Try to make you happy, ( Neos mission)

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Ruby was so excited to see her sister again that she could sleep
Deku: Ruby I think you should rest
Ruby: o-oh sorry deku I just so excited that my sister is here
Deku: the hero's say she might be here I wouldn't get to excited
Ruby: I know she's here
Deku: ok well gets some rest Ruby
Ruby: ok
Deku turns off the lights and goes up stairs
Ruby gets under her blankets and looks at her phone wallpaper
Ruby: my friends and I are almost reunited again
Ruby slept for a little until she woke up to her alarm ringing
Ruby got ready and rushes to the teachers lounge
Ruby: wake up Neo today the day yang comes!!
Neo sat up and wrote in the note book
Neo: do you have to be so loud!!
Ruby: sorry but this is important
Neo: you still yelling!!
Aizawa comes in with a terrified expression
Ruby: a-aizawa what's wrong
Aizawa: is there any detail you left about you sister
Ruby: oh yeah she has a robotic arm
Aizawa: damn it!
Ruby: what why what happened
Aizawa reaches in his pocket and pulls out two things
It was a yellow robotic arm and a shotgun gauntlet
Neo covers her mouth in shock
Ruby: n-no way....
Aizawa: we had pro hero hound dog to track the scent and he came up with no lead
Ruby: m-my sister isn't here
Aizawa: it has been confirmed that here arm and weapon are here but she isn't
Ruby grabs the arm and hugs it
Ruby: at least she not dead....
Neo goes to comfort Ruby
Ruby starts crying
Aizawa: Ruby it's ok we are still looking just stay calm
Ruby: no one came...... just cinder and Neo that's it
Aizawa: you have to have hope just hope you will see them again
Ruby gets up with the arm and storms out of the lounge
Aizawa: Ruby....
Neo was left alone with the gauntlet let
Neo grabbed it and her note book
She walks around for a bit till she found the class she was looking for
The support class
Neo knocks on the door and a pink hair girl comes out
Mei: hello what are you here
Neo writes
Neo: I need something copied
Mei: well if it's a weapon I can help
Neo pulls out the gauntlet
Mei: wow what a weapon, so you want the exact same with color
Neo nodded
Mei: great same color to
Neo nods
Mei gets a tape measure and measure's Neo's wrist
Mei: 10 inches all the way around good, come back in an hour and they will be ready
Neo wrote in her note book
Neo: they aren't for me it for a friend
Mei: ok meet you in an hour for your new weapon
Neo waved hand gestures saying no
Mei: I don't know what that means but come back I one hour!!
Mei slams the door behind her
Neo stands there worrying about what she did
All might: Neo
Neo turn her head to the left seeing all might stand there
All might: what are you doing at the support course class
Neo write in her book
Neo: I tried to do something nice for Ruby but it messed up
All might: what messed up
Neo: yangs gauntlet
All might: oh I see that
Neo: it got fitted to my size and now I can't give it to Ruby if it's my size
All might: and mei is already working on them
Neo: yeah, can you go tell her
All might: when she's in work mode she won't answer to anyone until she's done
Mei comes out
Mei: wow that was a lot easier then imagined
Mei hands the gauntlets to Neo
Mei: the wrist changes size to fit the user
Neo face lit up
Mei: keep them warm
Neo rushes over to Ruby
Neo writes
Neo: hey Ruby I got the other gauntlet remade for you I hope you use them
Ruby: t-thanks Neo but these aren't for me they are for my sister
Neo: you don't want them
Ruby: if I keep something of my sister I'll get to sad and I want to be happy again
Neo: what should I do with them
Ruby pushes the the gauntlet let's back
Ruby: keep them she would want that
Neo: are you sure
Ruby: yeah today I got over excited and I just need to calm down but I'm sure I'm cool with you wearing them
Aizawa: they might help you in your first mission
Neo: mission
Aizawa: yeah your going on a mission with endeavor and hawks
Neo: who are they
Aizawa: forgot your new, endeavor is the number one hero and hawks is number two
Neo: hero's as they save people
Aizawa: yeah
Neo: I'm ready
Aizawa: get ready then
Ruby: good luck Neo
Neo nods her head and then leave
Aizawa: there is a car waiting for you
Neo put on the bracelets and runs outside
Endeavor: this is the girl
Hawks: hey I'm hawks what's your name
Neo wrote in her book
Neo: I'm Neapolitan or trivia vanille
Hawks: what's with the book
Neo: I'm mute and this is how I talk
Endeavor: your from the same world as ruby I suppose
Neo: yes and someone else came with me
Endeavor: I think I encountered her
Neo: cinder fall
Endeavor: that's the name she said
Neo: so why am I here
Hawks: we are going on a mission
Neo: what type
Endeavor: a nomu has been released and we have to take care of it
Neo: what's a nomu
Hawks: it this big creature that will kill anything that moves
Neo: sounds like Grimm
Hawks: yeah whatever that is
Hawks noticed neo's bracelet
Hawks: cool bracelets
Neo turns them into the shotgun gauntlets
Hawks: and they just turned cooler
Neo turns them back
Neo: I'm holding on to them until a friend comes back
Endeavor: no time for chitchat
Endeavor gives Neo a cough drop
Endeavor: take this
Neo takes the cough drop and starts coughing
Neo: w-what the hell, wait, did I just speak!!
Hawks: custom made cough drops that make you speak
Neo: NO WAY!!!
Neo had a British accent
Neo: I never new I had a British accent!!
