Bonnie x Reader: Bewitched (Smut)

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You've always looked different to the girls around you. Most of them are thin, maybe slightly curvy, but you were always the biggest girl in your class, at work, on your street. You can't say you've always been happy about this, but as you've got older, you've also become more confident. You've learned to love yourself for who you are, and you love your body the way it is. But you're only human, and like everyone else, you have your off days. Today just so happens to be one of them.

You woke up late, so you didn't have time to do much with your hair, but even if you made it look the way you like the most, it just wouldn't be enough, because the first time you looked in a mirror this morning, all you could focus on was your flaws. You just didn't feel comfortable in your own skin. With that depressing feeling in you, out to work you went.

There's no time to try and build yourself up before you start the day, which only makes the rest of the day worse. At work, you're clumsy, unfocused, self-conscious. You have a hard time focusing on serving the customers at the shop you work at, which leads to your boss having stern words with you when he notices you being too distracted to work as well as you usually do. On top of that, some people coming into the shop were more rude than usual, looking at you judgingly and making snide comments about your weight, and you couldn't snap back in case you lost your job. It felt as if everything and everyone was against you for the whole day.

After a long, hard day at work that felt like it was never ending, you finally close the shop at the end of the day. You walk home, arms wrapped around your body, as if you're trying to hold yourself together, at least until you get back to your house. Then you can drink, cry, curl up in a ball and sleep, do anything you want. You don't have to keep it all together for anyone else anymore.

Soon, your front door enters your eye line, and you breathe a sigh of relief, digging your keys out of your handbag. Unlocking the door, you practically slam it behind you, wanting to be away from the outside world after such a shit day. You lean your back against it for a moment, trying to find the mental energy to actually do something now that you're home, even to just get changed into your nightgown and get into bed. In doing so, though, you catch your own reflection in the mirror on the wall next to you, and you move away quickly, hiding from yourself. You know you're being silly, that you'll feel better tomorrow, that everyone has bad days, but you can't stand looking at yourself today. It's one of those days when you wish you look like the other girls in Small Heath.

You make your way further into the house, avoiding all reflective surfaces, where you can see all the things you don't like about yourself today. Tossing your bag onto your kitchen table and kicking off your shoes, you make your way to your bedroom upstairs, eager to get out of your stiff work clothes and into something soft and cozy. Before you're even all the way up the stairs, though, a knock on the door breaks the heavy silence residing in your house. You groan in exasperation, rolling your eyes. Who the fuck could that be?

The knocking continues, and you know you can't avoid it, so you go back downstairs and open the front door, coming face to face with your man, Bonnie. He has an apologetic smile on his face.

"I know it's late, dove, but I didn't get to visit you in the shop today because I was training for so long, and I just really wanted to see my girl, even if it's only for a little while," he explains. The words warm your heart, and usually you would be thrilled to have him visit you in the evening, but right now all you can do is give him a small smile, which he sees right through. "What's wrong, dove?" His eyebrows furrow and his smile drops.

"Nothing, Bon, it's just been a long day," you tell him, but he knows you too well to believe your words.

"It's more than that, I know it is." He crosses his arms over his chest and looks at you with concern in his hazel eyes. You consider just telling him you're tired, that it's nothing, insisting that you're fine, but instead you open the door wider to let him in. He steps in the doorway and you shut it behind him, leading him to your living room and sitting on the sofa, gesturing for him to do the same. When he's sitting beside you, he reaches out to hold your hand, which rests on your lap. You look down at your entwined hands, feeling too embarrassed to look him in the eye. It's a silly issue, you know, and you don't want to bother Bonnie with it. He already does so much for you as it is. He visits you all the time, brings you flowers and treats, takes you on lovely dates. Sometimes you have trouble understanding why he's with you when most of the time you're busy working.

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