New faces

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Ruby was fighting Neo in the pocket dimension between
Ruby: why are you doing this
Neo kicks off crescent rose
Ruby: I hope it was worth it
Neo lunged at Ruby but she used her semblance to go under the platform and knock both them off
Cinder: goodbye
Cinder kicks neos hush off then kicks neos hand letting it go
Neo and Ruby fall
Ruby: no!!
Blake catches ruby but the line gets cut make both of them fall
Ruby passed out and didn't wake up until she landed
As she landed she was upside down
Ruby: what the hell
Ruby saw a light on coming from here feet ruby started stomping
Ruby: almost *stomp* got *stomp* it
Ruby falls out of a man hole
Ruby: the hell!
Gravity moves and places Ruby right side up
Ruby: what is their place
Ruby: oh shit I'm on the road
Ruby moves to the sidewalk and walks around the city
Ruby: this place doesn't look like atlas or remnants at all
Ruby finds a park
Ruby: it's nice here
Ruby comes across a statue
Ruby: whos all might
Kid: you don't know who all might is girly!
Ruby: uh no I just got here and don't call me girly kid I'm 16
Kid: sorry girly but if you don't know the number one hero that's a you problem
The kid runs away
Ruby: number one hero
Ruby walks a bit further down the park coming across a comic book stand
Ruby: maybe those can tell me
Ruby goes up to the person who runs the stand
Ruby: Um excuse me sir but how much does and all might comic cost
Guy: the limit addition one coast 10 bucks but the non limit addition only 5
Ruby: get me two limited additions
Guy: let me see the money first
Ruby takes out her phone
Ruby: you take credit
Guy: yeah
Ruby pays for the comics and takes them with her
Ruby sits on a bench
Ruby: time to see who this all might guy is
Ruby opens the comic and flips through the pages
At first she thought it was boring but it started to get better and better
Ruby: damn
Ruby finished the comic and read the back
Ruby: "in a world where 80% of people have unique ability (quirks) there are good people and the bad people, the hero's help people, the number one being all might but to all of our surprises he retired making endeavor number one, all might still works at UA a higher school that teaches there students how to be hero's"
Ruby: that's cool but that doesn't mean I can get home
Ruby gets up with a determined face
Ruby: if I can't go home I'll go UA high and maybe they will have a solution to my struggle!
Ruby hears a commotion
Girl: hey give me my purse
Guy: hell no you bitch
The guy had a pepper spray quirk
The guy throws a pepper spray at the women
Girl: my eyes
Ruby: HEY!!
Guy: who the hell are you
Ruby: what kind of man disrespect a women like that!
Guy: I don't know but your a fine ass piece
Ruby: excuse me!
The guy runs away
Ruby: oh no your not!
Ruby activates her semblance and catches the guy
Ruby: wait here till the cops arrive!
Girl: thank you so much miss
Ruby: hey that what hero's do
Ruby's mind: that was easy, but I got to head to UA
The cops come and arrested the guy
Ruby attaches the hero comics to her belt
Ruby: got to find this guy
Ruby runs at full speed taking flight with her semblance
Ruby: which way is it damn it!
Ruby goes in a few directions try to locate UA
Ruby: there it is
Ruby rushes over there
When Ruby land she was approached by a person
???: state your name and why you came here
Ruby puts her hands up
Ruby: my name is Ruby rose, and I c-came to UA for a some help
???: what type of help
Ruby: I'm lost and separated from my friends and family
???: ok come in, who did you want to speak with
Ruby: all might
???: oh I'm sorry but he's not in right now, but we do have another teacher that could help you
Ruby: oh great lead the way
???: follow me, I'm ochako uraraka
Ruby follow closely behind uraraka
Ruby: this place is huge
Uraraka: yeah the dorms are even bigger
Ruby: bigger then this place
Uraraka: no just the land it take up
Ruby: damn
Uraraka: he's right in there
Ruby: inside this big glass building
Uraraka: yeah Class 1-A his room but I think he'll be there just asleep
Ruby: ok well thanks for your help
Uraraka: any time
Ruby goes inside and looks around for the room
Ruby: there it is
Ruby knocks on the door
Aizawa: mineta if it's you again asking me to change everyone's seating arrangements so you could be around the girls I'm killing you
Ruby chuckled a bit but held it in
Aizawa opens the door
Aizawa: oh who are you
Ruby: m-my name is Ruby rose and I need help from you scary guy
Aizawa: scary guy I didn't think I was that scary, any way what was your name again i just woke up
Ruby: R-Ruby rose
Aizawa: Ruby rose, cool name
Ruby: uh, thanks
Aizawa: any way why are you here Ruby rose
Ruby: I need serious help
Aizawa: ok what's up
Ruby looks around nervously
Ruby: can we talk in the class room
Aizawa: sure come in
Aizawa let's Ruby in and close's the door behind
Ruby: I'm trying to get home
Aizawa: your lost
Ruby: yeah but there is no way I can go home
Aizawa: what do you mean
Ruby: this is my world
Aizawa: your not from this world
Ruby: no
Aizawa: where did you come out from
Ruby: a manhole
Aizawa: ok damn you weren't lying
Ruby: w-what
Aizawa: some people have been going missing but stop
Ruby: how long has that been
Aizawa: it stopped yesterday and we sealed the manhole
Ruby: but I came out
Aizawa: exactly we need you maybe your the link between this world and we could get people back
Aizawa gets close to Ruby noticing her outfit
Aizawa: what is that your wearing
Ruby: oh my huntress suit
Aizawa: you hunt animals
Ruby: no that's just the name they give us to go on hero mission
Aizawa: what about the weapon behind you what type is it
Ruby gets crescent rose out
Ruby: it's a sniper mix scythe
Aizawa: looks cool, quirk what is it
Ruby: q-quirk?