Hawks: take these cough drops once a day and they'll make you speak
Endeavor: get in the car
Neo walks over to the car
Neo: I can talk for hours now!!
Endeavor: please don't...
Hawks: so now that we can understand you better, tell us about cinder fall
Neo: she was my ex boss and a bad one at that
Endeavor: what does she do
Neo: she can create fire and glass
Endeavor: ok what else
Neo: she has a grimm arm that can take power
Endeavor: a monster arm
Neo: yeah and know she with this person, aizawa said his name yesterday, it was the league of villains I think
Endeavor: yeah that's it and that's really bad....
Hawks: for sure
*with cinder*
Shigaraki: cinder boss wants to see you
Cinder: sure
Cinder body was engulfed by a grey liquid
AFO: cinder fall
Cinder bows down
Cinder: new boss
AFO: what manner you have, excellent
Cinder: I'm only here to please you my new master
AFO: come closer
Cinder moves until she's in front of all for one
AFO: kneel
Cinder kneels again and all for one places his hand on her forehead
AFO: your strong but I need stronger
All for one gives cinder a new quirk
Cinder hair turned white and her eye was a dark red
Cinder passed out
AFO: take her back
The grey liquid takes cinder back
Shigaraki: look at that she got a new quirk
AFO: I did what asked now give me the liquid
A soft female voice came out of the shadows
???: I will with one condition
AFO: anything just give me it
???: kill the girl with the red hood
AFO: done I'll send people out to kill her
The women hands the vile of black liquid to all for one
???: you just got your self a new business partner
All for one saw pale white skin and red veins popping out
AFO: what's your name
???: Salem
AFO: Salem what a nice name for my business partner
Salem: I have a few more people coming through and they will join the league
AFO: you keep this stuff coming and we will have them in the league
Salem: yeah I have a few monsters myself and I'll make them attack that number one hero
AFO: great
*back with Neo*
Hawks opens the door for Neo
Neo: thanks birdie
Endeavor: there is no nomu here
Hawks: why are here then
Endeavor: I don't know but that building has a sushi restaurant on the 16th floor we can eat there
Hawks: yeah my stomach hurts
Neo: I can eat, never had sushi before and I want to try it
Hawks: never had sushi, you going to love it for sure
Neo: stop talking and let's eat
Neo and hawks sit down at a table while endeavor goes to a meeting room
Endeavor: why was there a nomu report and no nomu
*knock* *knock*
Hawks entered the room
Hawks: hey endeavor want to come down with me and Neo we have a lot of sushi
Endeavor: I'm not that hungry
Hawks: suit your self
Endeavor: hawks wait
Hawks: what is it
Endeavor: why do you think there was a fake nomu report?
Hawks: some kids want attention and they got it and we got sushi out of it
Endeavor: maybe, you can leave now
Hawks exits the room
For an hour endeavor was in that meeting room while Neo and hawks finished there food
Endeavor: why....
Endeavor was looking at the ground when he saw a shadow
Endeavor looked behind him and saw a nomu
Endeavor touched his ear and talked to hawks
Endeavor: hawks the nomu is here
Hawks: wait that report was an hour ago
Endeavor: it wasn't a report it was a warning!
Hawks: I'll go to you
Endeavor: no stay there if it attack then you and Neo will protect the people!
Hawks: ok fine just be careful
Endeavor: shut up
The nomu broke the window
Nomu: endeavor....
Endeavor: this nomu looks different and can talk
Hawks: probably an more intelligent one
Neo: what's going on
Hawks: nomu attack
Neo: it here
Hawks: yeah we need to get these people out of here
Hawks gets on the table
Hawks: everyone my name is hawks and me and my partner want everyone out because of a villain attack!!
Everyone gets up and heads to the exit
Hawks: Neo go down to the ground floor and keep everyone on street away
Neo: on it
Neo goes down and keeps everyone back
Neo looks up and had a shocked expression
Neo: t-that a Grimm
Hawks: what how do you know
Neo: the white and black with red makes it obvious
Hawks: yeah that's definitely not how a nomu looks like
Neo look straight ahead of her and sees black liquid spots
Neo: grimm spawners
Hawks: what the hell
The black spots release three grimm
Neo: sabertoothes
Hawks: that's a problem
Neo activated her gauntlets
Neo: there easy to take care of
Hawks: what makes the do easy
Neo: they don't regenerate fast
Hawks: great
Hawks creates a sword from his feathers
Neo: we have to protect the people
The sabers come running at hawks and Neo
Hawks chopped two of there heads off and Neo punched the las one leaving a hole in it chest
Neo: these are fun
Cinder: having fun are we
Neo: c-cinder!!
Cinder: you can speak guess we all have something new
Neo noticed cinders hair and red eye
Neo: your different
Cinder: I'm more powerful
Cinder had pink fire coming from her hand
Cinder: you got yangs weapons like that's going to help you against me
Neo: I'm different
Cinder: yeah but your still that little girls who can't help but hold a grudge
News reporter: today at 5:00 a nomu and what it looks like to be black and white sabertooth tigers came out of no where as well as a new villain here's the live feed
The news reporter shows a helicopter view of endeavor and the nomu
Out of nowhere ruby rushes into the UA dorms
Ruby: those are grimm!!
Everyone turned to ruby except todoroki
Ruby: Neo is there as wells and sis fighting cinder fall
The entire clas turn back to the tv see Neo and cinder fight
Ruby: this so bad!!

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