Life changes (Neo's mission)

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Neo stood there waiting for cinder to attack first
Cinder: since I'm a lot stronger our last battle at the village will look like child's play!!
Neo: cinder you don't belong here
Cinder: and what you and Ruby do!!
Neo: we don't,we're trying to get home to
Cinder: this new power all for one gave me I'll kill every last person here
Hawks: all for one...
Neo: who's that
Hawks: Japans greatest villain but he was arrested there is no way he's out
Cinder: he's out cuz she got her out
Neo: who
Cinder: Salem!!
Neo backed up
Neo: n-no...
Cinder lunged at neo but neo block her attack by guarding her face with the gauntlet
Cinder: your not even as fast as yang you think your worthy of those!!
Neo threw a punch at cinder but she jumped out the way
Neo broke the ground where cinder used to stand
Cinder: you gotten stronger!
Cinder throw a fire ball at Neo
Cinder: so have I
Neo shattered into pieces
Hawks: that's your quirk
Neo: no time for chitchat we have to get the people out of the building
Endeavor: she's right hawks, evacuate everyone that's in the building I have to kill this nomu
Hawks: on it
Three more sabers come out of the black liquid
Hawks: shit I have to deal with these first
Neo uses the shots from her gauntlets as a boost to get to cinder
Cinder: how are you master them so fast!!
Neo: I-I don't know but I'll take you down with them
Neo kills all three sabers
Neo: hawks go save the people
Hawks: thanks for the help
Hawks takes flight and goes up to the building
Hawks: feather released
Hawks releases his feathers and pressed a button on his visor
Hawks feathers started pulling people out of the building
Hawks: got to get every last one
On the ground floor neo was keeping up with cinder but got hit near her eye by her claw
Neo: d-damn it!!
Cinder: how's that for power!
Neo head started to hurt
Neo: s-something wrong with me....
Cinder scratches neos face but take a piece of her hair
Neo: my hair!!
Cinder: what it only natural a girl with thoses on will get there hair cut off
Neo hands started to shake
Neo: y-you touched my hair!!
Cinder look closer at Neo and saw her eyes were a dark red
Cinder: n-no way
Neo: you will regret that
Neo lunges at cinder hitting her with her fist
Cinder: t-that's impossible how are you getting this speed and strength!!
Neo: I don't know but it's helping me
Cinder hits Neo
But Neo gets more stronger
Cinder: no you got the power
Neo stops in the middle of the street
Neo's hair started to spark
Cinder: yangs semblance!!
Neo hair ignited into flames
Neo: y-yangs power
Hawks: everyone is evacuated you good endeavor!
Endeavor: great
Endeavor blows the building into a million pieces
Nomu: you strong but I'm stronger then that
The nomu comes at endeavor
Endeavor and the nomu have huge fight that last 15 minutes
Endeavor: hawks this thing is not dying!!
Hawks: it's more durable because it's mix with other world liquid
Endeavor: this is how hard ruby fight these things
Hawks it's a nomu mix grimm that's what Neo said
Endeavor: and those sabertooths are called grimm
Hawks: yeah and they just keep coming out to the point I can't go in and help Neo
Endeavor: how she holding up
Hawks: she on fire literally and that's not even her quirk
Endeavor: damn kids good
Hawks: you need help
Endeavor: I'm going plus ultra on this thing
Hawks: what are you crazy that will endanger the people
Endeavor: I'll go above the ground even higher then the building, to space if I have to
Hawks: but you'll damage yourself
Endeavor: I was told by all might not to be a show off and this is no time to show off it's life or death!!
Hawks: ok what do you want me to do
Endeavor: help Neo that's is!!
Nomu: you think talking to your friend is going to help
Neo: what
Hawks: it's endeavors move you just put all your fire energy into one punch
Neo: that sounds great
Cinder: to think I'll let you do that to me!!
A huge explosion was heard fro the sky
Hawks: ENDEAVOR!!!
Endeavor eye has been critically damaged
Hawks gives endeavor a little push
Endeavor: your done!!
cinder: you won't get it
Neo stopped and slammed her fists to the side of here creating an blinding area
Neo lands a punch on cinder sending her flying through buildings and streets
Endeavor unleashed a huge fire explosion killing the nomu
Neo was on her kneels with her fist in the air and endeavor was next to her barely standing with his fist in the air
The roar of the crowd was so loyal you can hear it from the next continent over
Hawks: endeavor are you alright
Endeavor: I'm still standing
Neo: s-so am I
Dabi: well the nomu didn't kill you damn shame, and the new girl didn't kill you ice cream
Neo: who the hell are you
Hawks: dabi from the league of villains
Neo: o-oh now I remember you
Dabi sets a ring of fire around all them
Endeavor: Dabi you think your powerful look what I did to the nomu
Dabi: yeah that's why I'm here to send a message only
Hawks: go on
Dabi: the more you look the deeper you fall into insanity endeavor, and the more you come after us, we will send more people after you and we are getting a lot of people from Salem and she even freed all for one, so don't look unless you want to get hurt
Endeavor: you think threatening me will make me stop
Dabi: no it's to put fear into any who heard this but since it's only you it's a threat and a warning at that
Mirko hopped over the flames
Dabi: well time to go old man
Dabi started to be absorbed by grey liquid
Endeavor grabs Dabi
Endeavor: y-your not going anywhere!
