The dead rise again

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Oscar was walking down a hall trying to find the meeting room
Winter: Oscar over here
Oscar turned around seeing winter in a room
Winter: the meeting Is in here
Oscar goes in the room looking around
Nezu: hello Oscar
Oscar: h-hey you wanted to see me
Nezu: not quite you
Oscar sat down
Oscar: you want ozma
All might: if he wants to come out
Oscar: he's been itching to get out
Oscar throw his head back as his eye flashed
Ozma: good evening everyone
Nezu: hello ozma
Ozma: the air here is a lot different then my world but who am I to judge
Nezu: we have thinks to ask
Ozma: fire away
All might: your world or dimension how is it like
Ozma: our world is light and dark, same thing goes with yours with hero's and villains
All might: what are the kingdoms
Winter: vale atlas vacuo and mistral
Penny: these four kingdoms hold the four relics
Winter: they are the tools of the god
Ozma: I was sent to retrieve them all so I can put a stop to Salem but it took a some time before I even had one
Aizawa: how long was it
Ozma: three life times
Penny: we have located three but have retrieved only two
Winter: the relic of creation and the relic of knowledge
Ozma: the third one left in rubble of beacon academy being watch by my good friend glynda goodwitch
Winter: and we have the relic of creation
All might: and the relic of knowledge?
Penny: that was stolen by Salem
Aizawa: how dangerous is it
Ozma: the relic of knowledge shows you the truth to any questions and has only three questions every 100 years and they have all been used
Nezu: that's good
Ozma: indeed but if we can't get it back then we can't bring the gods back to remnants and destroy Salem
Aizawa: killl her you mean
Ozma: that is the only way
All might: why with the gods
Winter: that's the only way
Aizawa: she that powerful
Ozma: and if she with this all for one you speak of then we have a big problem
All might: there's been no sightings of the league or all for one in the past month since his release
Ozma: that's good news at least
Aizawa: but cinder has joined the league
Ozma: so I've been informed
Winter: the fall maiden powers and great but the others are even powerful
Penny: with the winter maiden being able stand up against her
Aizawa: you winter have the winter maid powers
Winter: affirmative
Aizawa: ha the irony
Penny: the only thing about it is that she had it for a month and cinder had it for over a year
All might: so she had more training
Nezu: and now that it's combined with a quirk then it's more powerful
Ozma: and she has a semblance
Aizawa: black glass
Penny: so you've heard
All might: Neo told us that was her semblance
Winter: hm great she got some sense knocked into her
Aizawa: so you will teach my kids how to get an aura and a semblance
Penny: you can count on it
Nezu: then that's it
Oscar throws his head back
Oscar: t-that was a long one
Aizawa: you ok
Oscar: yeah, it just that every time we do that I feel him struggling to turn back
Nezu: it ok we won't ask for him again
All might: there still one question
Oscar: what is it
Aizawa: Ruby was surprised to see penny
Penny: oh it because I was dead
All might: like dead dead
Penny: yes
Aizawa gets a notification on his watch
Aizawa: turn on the tv
Nezu turns on the tv see endeavor, hawks and Neo at a jewelry robbery
At the scene endeavor was standing with his arms crossed waiting for people to get out
Hawks: you can relax you know it's just a jewelry robbery
Neo: and plus witness say one doesn't have a quirk
Endeavor: but he has a weapon
A smoke bomb went off inside
Hawks: was that us or them
Endeavor: I don't know
Hawks secretly use his X-ray vision to see the people coming out
Guy1: did you really have to throw that smoke bomb
Guy2: sorry but that way they don't see us
Guy1: we have to go outside anyway, this is why I don't work with people like you
Neo: the first guy sounds familiar
Hawks: the other guy kinda looks like he's wearing a mask
Guy1: can you believe that this is the only jewelry store open at this time
Guy2: let get them and make our way back
The two guy came out with a case of jewels
Neo: n-no it can't be.....
Hawks: Neo are you ok
Neo fell to the ground as her eyes turned white
At UA penny face turned to worry
Endeavor saw a guy with a white coat and orange hair and the guy next to him with a red and white mask with red hair
Endeavor: state you name
Guy1: Roman torchwick
Guy2: Adam tarurus 
Neo quickly changed her appearance
Roman: that hat on that girl looks like my old one
Adam goes and takes it as Neo cried
Roman: why the hell are you crying
Roman puts it on
Adam: did you call them yet
Roman: they should be here soon
Adam takes out his sword
Endeavor: your not leaving
Adam uses his semblance and lunges at endeavor
A red area surrounded endeavor as he got hit
Endeavor: d-damn he's strong
As the red area disappear both of them disappear
Endeavor: stay with Neo and try to calm her down
Endeavor sees both of them climb on a ladder get on a building
Adam: where are they!
Roman: just wait there almost here
Endeavor get on the building
Endeavor: stop
Roman turned his back face the edge
Out of nowhere an air craft with the white fang logo painted on it picks them both up
Adam shoots some shots at endeavor
Roman goes into a case and pulls out a blue crystal
Roman: Adam here
Adam grabs the crystal and throws it at endeavor
Roman points his cane shooting a flare at the crystal make a huge ice wall
Adam: punch it!
They take off leaving endeavor stuck in the ice
Roman: activated camouflage!
the aircraft turns invisible
Endeavor breaks free from the ice
Endeavor: damn it!!
Endeavor goes back down seeing Neo wiping tears from her eyes
Endeavor: do you know those guy
Neo: y-yea but....
Hawks: but what
Neo: either that was some fakes or we just saw zombie
At an undisclosed wear house Roman was look at a map of Japan
Roman: a whole new world to conquer!
Adam: can you stop gawking at this world we have to get to cinder
Roman: Adam this is a new world to sell this
Adam: why do we need to sell
Roman takes a tarp off revealing a dozens of crates saying S.D.C
Adam: Schnee dust company
Roman: when we got transported to this world my aircraft's came in with dust
Adam: and my people came in as well
Roman: what are we at like a hundred white fang members
Adam: yeah that's about it right but what are we going to do with this dust
Roman: that my faunus friend is the question what are we going to do
Adam: we can give it to cinder and Salem
Roman: then what they have dust but not money and there is no dust here as I presume since I'm supposed to be in the belly of a griffon grimm
Adam: and I am supposed to be in a lake at the bottom of a cliff
Roman: we just walking corpses meaning if there is anyone besides cinder that knows we are here they must be terrified by the fact that we are here
Adam: I guess your right 
Roman: if we want to help we should be doing business and selling this dust then get more members here
Adam: that is a smart idea
Roman: we sell half this load then keep the rest and make sure to stack up on dust bullets for your people
Adam: How much are we going to have left
Roman: six crates of dust and plus with the jewelry we just stole we can artificially make dust
Adam: what about cinder
Roman: she can wait plus in a few day it's Christmas we can have a party if you want
Adam: I don't party
Roman: then we can have a cup of wine
Adam: just sell the dust, get more members and then we leave for cinder
Roman: for sure
Roman looks back at his map trying to figure out where to sell it
Roman: the local area might be good
Roman takes out a cigar and lights it

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