Who are the villains

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Izuku was getting ready for bed
Ruby: I'm ready!!!
Ruby came into izuku room wears a all might onesie
Deku: that's what I was looking for
Ruby: there was only two and penny got the other one
Ruby jump on izuku bed and sits down
Ruby: what do you want to do know
Deku: I was gonna go to sleep
Ruby: boring I still have a bit of energy
She turns on his computer
Ruby: how about the news
Deku: bor-
Reporter: I'm here at the scene of what use to be a town, witness say a huge explosion occurred yesterday during a villain altercation, I'm getting word that a finger has been discovered in the debris no signs of body's yet
Deku: villain
Ruby: shigaraki
Deku: he can't do that much destruction
Ruby: what can
Deku: don't know but it's big
Ruby: I haven't really asked you but what villain have you fought
Deku: shigaraki is one, there was a muscle guy
Ruby: what was his quirk
Deku: he can make muscle tissue make him strong
Ruby: sounds tough
Deku I got this scar from him
Izuku moves his shirt revealing the scar
She blushed
Ruby: nasty
Deku: he was part of the league of villains
Ruby: who are those guy, aizawa said the name once but I didn't think anything of it
Deku: it's a villain organization that is run by shigaraki
Ruby: do you know any villains names from there
Deku: shigaraki, who is the leader, kurogiri, who's is vice captain, Dabi, fire and range attacker, toga, the one who can transform into anyone by drinking blood
Ruby: ew
Deku: there is also mr compress can put anyone in a marble, spinner, who is a gecko, then twice who can make a copy's of himself or other people,
Ruby: what about the muscle guy
Deku: I was going to get to the ones who were arrested
Ruby: continue
Deku: there is muscular who got arrested, mustard who was a pre teen got arrested, a cannaibal named moonfish, Magne who's dead I think and overhaul
Ruby: overhaul?
Deku: did you heard about him
Ruby: no it was that girl said that name before
Deku: Eri
Ruby: yeah
Deku: he wanted to be the leader of the group because he had these quirk erasing bullets
Ruby: they take away quirks
Deku: tamaki got hit by one when it was in it testing faze but mirio got hit with a one that took it away permanently
Ruby: how's he doing
Deku: fine he's happy
Ruby: what happened to overhaul
Deku: well the full story is that he used Eri to make the bullets
Ruby: WHAT!!!!
Deku: he used her blood to use it
Ruby: let me at him where is he!
Deku: he's locked away and his arms were by the league
Ruby: that's good
Deku: it's really not because shigaraki has the bullets
Ruby: how many
Deku: some say that the it 7 left and some say two
Ruby: jeez
Deku: and you know the story of all for one
Ruby: yeah the myth who came to life and ended all might thats literally the comic I have
Deku: yeah there is also hero killer
Ruby: he sounds deadly
Deku: cuz he is, he killed some hero's
Ruby: what's his quirk
Deku: he can freeze anyone by lick there blood
Ruby: ew
Deku: he paralyzed my friends brother
Ruby: this city is full of villains like my world
Deku: what is your world like
Ruby: you can see a bit of it because it's seeping through
Deku: besides grimm and cinder what is like
Ruby: it's lovely, vale is close to where I live
Deku: is it nice
Ruby: it was until beacon fell
Deku: your school
Ruby: yeah it was cinder and Salem who came in a ruined it all
Deku: still hurts
Rwby: they caused everything
Izuku hugged Ruby
Ruby: do you want to know my world's villains
Deku: sure it will give us a heads up
Izuku got a notebook and pencil
Ruby: you know about cinder so I'll skip her
Deku: describe how she looks
Ruby: white hair as of no as well as ready eyes, but she has a grimm arm that is covered by a cape
Deku: she lost it
Ruby: yeah and right eye, Roman torchwick who has green eyes, orange hair, white trench coat and a hat
Deku: he was classy
Ruby: then Adam, white mask with dark red hair and a dark coat
Deku: he also has horns
Ruby: yeah, the it's mercury
Deku: who's he
Ruby: one of cinders men, he has silver hair and eye, with a grey jacket and robo legs
Deku: any one else
Ruby: just three more people, one is named Arthur watts, he has a big mustache and wears a maroon jacket, second yo last we have Tyrian he has a huge metal scorpion tail
Deku: why metal
Ruby: cuz I cut off his tail
Deku: really
Ruby: yeah it's no big deal, last is Salem, she has these red veins with white skin, she has red eyes and white hair
Deku: she just looks evil in my drawing ruby grabs the note book
Ruby: eh that kinda accurate
Deku: you can do the powers and everything
Ruby: thank
She saw the notebook
Ruby: a limited addition all might book!!!!!
Deku: I knew that foils was for that
Ruby: thanks I'll write everything down
She goes to lay down but the matters was deflated
Ruby: I think there's a hole in it
Deku: oh
Ruby: it's cold why am I going to sleep on
Deku: idk
Ruby: scooch
Ruby climbs into bed with izuku
She blushed
Ruby: don't make this awkward more then it alright is
Izuku turned the other way quickly
Ruby: let's stay like this
Ruby got a flashlight out and started writing
Deku: I can hear the pencil
Ruby: your on the other side shut its haha
Deku: heheh
Ruby: tomorrow I'll help you get an aura and maybe a semblance
Deku: thanks for everything Ruby

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