Aizawa: your power
Ruby: oh I can turn into rose petals that can go around anything and makes me really fast
Aizawa: I heard enough, shirt size
Ruby: a small
Aizawa goes to his desk and pulls out a white shirt, red tie, a skirt and a suit jacket
Aizawa: put this on and come back when the bell rings
Ruby: ok bu-
Aizawa: no but just put it on a and meet me back here, also I almost for got
Aizawa goes behind his desk again and gets a red and black back pack
Aizawa: put you clothes in here and by the end of the week I'll get you a suitcase
Ruby: but what's going on
Aizawa: you will find out soon
Ruby goes to the restroom and changes out
Ruby: why am doing this
Ruby gets dressed and looks her self in the mirror
Ruby: this is missing something
Ruby puts her hooded cap with the outfit
Ruby: now that's more like it
The bell rings and Ruby goes out
Ruby noticed that everyone was wearing the same thing
Ruby: uh that odd
Ruby rushes over to class 1-A
Ruby opens the door
Aizawa: your late
Ruby: s-sorry sir
Aizawa: get up her
Ruby goes up to the podium and noticed everyone was wearing the same uniform
Ruby: wait there students
Aizawa: class I would like you all to meet our new classmate Ruby Rose
Ruby: wait what
Aizawa goes up to Ruby and whisper in her ears
Aizawa: meet me after class and I'll explain everything
Aizawa backs up
Ruby: im Ruby Rose and my quirk is called....
Aizawa: come on don't be shy
Ruby: it's called rose dash I turn into roses and cub run really fast
Ruby: w-what!
Bakugo: you can't even attack plus your small
Ruby: I think my high is just average
Bakugo: and what's with that cape your on your way to deliver food to your grandmother house
Ruby: this is my favorite hood
Bakugo: LITTLE RED!!!
Aizawa grabs bakugo by the ear
Aizawa: will you shut it!, sorry about him
Ruby: no worries
Aizawa: mineta get up I'm moving your seat
Mineta: next to momo right
Aizawa: no next to my desk I'm tired of your shit
Ruby giggled
Ruby: s-sorry
Aizawa: take your seat class will begin
Ruby sits right behind a green hair kid
He turns around
Deku: hey I'm izuku midorya but you can call me deku
Ruby: nice to meet you deku im Ruby
Deku: sorry about kacchan he can get like that
Ruby: no no it's fine
Deku: well if you need and thing just tap my shoulder
Ruby: oh I just need a pencil and paper for now
Deku hands her a paper and and all might pencil
Ruby: an all might pencil
Deku: s-sorry I can change it if you want
Ruby: no no I like it he's and amazing hero I even have some of his comics
Ruby pulls the comic out of her back pack
Deku: where did you get that limit addition comic from!
Ruby: oh I bought it of some guy at the park why is it that rare
Deku: it got sold out so fast
Ruby: I'm mean yeah for 10 bucks it will sell out fast
Deku: hey I have an idea why don't we meet him during lunch me and kacchan eat with every day
Ruby: sounds like a plan deku
Aizawa: your in this class for less the ten minutes and you already made a friend good job but shut up while I teach if not I'll expel you under stand Ruby
Ruby: y-yes sir

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