Dabi: you really think you can stop me you can't even get your own son to love you!!
Endeavors hands slipped through the liquid
Dabi: see ya soon!!!
Dabi fades as well as his fire
Endeavor falls to the ground passing out
Hawks: endeavor!
Neo stands up and walks to hawks
Neo: we need to get him to a hospital
Hawks: what about you that has a heat wave hit it must of burned you
Neo: no my aura took most of the hit
Hawks: aura
Neo: yeah it like a body shield made out of magic from my world
Hawks: M-Magic body armor
Neo: yeah like that and without aura I can't activated my semblance
Hawks: how do you activated a aura
Neo: that just takes mediation and determination
Hawks: huh cool
An ambulance arrives and takes all three to the hospital
At the hospital Neo hopped out of the ambulance and walked away
Hawks: hey where you going
Neo: I'm going back to UA
Hawks: ok I'll held you my house until I get a called that endeavor woke up
Neo: why do you need so specific and tell me everything?
Hawks: oh I just wanted to you know what's going on
Neo walks away confused
When she far enough away hawks talks himself down
Hawks: stupid, stupid you should have just told her you have nothing planned and invite her over!
Aizawa: why are you talking yourself down
Hawks: e-eraser how long were you there
Aizawa: long enough to see your bad romance tips
Hawks: damn dude cold
Aizawa: how she do on the field
Hawks: she has three quirks
Aizawa: she has one
Hawks: no I'm serious I saw her break up into glass, turn into a fire badass and has magic body armor named aura
Aizawa: are you on something cuz if you are then I need to know about it
Hawks: I'm not on something I know what I saw
Aizawa: ok well do you think I should give her a hero license
Hawks: after what happened today, yeah she defeated cinder and help by saving the people
Aizawa: great I'll get her license asap then
Hawks: can you tell I got it for her
Aizawa: when you number one then I'll tell her
Hawks goes to his house, once there he got every candle in his house and tried to meditate
Hawks: this is never going to work
Hawks started seeing visions of his past and his body felt lighter
When he opened his eyes his body was surrounded by a yellow aura
Hawks: this feels amazing
Hawks also unlocked a semblance
X-ray vision
Hawks: w-what the hell
Hawks can see anyone through the walls
Hawks: ok this was to easy I need some more information about this
Hawks walks out and meets up with endeavor at the hospital
Hawks: endeavor hey buddy
Endeavor: you look like your glowing
Hawks looked down seeing his skin brighter then usual
Hawks: yeah, took a well deserved bath
Endeavor: cool cool why are you here
Hawks: what I can't see my favorite hero
Endeavor: well I'm trying to rest so I think you should leave
Hawks: ok ok but what happened to the eye
Endeavor slams the door on hawks
Ruby: hawks is that you!
Hawks turned his head seeing a happy faced kid
Hawks: hey Ruby
Hawks walks his way to ruby who is sitting in a waiting room
Hawks: how's Neo
Ruby: very talkative since she got a voice
Hawks: that's great to hear
Ruby: that was an intense battle
Hawks: yeah Neo and endeavor put there hearts out
Ruby: and it was amazing seeing my sister semblance
Hawks: how is that possible
Ruby: Neo's semblance is overactive imagination
Hawks: meaning what
Ruby: it's kinda like a dream meaning it not real so it works as a distraction and will break with enough force
Hawks: and the aura thing she described it to me as body armor
Ruby: yeah it's kinda like that body protection
Hawks: can you describe it better so that pros can have a better idea of what it is
Ruby: its the basic of life, mean if you have a soul then you have a aura
Hawks: all things live have an aura
Ruby: yeah and some people may have a stronger aura then others
Hawks: I see
Ruby: and if you train and meditate you will able to build your aura
Hawks: and what about semblances
Ruby: a semblance will manifest when your aura manifest and if you have a strong soul you can get your semblance really quickly
Hawks: and what about the difference between semblances
Ruby: when you have a past event that has strong meaning to you, that's how it will form
Hawks: and what if someone here who hasn't been to your world gets a aura and a semblances
Ruby: that's not surprising
Hawks: why
Ruby: people here have the greatest soul ever so I hope someone finds away to use it
Hawks: ok ruby what if I say I have a big past what semblance will I get
Ruby: depends on the story
Hawks: someone locked away and not being able to see outside
Ruby: oh easy, x ray
Hawks: x ray
Ruby: yeah to see behind close door and what the people on the other side look like
Hawks: fascinating
Ruby: yeah it pretty cool
Hawks: well I need to go I have a meeting to attend to
Ruby: yeah go go don't want to keep them waiting
Hawks: yeah
Hawks leaves
Hawks: definitely going to keep this a secret

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