Endeavor's agency

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Ruby, Izuku, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Penny were outside of endeavors agency
Ruby: is he ever going to come out
Todoroki: he's still not here
Bakugo: number one hero and doesn't have the audacity to come in time!!!!!
Neo: maybe: he's just busy
Deku: Neo the hell did you come from!!!
Neo: I work here
Ruby: I thought you worked at UA
Neo: it got boring serving lunches for kids, then hawks told me about this job so I took it
Penny: salutation Neo
Neo: hello penny been a while
A dark shadow comes above them hawks: sup guys
He lands
Ruby: morning hawks
Deku: you look brighter
Penny: what's x-ray
Hawks: how do you know that
Penny: my semblance I can see anyone's information
Neo: hawks has an aura and a semblance
Deku: that makes two
Neo: you have one as well
Deku: yeah ruby showed me
Hawks: what's your semblance
Deku: I can see people's strength levels like video games bar
Hawks: do me
Deku: lv.26
Neo: and me
Deku: lv 30
Hawks: how is she stronger then me
Neo: guess that how the world works
Bakugo: why did you teach him, and not us riding hood!!!
Ruby: team ORNJ is going to teach you, I just showed izuku so he can be ready
Penny: I can show you two
Bakugo: no one asks you dictionary!!!
Penny: d-dictionary
Bakugo: is he coming or what!!!
Endeavor: I have arrived
Todoroki: you could have taken any longer
Bakugo: number one doesn't have time for his recruitments!!!
Endeavor: hothead are you
Bakugo: the hell did you call me!!!
They all go inside
Ruby: looks a lot nicer inside
Brunin: looks what we have here!!!
Ruby takes out her book
Ruby: burnin I need those stats!!!
Bakugo: great there's two now!!!
Burnin goes to everyone
Burnin: you must be izuku midoriya ready to cry
Deku: i don't know
Burnin: your name is bakugo I fell the fire burn deep
Bakugo: you got that right
Burnin: what a pleasure to meet you todoroki, I heard great things
Todoroki: if you it's probably not from him
Burnin: Ruby rose the girl from a distance land, welcome
Ruby: I still hate that name
Burnin: now who are you
Penny: I'm penny polandina, I'm combat ready!!
Burnin: I like you attitude!!
Endeavor: get changed and meet me at the gym in 15
They go and get changed
At the gym the line up
Endeavor: you all are here to train with me until you become second year, until then we will try to find shigaraki
Deku: alright!!
Ruby: ready!!
Bakugo: let's get this over with!!
Todoroki: let's get going
Penny: I'm combat ready!!
The entire day they go on patrol with endeavor and his sidekicks
Endeavor: Ruby your "semblance" is very unique and you don't know the full potential
Ruby: what do you mean
Endeavor: that rose rush, can be deadly if you make it faster
Ruby: how
Endeavor: you naturally speed is slow, but if you work hard and make your natural speed faster then your rose rush will be like a drill bit
Ruby: I never thought about that
Endeavor: and you can grab people adding them to the rush so I say train with izuku so you can increase your speed
Ruby: yeah I'll try that
Endeavor: it will also be powerful if todoroki was added to it because of his flames and ice, so train with him as well
Ruby: got that
Endeavor: and izuku needs to train with black whip a lot more, Bakugo and todoroki need to get fast that's all, and penny her semblance is powerful I will want her to come join me
Ruby: I'll tell them all that
Endeavor: your weapon and cape are slowing you down if you want to go fast ditch the two
Ruby: but crescent rose was a gift from my mom and my cape as well
Endeavor: I'm sorry I didn't know it had that much meaning
Ruby: it's fine I'll try to take them off
Endeavor: do you like it here
Ruby: what
Endeavor: do you like being here or do you who's to go back
Ruby: this place is full of wonder and mystery, I've love it but I don't belong here, those villains don't belong here, if I would I'd stay here forever, but I have a job to do
Endeavor: I see, let say if you team is here and your world's villains are gone would you
Ruby: for sure
Endeavor: hmm, your coming to dinner at my house tonight
Ruby: yeah todoroki invited me and the rest
Endeavor: good, we should head back now, their probably wondering where we went
Ruby: yeah
They walks back to the group
Bakugo: just because your special doesn't mean you get to hog number one all day!!!
Endeavor: we were just talking
Ruby: yeah nothing much
Todoroki: it's getting late we should head back if we want to make it to my house on time
Endeavor: I need a few more things then I'll go
Todoroki: figured
They all head back
Deku: Ruby
Ruby: yeah izuku
Deku: how was training today
Ruby: killer!!
Deku: glad you liked it
Ruby: you never told me intern ship were this wild
Deku: you weren't here for the first one
Ruby: right
Deku: I wanted to see if after all this you wanted to hang out or something
They both blushed
Ruby: yeah t-that will be cool
Deku: I'll tell you where we are going to go after shotos
Ruby: great
They all change out and once they come out they see aizawa
Aizawa: hurry up I'm dropping you guys off
Bakugo: why the hell!!
Deku: why
Aizawa: endeavor has some business he has to attend to
*In endeavor office*
Neo: yo endeavor
Endeavor: yes Neo
Neo: are you ready to learn
Endeavor: yes I've been ready
Neo: sit on the floor and extinguish your flames he does that
Neo: now we can get started

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