, I helped her eat her lunch, while eating some myself.

✯  ✯ ✯

The next morning I had been laying in bed on my phone, having some time to myself before I had to get up. I scrolled through my socials and watched some tv.

After a while of doing that, I started getting worried. By this time usually, my daughter would be laying on top of me and trying to get me up. So, I got out of bed and got dressed. I put one of my dad's old band shirts on some sweats.

Once I was done getting ready, I walked downstairs to hear laughing. I followed the laughter, and it led me to the living room. There, my heart warmed at the sight. I saw Leo playing with Sirius and Lily while Remus, James and my dad watched.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," Remus said as he saw me by the door, catching everyone's attention.

"We thought you wouldn't wake up," Sirius stated. Leo then came over and did the pick-me-up hands. I squatted down, picked her up and gave her a kiss on the nose.

"I was just on my phone in my room. I've been up for about an hour now and it's only 10:00. Who got this little nugget up anyways?" I commented.

Aurora | Fred Weasley x OcWhere stories live. Discover now