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It was Christmas time all over Japan
Everyone was spending it with people they know
Roman and Adam had a drink together
Neo endeavor and hawks where working on the jewelry robbery case
Cinder and shigaraki were exhausted taking turn drinking out of water bottle
Even ruby was spending time with her class during a Christmas party
Uraraka: so much food
Jirou: you really grow up with barely anything
Ruby: it seems like she enjoying the moment don't ruin it
Jirou: true that
There was a knock on the door
Ruby raced to the door
Ruby: I got it
She opened the door and passed out
Deku: r-ruby are you ok
Aizawa: jeez she saw her and fainted
Deku: saw who
Izuku looked up seeing Eri in a Santa suit
Eri: trick or treat!
Aizawa: no wrong holiday
Everyone: ERI CLAUSE!!!
Everyone raced over to see her
Uraraka: ooh she adorable
Eri: for indigenous and health
Aizawa: your even further away
Deku: that suits you well Eri
Ruby got up and hugged Eri
Ruby: I still want to squeeze you till you pop
Eri: here take these eggs I painted
Ruby: that Easter but who cares
Aizawa: have fun Eri I mean it
Deku: wait your not staying
Aizawa: no I got to catch up with some paper work
Another knock at the door
Aizawa: but these guy will stay with you
Penny: salutatorian everyone
It was Team ORJN and penny wearing Santa outfits
Deku: welcome guys
Uraraka: come on in
Nora: I smell food!
Satou: yeah I made turkey and ham
Everyone: you can cook to
Jaune: we were told to bring present for a gift exchange
Momo: just put them under the tree and we'll get started after we eat
Nora: I'm starving
Oscar: do you have any rope to restrain Nora
Everyone laughed
Ren: we are serious
The part got started and everyone was eating and enjoying a good time
Momo: time for gifts
Everyone passed around gifts
Ida got gold bricks from momo
Bakugo got glasses from ida
Momo got a x-box from penny
Jaune got some mochi from uraraka
Denki got a meditation book from ren
Nora got a dog chain from mineta
Eri got a sword from tokoyami
Oscar got a music disk from Jirou
Penny got a basketball from denki
Jirou got a note from Bakugo saying " I got nothing loser"
Mina got a pancake recipe from Nora
Ren got a soba cook book from todoroki
Sero got candy from satou
Koda got a board game from Kirishima
Satou got a hamster from Koda
Kirishima got a pink bed sheet from Mina
Tsu got lipstick from hagakure
Ojirou got plants from tsu
Shouji got a staff from Oscar
Hagakure got a mask from shouji
Uraraka got a pumpkin Pete hoodie from Jaune
Mineta got some painted eggs from Eri
Todoroki got some comics from sero
Yuga got some jeans from aizawa
Aizawa got some cheese from Yuga
Deku got a rose from Ruby
And Ruby got a all might key chain
Denki: why didn't I get the x-box
Penny: my calculations were a bit off but I hope she enjoys it
Todoroki: I hope you like the soba recipes
Ren: I love soba and know I can try it with different things
Oscar: I-I don't really listen to music
Jirou: what this thing rock let me get my cd play to play it for you
Ruby: what are the odds we get each other gifts
Penny: approximately 5%
Deku: we're just that lucky
Jaune: good I can get used to this place
Jaune goes and opens the door
Emerald: jeez you are hard to find
Ruby: emerald!!
Emerald: Merry Christmas Ruby
Emerald sat down with the girls
Todoroki: Ruby can I pull you aside
Ruby: yeah for sure
Ruby goes with todoroki
Todoroki: midoriya, Bakugo and Ruby I have a proposal for you three
Deku: what is it
Todoroki: do you want an internship with the number one hero endeavor
Deku: no way for sure
Bakugo: I'll do it to show him who's the next number one is going to be
Ruby: Yes!!
Penny: why are you excited Ruby
Deku: we're going on an internship with the the number one hero
Penny: with endeavor that sounds fun can't wait to join you
Deku: what do you mean join
Penny: aizawa said I have to go with you on your mission and watch out for you
Ruby: why
Penny: t-there been a come ups at a jewelry heists and they want me to be a body guard for you
Deku: well it will be ok then we have five people going to the internship
Todoroki: my old man might actually smile
Bakugo: when are we going
Todoroki: after the break and the same after our first day of the internship my sister will cook dinner
Ruby: sounds great
Deku: Ruby since the dorms will be closed for a couple day do you want to stay over at my moms house
Ruby: for sure
Deku: you can also come penny you look like you love to hang out
Penny: I love to hang with my friends
Emerald: hey is there still any food they didn't feed me that much in china
Ruby: there still some turkey left emerald: great
Emerald ate the turkey
Eri: hey huge lady I like your hair
Emerald: thanks small child
Eri: your welcome
Everyone helped clean up after the party
Mina: hey guy look at this news report
Everyone gathered around to look at it
Reporter: we are here at the scene of a bank robbery where a new grip of criminal have taken more then half a million dollars
Deku: a new gang in town
Ruby: must be the league
Reporter: witnesses say they are using crystal that have elemental ability's
Ruby: wait they use dust
Penny: it's him
Reporter: I have just received word that the group name is the white fang with there leaders Roman torchwick and Adam tarusu, the whole organization not from this world
Jaune: the white fang
Nora: Adam
Ruby: R-Roman
Uraraka: who are those guy
Ruby: Roman is a well know dust thief
Penny: and Adam is the leader of the white fang
Emerald: Adam used to work with Salem until he went into hiding
Ruby: Roman died I saw him
Nora: and didn't yang and Blake kill Adam
Oscar: that what we were talking about during our meeting yesterday
Penny: everyone who died in our world has come over here
Everyone heard rumbling
From outside
Kirishima: what was that
Ruby, penny, deku, todoroki and Bakugo went outside
They see three air ships that have the white fang logo go over the school
Roman opens the door and drops some explosions crystal
A few explosions blow pieces of the wall
Roman: HAHAHA!!!
The aircraft leave
Ruby: shit!!!

Curse to this world (RWBY X MHA)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant